master cylinder window

Discussion in 'Motorbike Technical Discussion' started by t, Apr 30, 2005.

  1. t

    t Guest

    Anybody know where to get a piece to replace the window on a master
    cylinder without having to replace the whole reservoir?

    '83 Honda VT750C Shadow


    t, Apr 30, 2005
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  2. t

    t Guest

    Thanks for the reply, that is exactly what I had in mind, just wanted to
    see if anyone else thought along those lines. I was planning on
    press-fitting the plastic into the JB so it would slightly bevel around
    the edges for a stronger hold, since my concern then would be a pressure
    blowout. That would be bad.

    t, May 1, 2005
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  3. There's not *supposed* to be any pressure inside the reservoir, but
    there are a lot of things in this world that aren't *supposed* to
    happen. If you have a lot of air in the system, that could put pressure
    on the reservoir as the trapped air heats up from braking, or the air
    pressure differential between the inside and outside increases as you
    climb to a higher altitude.

    Expanding air, for whatever reason could work to push your plastic
    window out of the reservoir, but this doesn't seem to be a common
    problem, at least I've never heard of it happening...

    It might have something to do with the rubber accordion bellows
    underneath the reservoir cap. The bellows folds up flat when you push
    on it. You fill up the reservoir with fluid to the correect level, and
    the bellows will expand as the brake fluid level drops with brake pad
    wear. This keeps the brake fluid near the hole in the bottom of the
    reservoir so you don't pump air into the system every time you use the
    brakes when the fluid is low...

    Maybe the designers of the bellows figured you might experience the
    differentials I mentioned, and they planned for a little bit of fluid
    expansion, as well as a lot of fluid level dropping?

    Then there are motorcycle racers, who either fill their reservoirs to
    the brim, or use their front brakes so hard the fluid expands and
    begins weeping out past the rubber gasket. The racers would put one of
    those tennis wrist bands used to wipe the sweat off your face around
    the reservoir to absorb the weeping fluid. But the little plastic
    window never blows out under pressure...
    krusty kritter, May 1, 2005
  4. t

    John Johnson Guest

    I always wondered why those things were on racer's master cylinders. lol
    John Johnson, May 1, 2005
  5. t

    t Guest

    well, that explains that.



    t, May 1, 2005
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