
Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by MattG, Apr 15, 2004.

  1. MattG

    Ginge Guest

    I wasn't there, but I have bruises. No idea how I got them though.
    Ginge, Apr 16, 2004
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  2. MattG

    Stritchy Guest

    Bugger, parents' 50th wedding anniversary party that night.

    Have a good one
    Stritchy, Apr 16, 2004
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  3. MattG

    Molly Guest

    And so are you.
    Molly, Apr 16, 2004
  4. MattG

    WavyDavy Guest

    Errrr... Since when have you been a she, DoesnotbecomeMolly? No *way* are
    the left arm bruises female inflicted. No No No! Quite literally cannot
    cover the two close 'pinch-type' bruises with the palm of my hand...

    The scary thing was that I didn't notice them til having a shower on Monday
    afternoon and they have not hurt at all.... So was all in vain! Must try
    harder.... Not... :))
    WavyDavy, Apr 16, 2004
  5. MattG

    WavyDavy Guest

    Well if you *are* taking the car then I bagsy shotgun (if I can get up on
    the Saturday morning...)

    As for the go on the ZRX...... Oh yes. Definitely will have to have a go
    soon. Obv will bring the daytona for you to cras////piss about on too....

    WavyDavy, Apr 16, 2004
  6. MattG

    Christofire Guest

    What was that line about it's always partly your[1] fault?

    [1] the person who's down
    Christofire, Apr 16, 2004
  7. MattG

    Pip Guest

    Of course it was partly Champ's fault. If the **** had put some
    mirrors on the bike, and then taken a moment to look in them, he would
    have seen Torpedo #83 approaching his stern at a rate of knots - then
    two points of starboard wheel, and he'd have been away.

    But no. You know Champ - "What's behind doesn't matter ... "
    Pip, Apr 16, 2004
  8. MattG

    Zymurgy Guest

    Stritchy wrote
    We'll come on over later to join you then ;-)


    Zymurgy, Apr 17, 2004
  9. MattG

    BRC Guest

    Am I? :eek:)
    BRC, Apr 17, 2004
  10. It wasn't me and you can't prove otherwise.

    Actually consider which way we were sat in the pub, if it is your left
    arm, they were most certainly female inflicted.

    She was obviously playing hard to get :)
    Doesnotcompute, Apr 19, 2004
  11. MattG

    Jackie Guest

    Jackie, Apr 19, 2004
  12. MattG

    Stritchy Guest

    There's a BBQ on Sunday

    I'll ask mumsy if I can have a little frend come over to play :eek:)
    Stritchy, Apr 19, 2004
  13. MattG

    Lady Nina Guest

    sticks tongue out
    Yeah, yeah Matt and I know the truth ;) Anyhow shouldn't be too long
    now before someone can be my bitch for a change.
    Lady Nina, Apr 19, 2004
  14. MattG

    MattG Guest

    Lady Nina says...
    Offers of sexual favours will influence the judges decision. Any offers?
    Oh, didn't think so.
    How much longer? If I'm to be moving northwards I expect you and Ginge
    to show me the good roads.
    MattG, Apr 19, 2004
  15. MattG

    Ginge Guest

    Not a problem mate, if you're moving near to Sheffield then as far as
    motorcycling roads go it's god's own country.
    Ginge, Apr 19, 2004
  16. MattG

    MattG Guest

    Ginge says...
    Excellent. I'm waiting for a friend of mine to get back to me, I'm
    planning on visiting the place and having a good look round.

    There seem to be some nice places within easy commute distance, so with
    luck a move could be on the cards.
    MattG, Apr 19, 2004
  17. MattG

    Lozzo Guest

    MattG says...
    Have you thought about living in Worksop. 12 miles from Sheffield, and a
    whole lot nicer place to live yet cheaper. I spent nearly 3 years there
    and loved it. I'd move back there any day.
    Lozzo, Apr 19, 2004
  18. MattG

    MattG Guest

    Lozzo says...
    Not as yet, I've just had a quick look on rightmove, just to see what's
    on offer. Plan is to talk to the people, look at the place, then ride
    around the area to take a look. All suggestions on where is worth
    looking at are welcome.
    MattG, Apr 19, 2004
  19. MattG

    Lady Nina Guest

    Studied? Yes, I have had a lot of lessons in that area ;)

    The full lyric is 'Forever kissing frogs that think they're Princes,
    Lady Nina, where did all the romance go' Though that isn't the bit of
    the song that got this nickname given to me.

    As a possible sub thread - Did people here who don't use their real
    names choose their posting names for themselves or use nicks that
    others had given them? This may have been covered before.

    Anyway as far as men are concerned you'd all be fine if it wasn't for
    the testosterone.
    Lady Nina, Apr 19, 2004
  20. MattG

    Ginge Guest

    Ginge, Apr 19, 2004
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