To be fair, I like my Suzuki DR650. I do, really. But at the moment, I am stumped. Lately I've noticed some valve train noise. Nothing horrible, but noticable. PLAN 1 Consulted the manual. It says to remove the magneto cover from the left side of the engine. This allows you to rotate the engine to TDC. The magneto cover is a circular cap, approx 2in diameter, with a 10mm allenhead tap in the middle. No biggie, I thought. I grabbed the 10mm wrench and tried it, but the cap wouldn't budge. The cap was still very much intact, so I put a vicegrip on the allenhead wrench. STUPID, STUPID, STUPID! I rounded out the cap. After I get my next paycheck, i am going to Sears to get some T-handle allen wrenches. PLAN 2 Remove the left engine cover. Scratch that, remove left foot peg, shifter, and then engine cover. That turned out to be even worse. A couple small parts fell out and the gasket tore at one point. I figured out where the small parts go(and had none left over), but the bike will have to wait until tomorrow when I can go to my local stealership and get a new gasket on order. And for what it's worth, I still have not done the valve adjustment. Charles