Mac Mini

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Judge, Jan 6, 2006.

  1. Judge

    Judge Guest

    Took delivery of one of these yesterday to play with in the office and test
    some software on.

    From the online ordering process on Apple's web site to the packaging; from
    the hardware set-up to the software, the whole thing just oozes *SLICK*.

    It is a delightful bit of kit.

    I'm very impressed.

    Shame it doesn't run KDE and its applications aren't X clients or I might be
    Judge, Jan 6, 2006
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  2. Judge

    simonk Guest

    You can run X apps under OSX fairly easily, although they jar a bit with the
    rest of the GUI environment (positioning of menus with respect to the
    window/screen etc) - although I can't think of anything from the KDE
    environment that I'd really need to run on a Mac, give the alternatives.

    IT's a shame there isn't a proper OpenOffice port, though.
    simonk, Jan 6, 2006
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  3. Judge

    dwb Guest

    I was given an Ipod Nano for Christmas. However as I get a discount
    through work I ended up ordering it myself.

    They charged me twice, never phoned me back, never confirmed they'd
    made an error.

    ITunes is horrid.

    The nano itself isn't bad, but it's hardly ground breaking - and not
    being able to delete a song off the thing without using Itunes seems..

    So "SLICK" is not quite the word I would use, but there you do. UKRM
    always has someone who will disagree.
    dwb, Jan 6, 2006
  4. Judge

    Krusty Guest

    That's one of the best features imo, mainly because SO's rap & hip-hop
    loving son now has an iPod full of Elton John & the Carpenters, & no
    idea how to get rid of them. That'll teach him to leave it laying it
    around ;-)

    Off-road classifieds

    '02 MV Senna '96 Tiger '79 Fantic 250
    Krusty, Jan 6, 2006
  5. Judge

    Big Al Guest

    Me neither, i deal with Apple quite a lot and the minimum time to get
    to talk to someone with regard to warranty repair is 15 mins, like
    earlier today.

    Apple, there best eaten.

    Big Al, Jan 6, 2006
  6. Judge

    Pip Guest

    Made me laugh like a drain ;-)
    Pip, Jan 6, 2006
  7. Judge

    Tim Guest

    Doesn't the OO port for FreeBSD work, perhaps you may have to re-compile
    it? After all Mac OSX is based on FreeBSD.
    Tim, Jan 6, 2006
  8. Judge

    Tim Guest

    And if Anne's nano is anything to go by they are a pain as they
    "disappear" from iTunes from time to time.
    Tim, Jan 6, 2006
  9. 'Ve haff to be cruel to be kind'.

    Phil Launchbury, Jan 6, 2006
  10. #We've only just begun...

    You sick man.
    Grimly Curmudgeon, Jan 6, 2006
  11. *lovely*
    Work in progress, Jan 6, 2006
  12. Judge

    Judge Guest

    Yes but I wanted to run Safari over an SSH connection on an X desktop on
    another PC. We had to make do with VNC in the end.
    KDE is brilliant and properly written KDE applications are very neat. But
    you're right, you'd probably not want to run KDE apps on a Mac. Although a
    Mac Mini makes a nice cheap X terminal.
    Judge, Jan 6, 2006
  13. Judge

    Muck Guest

    My ex land lord got a new Powerbook, the upgrade and copy of his old
    applications, data and desktop setup was as hard as connecting both via
    a firewire cable, switching on the old Mac while holding down the T key,
    and then turning on his new Mac.

    Easy peasy, and very slick indeed.
    Muck, Jan 6, 2006
  14. That used to work with old MacOS ones too - it effectively turns the
    old laptop into an external SCSI disc.

    It does remind you know and then that Macs were designed for use by
    graphic artists - ie people without a shred of computer ability - and
    hence designed to be as simple and easy as possible.
    Which is irritating when you want it to do something that isn't simple
    and it won't let you - and unlike unix/linux there isn't a nice .cfg
    file to manually edit. Mind you - Windows is the same..

    I hate them all equally.

    Phil Launchbury, Jan 10, 2006
  15. Judge

    Muck Guest

    Ahh.. that's good.
    It was great, even my ex land lord had no trouble moving computers.
    Strong thing to say, but valid if you have to work with them all day. I
    don't and have become just another user, which is a very good thing for
    me indeed.
    Muck, Jan 10, 2006
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