Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Champ, Apr 22, 2005.

  1. Champ

    Champ Guest

    From another place...

    Motorcycle Addiction

    Motorcycle Addiction (MA) or Motorcycling syndrome is a serious and
    growing epidemic. Don't laugh because you might be it's next victim.
    Just to give you a possible heads up in case it's creeping up on you,
    here are a few question to quietly answer for yourself.

    How many of these apply to you?

    1. I have gone riding when I was depressed, or to cheer myself up.
    2. I have gone on riding binges of several tanks of gas or more in a
    3. I ride rapidly, often 'gulping' roads.
    4. I have sometimes ridden early in the morning or before work.
    5. I have hidden bikes in different places to sneak a ride in without
    being seen.
    6. Sometimes I avoid friends or family obligations in order to ride
    7. Sometimes I find myself analyzing sections of roads as if I was
    riding even while in cars.
    8. I am unable to enjoy myself with others unless there is a bike
    9. At a boring party, I will often slip off unnoticed to go riding.
    10. Riding has made me seek haunts and companions which I would
    otherwise avoid.
    11. I have neglected personal hygiene or household chores until I have
    finished a ride.
    12. I have spent money meant for necessities on accessories instead.
    13. I have attempted to complete an Iron Butt ride.
    14. Most of my friends are heavy motorcycle riders.
    15. I have sometimes passed out from a night of heavy riding.
    16. I have suffered 'blackouts' or memory loss from a bout of riding.
    17. I have wept, become angry or irrational because of a road I have
    18. I have sometimes wished I did not ride so much.
    19. Sometimes I think my riding is out of control.

    If you answered 'yes' to three or more of these questions, you may be
    a motorcycle addict. Affirmative responses to five or more indicates a
    serious problem.

    Once a relatively rare disorder, Motorcycle Addiction, or MA, has
    risen to new levels due to the accessibility of higher quality
    motorcycles at a relatively low expense since the end of the Second
    World War. The number of motorcycle addicts and abusers is currently
    at record levels.


    Abusers become withdrawn, uninterested in society or normal
    They fantasize, creating alternative worlds to occupy, to the neglect
    of friends and family. In severe cases they develop bad posture from
    riding in awkward positions or carrying heavy tool bags.

    In the worst instances, they become cranky bike mechanics in small
    towns. Excessive riding during pregnancy is perhaps the number one
    cause of moral deformity among the children of Road Racers, Tourists
    Posers alike. Known as Foetal Motard Syndrome, this disease also
    leaves its victims prone to a lifetime of vertigo, daydreaming and
    emotional instability.


    Recent Harvard studies have established that heredity plays a
    considerable role in determining whether a person will become an
    abuser of motorcycles. Most abusers have at least one parent who
    abused motorcycles, often beginning at an early age and progressing
    into adulthood. Many spouses of an addict become addicts themselves.

    Fathers or mothers who are road race fans, collectors, or heavy
    leather wearers; parents who do not encourage children to play games,
    participate in healthy sports, or watch television (other than
    Speedvision) in the evening.

    Pre-marital screening and counselling, referral to adoption agencies
    in order to break the chain of abuse. One percenters in particular
    should seek partners active in other fields. Children should be
    encouraged to seek physical activity and to avoid isolation and morbid
    Champ, Apr 22, 2005
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  2. Champ

    dwb Guest

    You could replace Motorcycle with "IT" and it would almost as appropriate
    for this group...
    dwb, Apr 22, 2005
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  3. Champ

    rb Guest

    Any given Hornet owner.
    rb, Apr 22, 2005
  4. Champ

    rb Guest

    You kept that R1 pretty well hidden, nobody ever saw it anyway. :)
    rb, Apr 22, 2005
  5. Champ

    Pip Luscher Guest

    errm, not *that* rapidly.
    Parties? what're they?
    difficult to do otherwise
    I don't do accessories. Much. Tools, now...
    No, their bikes are lighter than mine.
    how did I get here?
    nah. Frustrated by traffic, maybe.
    Only on fast bends.
    I can give it up any time I like. Honest.
    Pip Luscher, Apr 22, 2005
  6. It was somewhere around Barstow, on the edge of the desert, when the
    drugs began to take hold. I remember saying
    something like:
    Wear lip protection.
    Grimly Curmudgeon, Apr 23, 2005
  7. Champ

    Pip Guest

    Be safe - use a dental dam.
    Pip, Apr 23, 2005
  8. Most of em.


    Hi, my name is Jen and I'm a motorcycle addict.
    Bloody good job I married an addict too!
    Paul Hendrick, Apr 23, 2005
  9. In, Champ amazed us all with this pearl of wisdom:
    I've never 'gulped' a road but my eyes have boggled a few times.
    Not that I can remember.
    I usually ride my bike there so no, not very often.
    Not especially.
    Yep, but not just parties.
    Seek haunts and companions? No, not exactly, but the ones I've come
    across that seem alright I never would have had anything to do with.
    Yup, but I've done that most of my life anyway :)
    WTF's an Iron Butt ride?
    Difficult one that. If I had many friends outside of UKRM then I'd say
    no, but since most UKRMers are fair weather riders anyway...
    I've fallen asleep on my bike while still riding it.
    Yeah, whatever...

    <Snip pseudo intellectual crap>

    It ain't just motorcycles that give those symptoms - It's the same with
    anything you love doing to the point of excluding other things, innit.
    Whinging Courier, Apr 23, 2005
  10. Champ wrote

    Affirmation is it?

    I am not sure if that is the right word but you are seeking an excuse
    and hoping not to be unique is what I mean.
    steve auvache, Apr 23, 2005
  11. <

    I answered yes to eight.
    The Older Gentleman, Apr 23, 2005
  12. Champ

    Fr Jack Guest

    Not on the Tig - 200 miles per tank.
    Rapid is subjective - so, no.
    Ho yuss!
    Of course.
    All the time.
    Drinking and riding don't mix.....
    Riding is pleasure, not an endurance event, AFAIAC.
    Nah, that's silly.
    Angry, yes - usually because its been turned to shit.
    No, I *know* it.

    Fr Jack
    96 Tiger.
    skype: fr.jack (without the dot)
    Fr Jack, Apr 23, 2005
  13. Champ

    Stefan Guest

    Its all about adrenaline. Biking causes the release of adrenaline from
    the adrenal cortex which stimulates the heart and the brain. It has
    already been proved that these sorts of activities can cause problems.
    Its old news. So kiss my biscuit.
    Stefan, Apr 23, 2005
  14. <snip>

    Does your Mum normally let you stay up this late?
    The Older Gentleman, Apr 23, 2005
  15. It was somewhere around Barstow, on the edge of the desert, when the
    drugs began to take hold. I remember (Stefan) saying
    something like:
    No it's not. It's all about formatting your post properly.

    Now kiss my arse, big boy.
    Grimly Curmudgeon, Apr 24, 2005
  16. Champ

    Ben Blaney Guest

    " "
    There is no other explanation for UKRM meets.
    Posting this to UKRM seems superfluous.
    There are some fat cunts who read UKRM, yes.
    " "
    UKRM: Can you handle it?
    Ben Blaney, Apr 24, 2005
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