Me and Big Ed

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Sep 2, 2007.

  1. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Everyone better get a deep seat.. Big Ed finally got him a rear
    tire on that humongous Venture, today.. That old tire looked
    really bad.. It had done got down so thin, the tech just wadded
    it up and threw it in the trash can. Whew.. he was right (Big Ed)
    wasn't going much furthur on that damned thing..

    The Big One treated me to a nice lunch (thanks Big Ed).. You
    are all right.. I don't care what RedShad, Louie and the rest of
    that wild bunch, say about you.. We discussed a few little deals
    over lunch .. Louie is out there in PK, on the lake.. RedShad is
    at the ranch in Canton.. Who knows where the hell Brian is..
    Probably Chicago or somewhere.. Can't keep track of that one,
    these days..

    Well.. things kinda settled on Texarkana or Houston.. Big Ed
    observed that he'd already mentioned to Bjay that we'd be com-
    ing over there for a coupla days.. He kinda got the impression
    that Bjay was on the run and we'd have to hunt for him around
    Fouke or someplace, so we canned that notion..

    Houston was out, for much the same reason.. Jerry has tot-
    ally disappeared since he got back with that trike deal, from
    California.. Besides.. that bride of his will more than likely
    take a few days to resolve a few issues with him, since he
    had her so worried about his old butt.. Anyway, me and the
    Big Ed sure didn't want to get mixed up in anything like a
    domestic war, or something..

    That kinda left us with Morgan Kane, down there in Houston..
    but, that big dude has been so involved with that baby boy of
    his, he might have already developed kitchen pass problems
    since we saw him last.. Damn.. seems like these guys would
    keep in touch, a little better, don't it ?

    Well.. there's Wakko.. and someone told us that the last they'd
    seen of the big guy, he had the Mouse mounted behind him,and
    headed east, for parts unknown.. Ain't that a hoot.. Who'd have
    thought it ?

    Upshot of this whole deal was.. Big Ed really didn't want to run
    off anywhere important and I was already worn out from just the
    little outing and visiting we'd enjoyed together.. Big Ed went
    home (I guess) and I headed for LaCasa.. By the time I got the
    Green Vulcan up on the Mexicans' patio.. There were two of my
    old buds, parking in front.. "Hey Bill, ready to go ride ?" "Nah, just
    now getting back".. I replied.. So, we just made us a big pitcher of
    iced tea, kicked back and held us a bullshit session for a couple
    of hours.. Ain't life great ?

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Sep 2, 2007
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