[QUOTE="Sean at work"] I've not ridden any of the above, so cannot comment. I was wibbling about the bikes I -have- ridden that were Hondas. CX aside, oh, and the CG125 <MSOHPR>, they have just failed to ignite the 'spark' in me.[/QUOTE] ??? Missed this! [QUOTE] Oddly, I like bikes that vibrate a bit. CG125. Not nut pummelling vibes, just a tingle through the bars and pegs.[/QUOTE] Come _on_! CG125! [QUOTE] I like engines that 'speak' not just 'drone',[/QUOTE] Listen! CG125!! [QUOTE] I like gearboxes that snick into gear, but are weighted consistently.[/QUOTE] I rest my case. You have a CG shaped blind spot on your ignitability whatsit.