ME55 or BT45

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Rod Bacon, May 15, 2005.

  1. Rod Bacon

    Rod Bacon Guest

    I am getting new rubber on the Zeph today, and have the option of
    Metzeler ME33/55 or Bridgestone BT45 (and whatever the corresponding
    front is). I've read all the reviews that I can find, and the argument
    seems to be about 50/50. Many reviews are also (unfortunately) written
    from a european standpoint, where they have colder weather and
    different road surfaces.

    Does anyone here have any meaningful comments about either model? At
    this stage, I'm leaning towards the Metzeler, only because I like the
    look of the tread pattern.
    Rod Bacon, May 15, 2005
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  2. I prefer the Metzeler as a long-haul commuter. Good traction in the wet
    (unlike the Macadams I have on now), no cupping, and a very long-lasting
    - sanbar
    anteeffessceekay, May 16, 2005
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  3. Rod Bacon

    Knobdoodle Guest

    X-No-archive: yes
    Rod Bacon wrote in message
    I'm a biiig fan of the BT45s and I heartily recommend them. (Both front and
    rear are "BT45")
    The only bike I had with the ME33/55 Metzelers was my VX800 Little Red
    Throbber and it handled funny. I put a Dunlop K700/ Arrowmax 200
    combination on it and I think it got worse!
    Knobdoodle, May 16, 2005
  4. Rod Bacon

    Rod Bacon Guest

    For those remotely interested, I ended up with Metzeler me330/550 (note
    the 0's). These are a new(ish) model (replaced the 33/55).

    The bike now handles nicely. Before, it had a tendancy to want to tip
    in to slow speed corners mid-turn, and also loved to track along
    longitudinal defects in the road (grooves, tram tracks, etc.)

    Can't comment on the wear (well, they seem OK after 50km), but the
    handling seems good. We'll see how they go once fully scrubbed in, and
    after a few '000 Ks.
    Rod Bacon, May 16, 2005
  5. Rod Bacon

    Moike Guest

    I find any worn tyres behave that way on my bike, and new tyres cure the
    problem regardless of the brand (for a while)

    Moike, May 17, 2005
  6. I find thats a pretty common characteristic of worn-flat rear tires.Any
    new tire with a rounded centre section will make that problem go away.

    Iain Chalmers, May 17, 2005
  7. Rod Bacon

    Black Magoo Guest

    Whats wrong with the macadams? Cupping isoften due to poor shocks,
    pressure, balance. Check it.
    Black Magoo, May 18, 2005
  8. Rod Bacon

    sanbar Guest

    And sometimes shitty tyres.
    - sanbar
    sanbar, May 18, 2005
  9. Rod Bacon

    G-S Guest

    Macadams work pretty well on bikes without too much power and well on
    bikes with narrow rims. They work much less well on bikes with lots of
    rear wheel grunt that tend to spin up the tyres on exiting corners
    (something that macadams don't like much).

    G-S, May 20, 2005
  10. Rod Bacon

    Black Magoo Guest

    Is the cupping on the front or the rear?
    I'd be worried if your tyres aren't spinning on a exit, or any part of the
    trip, they'd be like dragging.
    Lots of pople speak poorly of tyres or brakes or bikes they have little
    experience with. It is often due to a more recent product claiming to be
    better. Unless yiou mean x-ply 50s.

    Black Magoo, May 20, 2005
  11. Why does my left side tyre wear quicker than the right?
    Pisshead Pete, May 20, 2005
  12. Rod Bacon

    G-S Guest

    As I said... many bikes _cannot_ spin the rear on an exit.
    I've noticed you doing that yes :)
    yiou... really....

    G-S, May 20, 2005
  13. Rod Bacon

    G-S Guest

    *Which way is it hanging Pete?*

    G-S, May 20, 2005
  14. Rod Bacon

    Black Magoo Guest

    This is a trick question as you have many references to a trike.
    Perhaps you should lean more to the right or rotate your tyres more often or
    get the differential examined.

    Ride on
    Black Magoo, May 21, 2005
  15. Rod Bacon

    Black Magoo Guest

    Really? You are referring to traction being beaten by power or inadequate
    tyre construction? It is possible that you are changing this argument to
    suit your ends.
    I have riden with Macadmams, 90, the newer 100, (as well as aforementioned x
    plys) Brdigestones, Pirellis, Chin Shen, Yokahams, Dunlops. Thoughh I don't
    see how listing the different tyres shows any better what I know and what I
    have riden. That is really a poor mans game of one up man ship.
    Ohm a mistake in my typing. That happens and I do not blame my computer for
    being shitty either.
    Black Magoo, May 21, 2005
  16. Rod Bacon

    G-S Guest

    I am changing nothing I said earlier, it is possible you are now
    interpreting what I have said twice in different ways though :)
    Well... this is ausmoto LOL
    I would have expected smee to pick up on that, but he was busy in
    another thread :)

    G-S, May 21, 2005
  17. Cause Bobby sits in the left side of the ute box.

    -ducks and runs
    Alan Pennykid, May 21, 2005
  18. Rod Bacon

    John Guest

    snip loads...
    Don't resist then.


    John, May 22, 2005
  19. Rod Bacon

    IK Guest

    English, motherfucker! Do you speak it?!?
    Two weeks ago, I rode a VTR1000 with a Macadam 90 on the back.
    Attempting a mildly-enthusiastic takeoff got the rear tyre to spin. On
    tarmac. On my planet, that qualifies Macadams for the status of
    dangerous rubbish, fit only to be laid in the middle of an inner-city
    street, doused in petrol and set alight to form part of a barricade
    during an episode of civil unrest.
    IK, May 22, 2005
  20. Rod Bacon

    G-S Guest

    Macadams spin easily unless you warm them up first, they will not warm
    up very well commuting in city traffic either :)

    G-S, May 22, 2005
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