ME55 or BT45

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Rod Bacon, May 15, 2005.

  1. But I like to balance it with beer on the right!
    Pisshead Pete, May 22, 2005
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  2. Rod Bacon

    jlittler Guest

    Macadam 90's were utterly shite on the TRX. I tossed the OEM front in
    the bin with plenty of rubber still on it 'cos I was very tired of the
    front end slides. Michelin Pilots I replaced 'em with were great.

    jlittler, May 22, 2005
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  3. Rod Bacon

    John Littler Guest

    Well I've still got the D220 I took off the front of the Bandit the day
    after I bought it for that eventuality.

    Anyone want it ? Yours for a 6 pack of something vaguely drinkable*.


    *VB, Fosters and Emu Bitter don't qualify.
    John Littler, May 26, 2005
  4. Rod Bacon

    jlittler Guest

    I lied, it's a Metzler ME Z2 whatever the hell that is - some sort of
    touring rubber anyway. Looks brand new - plenty of tread. Anyone want
    it ?
    jlittler, May 27, 2005
  5. Rod Bacon

    GB Guest

    wrote in
    Yeah, I'll have it. What's your poison?

    GB, if it fits on the blunderbus that is.
    GB, May 27, 2005
  6. Rod Bacon

    John Littler Guest

    Pretty sure they use the same size - stick your head into the garage and
    read the numbers on the sidewall. If it says 120/70/17 then it fits.

    James Squire Amber Ale, Beez Kneez (for the girly) Boag's something like

    John Littler, May 28, 2005
  7. Rod Bacon

    GB Guest

    Nah mate, the book is up here, not down in the shed! It says
    120/70/17 anyhoo.

    Fairy muff. I'll head up the bottle-o and see what's cheapest!
    (Joke, Joyce :) !!!)

    GB, May 28, 2005
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