After years of forking out for branded tyres I decided to take the plunge and buy some cheap ones. Conventional wisdom would seem to dictate that this would result in my immediate and painful death but on the plus side I could save a few quid. I decided that remoulds were perhaps a step too far (though some people on the hornet site swear by them) at this stage of my quest. Enter a pair of Maxxis Kelvar Radials. How butch do they sound then? Maxxis is the new(ish) name for Cheng Shien who were famous for making rubbish tyres. I had a pair on my BMX many years ago and can confirm they were crap. The Maxxis however did appear to look like real tyres - though of course we all know they are really made of special super slippy rubber that can kill a man at twenty places. I got a pair in ZXR400 sizes (120/60 160/60) for £119 plus £8.50 a wheel fitting and balancing. They were heavily discounted but i suspect that you're unlikely to find a pair at full retail. At the moment I just have just the rear fitted and am happy to report that after about 500 miles I am still alive. They seem to have a huge amount of grip in the wet - something to do with having a deep (for a sports radial) tread pattern I suspect - and I managed to get my knee down this morning after a few tentative laps of a roundabout. This was something of a buttock clencher as I can't get rid of the nagging feeling they are waiting to kill me but in reliality they felt absolutely fine despite it being a bit nippy. So it would seem maybe there is an alternative to the big brands but its early days yet and I'll keep you posted in any change to my current being alive state.