Ma Wife is taking the MC riding course.

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by BJayKana, Oct 30, 2005.

  1. BJayKana

    BJayKana Guest

    Honey is serious, she informed me the other day, that she signed up for
    a MSC, deal, and is sheduled for November 12 & 13th. We have had a
    little 250 Rebel around here, that we borrowed. I have showed her some
    stuff, and she rides it out here on loop FM1397 where there's very
    little traffic. First I rode it and she drove. Now she can saddle up,
    and we both ride out our graveled drive way, for a ride, around the
    farm land. She gets up to 45mph.
    I found out something I didnt realize.
    And that is, it's not easy to merely stop a motorcycle. Something that
    we Vets, take naturally. I am talking just stopping not shuting it down.
    That was hard for her, and still is a little. The other thing is,
    turning around, merely turning the bike around. hmmmm? what do ya'll
    BJayKana, Oct 30, 2005
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  2. She'll get use to it. Just some practice and coordination.
    Even if she decides that being a rider is not for her, she just wants to be
    a passenger, the course is still a good idea. Passengers should have some
    basic understanding of how to ride a motorcycle. I recommend the course for
    Elmer McKeegan, Oct 31, 2005
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  3. BJayKana

    Wakko Guest

    She's in charge at home. I have no problem letting her tell me exactly what
    to do with my hands. ;)
    Wakko, Oct 31, 2005
  4. BJayKana

    Wakko Guest

    Are you referring to the MSF's Basic RiderCourse?
    I feel that I must disagree. The class I took a few years ago started out as
    if nobody knew a thing about motorcycles. We practiced paddle walking the
    bike while bumping the clutch for instance.
    I can see how knowledge of manual transmissions would be a benefit for those
    that have only had automatics, tho.
    Wakko, Nov 1, 2005
  5. BJayKana

    Wakko Guest

    Yeah, that sounds like pure bullcrap.

    What's happening in Galveston?
    Wakko, Nov 1, 2005
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