Magistrate insanity

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by SteveH, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. SteveH

    CT Guest

    Blimey! I see several cars jump red lights several times a day.
    When I'm on the motorbike, and waiting on a red, I have trained myself
    to wait until green, *then* double check no-one's jumping the red
    before proceeding. When I first started commuting through NW London
    and around the home counties, I had several near misses as I'd gone
    quickly on green, only to have some twat jump the red.

    And it's definitely not an un-common occurrence.
    CT, Feb 1, 2010
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  2. SteveH

    crn Guest

    It depends where you drive.
    In Bristol and parts of London lights have a different meaning :-
    Green = go
    Yellow = hurry up
    Red = just 3 more cars and/or turn right.
    After that the cars stop but the cyclists just keep riding with their
    eyes closed.
    crn, Feb 1, 2010
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  3. SteveH

    Malc Guest

    You are of one mind. Half a mind apiece
    Malc, Feb 1, 2010
  4. SteveH

    Malc Guest

    Yup, seems about right. A bit like the indicators on cars in Coventry
    when I lived there a few years back. The indicator means "Look I just
    turned left/right!"
    Malc, Feb 1, 2010
  5. I recall Melbourne being like that 25 years ago. Green - go, Yellow -
    go faster, Red - first 10 seconds of; fucking floor it.

    It was seriously that bad that my father came over and was driving us
    somewhere and he started braking on a yellow. I had to tell him not to
    or we'd get rear-ended.

    The introduction of red-light cameras has stopped that, but it used to
    be insane.
    Kevin Gleeson, Feb 1, 2010
  6. SteveH

    'Hog Guest

    I know one set of lights on a dual (A64) where people go through late on the
    red (at speed), other than that I very rarely see cars shooting the red. In
    fact the only woeful driving I see with regularity is 'tards going too
    slowly, causing the traffic to bunch and get reckless in passing.
    'Hog, Feb 1, 2010
  7. SteveH

    Phil W Lee Guest

    No, they wait for a while before turning the other lights green.
    They always did provide a small buffer (that's what the amber and
    red/amber phases were for) but lately they've had so many RLJs that
    they have had to give an even longer gap, with all lights standing at
    red for up to 3 seconds. This has the detrimental effect of teaching
    motorists that they can get away with jumping at least the first few
    seconds of red.
    Ah, never mind - it must be some other United Kingdom of Great Britain
    and Northern Ireland that's had to extend the period during which all
    lights are red because of the number of people who keep going after
    the lights have changed.
    The bike may lay down, but the rider usually ends up on the bonnet of
    the car.
    Getting hit from behind is by far the worst type of impact, in injury
    And maximise the chance of a left turning motorist pulling up on my
    right, to left-hook me as the lights change? No thank you.
    Latest batch of UK government stats.
    By being so cautious that they stay completely out of the path of
    motor vehicles altogether?
    Phil W Lee, Feb 1, 2010
  8. SteveH

    Beav Guest

    Yeah, but you're in porridgewogland aintcha?


    VN 750
    Zed 1000
    OMF# 19
    Beav, Feb 1, 2010
  9. SteveH

    Beav Guest

    But one had better punctuation.


    VN 750
    Zed 1000
    OMF# 19
    Beav, Feb 1, 2010
  10. SteveH

    Beav Guest

    I had to swerve all over the road before I hit him. [1]
    I sincerely hope you opened a window and laughed at them.
    Just T-bone the cunts and get both your fet on the deck quickly. Then you
    can just watch the carnage and pain.

    [1] Jasper's insurance sketch.


    VN 750
    Zed 1000
    OMF# 19
    Beav, Feb 1, 2010
  11. SteveH

    Beav Guest

    That one on t' other side of Hadrian's wall.


    VN 750
    Zed 1000
    OMF# 19
    Beav, Feb 1, 2010
  12. SteveH

    Beav Guest

    They're the only camera's I've got any time for coz they really do seem to
    be put up to improve safety. Not that I'm a safety nazi, of course, but
    still. My dad got caught out jumping a red light (with a cam), but I said he
    should be proud that he could jump *any-fucking-thing at his age.


    VN 750
    Zed 1000
    OMF# 19
    Beav, Feb 1, 2010
  13. SteveH

    Ian Smith Guest

    ["Followup-To:" header set to uk.rec.cycling.]
    Well, that was teh scheme the RAC (that well-known body of
    lycra-loving cycling apologists) adopted in order to avoid catching
    too many motorists. David is reporting how teh RAC decided to
    undertake their count - I don't think he offered any opinion on
    whetehr it was an appropriate definition.

    regards, Ian SMith
    Ian Smith, Feb 1, 2010
  14. SteveH

    Lozzo Guest

    That is Auvache you're replying to - he does what the **** he wants,
    and don't you forget it
    Lozzo, Feb 1, 2010
  15. I was on the GN. And yes, I laughed.
    The Older Gentleman, Feb 1, 2010
  16. SteveH

    NM Guest

    But the car usually suffers less damage so there is an upside.

    Proof that cyclists not only talk our of their arse they can also see
    out of it.
    NM, Feb 1, 2010
  17. SteveH

    Jim A Guest

    I wish!
    Jim A, Feb 1, 2010
  18. SteveH

    frag Guest

    Move to a more roundabouty area.
    Of course. Just one piece of in built training as a road user.

    Just because something hasn't happened for a while doesn't guarantee it won't
    happen again.
    frag, Feb 1, 2010
  19. SteveH

    frag Guest

    What, everywhere in the UK?
    The time when both sets of lights are on red round here is approx 1 second.
    Move to an area with better drivers. Complain to the police. Consider the
    actions of cyclists jumping through red lights and not getting killed
    broadcasts a message that if a slow bike can get away with it, a fast car is
    much more likely to get away with it.
    Morons will be morons whatever you do with them.
    I'm impressed the way you've either done a survey of every single set of
    traffic lights in the UK or have access to the settings for every single set
    of traffic lights in the UK.
    With their foot bent under the car, trapped by the bike, and the top half of
    their leg and body bent the other way over the bonnet IWHT. Breaking a leg.
    Cars approaching a junction should be slowing down, definitely slowing down
    if the light is on red.

    If you live in an area where they speed up when they see a red light, and
    knowing this you still use a push bike, and ride slap bang in the middle of
    the lane in their path, all I can deduce is you are suicidal.
    Look out for indicators? Look at the drivers hands so you can see if they
    start to turn left? Look at the drivers head to see if they look left for
    parked cars / cars waiting to pull out of the junction? Look at the cars
    front wheel to see if it is pointing left slightly? All very easy to do and
    can be done when stationary or just setting off.
    Yes, typing that into google or is really going to help narrow it
    Please explain how the cyclist can see what path the vehicles are taking,
    when said vehicles are behind them.

    Alternatively please demonstrate cycling backwards all the time (so it is
    possible to see the path the vehicles approaching from the rear are taking).

    (I've used pushbikes with mirrors, I could see more in the reflections off
    the chrome handlebars, i.e. the mirrors were worse than useless and that is
    in the daytime)
    frag, Feb 1, 2010
  20. SteveH

    geoff Guest

    That is Auvache you're replying to - he does what the **** he wants,
    and don't you forget it
    And this is dynamo hansen - so clever he defies the laws of physics
    geoff, Feb 1, 2010
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