Magazines that farkle?

Discussion in 'Motorbike Technical Discussion' started by Michael J. Freeman, Aug 22, 2005.

  1. Are there any motorcycle magazines that regularly cover non-style-
    oriented user-modificatons to motorcycles? Stuff like heated-grip liners
    and bicycle computers?

    I was discussing fiddling with the carbs and such on my Bandit 1200S,
    when a friend suggested that instead of taking my bike for a dyno run
    after every change, I could just install a wide-band oxygen sensor
    instead. Then, I could directly measure my air-fuel ratio in actual
    riding conditions.

    Pretty freakin' cool, I said. But pretty freakin' expensive, too.

    Well, suggested said friend, if I can find a magazine interested in an
    article on installing and using such a thing (I recently got a Writing
    Certificate in Journalism from UC), he thinks he can get it for me at a
    substantial discount.

    You see, said friend runs a company that makes data loggers for amature
    racers. Little black boxes that can record all kinds of gnifty
    information, not only on engine performance, but also on suspension
    performance, brake performance, and indeed anything to which you can
    attached a sensor. They have a pretty good market in car racing and
    tractor pulls, but not much in motorcycles.

    Indeed, if I can find a magazine interested in an article on installing
    and using a data logger on a motorcycle, he might be able to set me up
    with some of his equipment for a substantial discount.

    I picked up a few moto magazines off a local newsstand, to see where I
    might send some query letters. But of the U.S. magazines I've seen, none
    of them really get into unser-modifications of motorcycles, outside of
    what you can put yet more chrome onto.

    So, can anyone out there recommend any mags that might be interested in
    an article on installing and using a wide-band oxygen sensor and a data
    logger on a motorcycle?
    Michael J. Freeman, Aug 22, 2005
    1. Advertisements

  2. It's difficult to break into the motorcycle aftermarket and tuning
    business and become a known player. You have to pay your dues getting a
    business off the ground unless you have a rich sponsor who likes you
    personally ;-)

    Don't laugh. A certain motorcycle accessory chain was doing OK in SoCal
    before the current crop of complete sportbikes made it unnecessary or
    even undesireable to buy aftermarket exhausts and fairings and
    streamlined seats.
    As the chain fell apart, one youngster was kept in business in just one
    store by his wealthy father.

    If you were an established motorcycle tuning instrument company and you
    gave the motomag editor a freebie, you'll get your article. One hand
    washes the other. But you would already have been an advertiser in the
    magazine for a while. Then you could watch your sales expand. If your
    system worked, that is.
    krusty kritter, Aug 22, 2005
    1. Advertisements

  3. Each and every UK magazine.
    The Older Gentleman, Aug 22, 2005
  4. (The Older Gentleman) wrote in
    I'm rather intimidated by the thought of querying the UK mags for some
    reason. Doesn't make much sense, in the end. Guess I need to dig up those
    old copies of 'Bike' and 'TWO' to get a mailing address.

    Any other mags I should look for? (I wish I could find a newsstand in
    Cinci' that reliably carried British moto mags. The sad thing is, even
    when I find them, I have to dig behind the chrome'n'tits magazines to get
    to them.)
    Michael J. Freeman, Aug 23, 2005
  5. Bike is Media House, Lynch Wood, Peterborough, PE2 6EA
    The Older Gentleman, Aug 23, 2005
  6. Michael J. Freeman

    Bob Scott Guest

    Superbike & Performance Bikes[1] cater to (or at least did the last time
    I read them) the sector of the market that modifies[2] (or at least
    dreams about it) modern sports bikes.

    For modding older bikes you want Classic Motorcycle Mechanics (http://ww

    You might also want to look for Streetfighters (http://www.streetfighter


    [1] AKA performing Berks
    [2] although these days that quite often seems to mean colour co-
    ordinated fasteners, agonising rearsets & a lurid double-bubble screen
    Bob Scott, Aug 23, 2005
  7. (The Older Gentleman) wrote in
    Oddly enough, a subscription actually costs more than the newsstand price
    (for Bike at least).

    And, part of what I was trying to say was, I'd like to see a greater
    *variety* of the magazines on the rack here. I dunno. In the end I know
    ****-all about the magazine business, so there may be a good reason for
    the way they're doing things.

    But I'm an American, dammit, and it's my God-given right to whine, bitch
    and moan, *especially* about those things of which I am most ignorant.
    Michael J. Freeman, Aug 23, 2005

  8. <VBG>

    Ain't dat de troof.
    The Older Gentleman, Aug 23, 2005

  9. We Brits can moan better. I mean, I remember when moaning was an art - a
    well-turned moan could make people utterly miserable. But these days,
    there's no quality in it. Nobody moans like they used to.....
    The Older Gentleman, Aug 23, 2005
  10. Michael J. Freeman

    kellrobinson Guest

    The Horse Backstreet Choppers
    kellrobinson, Sep 6, 2005
  11. R. Pierce Butler, Sep 6, 2005
    1. Advertisements

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