Lol! Nice one Apple... [URL][/URL]
It doesn't look much bigger than my laptop's power supply, & quite a lot smaller than normal internal PSUs.
Maybe the ability to reduce the amount of empty space inside a computer's case is meant to provide the ability to reduce the amount of non-empty space inside the power supply. If Rick Moranis can shrink kids by getting rid of the empty space inside atoms, I'm sure Apple can shrink a PSU or two!
Ah, I'm with you now. Sort of like a 2.0l engine in a Ford Focus should be a lot smaller than a 2.0l engine in a Ford Transit ;-)
Why not get a newsreader that recognises it and stop whinging about it? nobody else seems to be bothered about it these days.
Or just get over it. My newsreader doesn't understand sig seps at all, so I just edit out the sig with any other unwanted content before sending a followup. Hardly the end of the world.
genuine_froggie composed the following;: If it is what's being referred to, maybe it's that size because it does a bit more than a 'normal' PSU, to help keep the noise down even further. I had a Dell Laptop PSU that 'hummed' noticeably .. though my current Sony Vaio one is quiet.
Except to the majority (by # of users) of newsreaders who quite I did indeed. Makes one wonder why you posted it.
My newsreader doesn't recognise it either (Netscape). Can't say I'd noticed before though. Guess I must have never replied to Antony. -- Paul. CBR1100XX SuperBlackbird BOTAFOT #4 BOTAFOF #30 MRO #24