LRP and catalytic-converters

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Knobdoodle, Oct 19, 2004.

  1. Knobdoodle

    Nev.. Guest

    The F650CS has single exhaust while the F650GS has twin exhaust. Go figure.

    '03 ZX12R
    Nev.., Oct 20, 2004
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  2. Knobdoodle

    Knobdoodle Guest

    Thanks for the info John.
    Knobdoodle, Oct 21, 2004
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  3. Knobdoodle

    Knobdoodle Guest

    Yeah said 96 but both and said 95 (but then
    both said "same as PULP" which they had listed at 96!)
    Knobdoodle, Oct 21, 2004
  4. Knobdoodle

    Knobdoodle Guest

    Gee; the C would have a lower C of G than the G, see?
    Knobdoodle, Oct 21, 2004
  5. Knobdoodle

    rockit Guest

    well I tried to keep it simple.... yeh, the XL 250R that I flog around the
    farm has 2 exhaust outlets, although they blend into 1 pipe, not thinking
    that many
    would be aware, I overlooked that.
    The bike to which I referred had the original muffler still in its place,
    but it
    wasn't connected to the engine. The after market one was fitted on the other
    side, and was the one used. Don't know why he didn't remove the original?
    He did talk about it a bit, there were others about and I didn't give it my
    full attention (or that will do), and it floated over my head. Over-riding
    converter, and a better sound seem a plausible explanation.
    Nev, as they say, "it's a small world"
    Having tea at the $8 chow shop on the Island on Sun. night, we sat at a
    table where there were another couple of blokes. As it turned out they were
    from Cobram, close to my home territory. The conversation moved on to
    the Postie Bike Ride. I asked if there was more than 1 a year?.... no. Well,
    I told them that I was having dinner with a couple last Thurs. who were
    also on that ride.... hmmm, ...I related Jo's prang experience... they
    at one another and smiled.... one of them said he was the one who picked her
    up! Amazing
    If you want to know more about the 650 to relate it to her bike, I will be
    to find the rider to whom I refer. He's new to our group, but there will
    be those who know him
    rockit, Oct 21, 2004
  6. Knobdoodle

    Boxer Guest

    I think it will also kill the O2 sensor and thereby the computer will revert
    to limp home mode.

    Boxer, Oct 21, 2004
  7. Knobdoodle

    Conehead Guest

    Cat was standard on '96 R11000RT, and I believe it was standard on each year
    of the R259 series in the RT
    Conehead, Oct 21, 2004
  8. Knobdoodle

    Conehead Guest

    Lots. Too much imo.
    Conehead, Oct 21, 2004
  9. Knobdoodle

    John Littler Guest

    PULP is only *required* to be 95 if I'm not mistaken, doesn't stop 'em
    making it a higher number

    John Littler, Oct 21, 2004
  10. Can I tweak them?

    Bostman Bat
    Pat Heslewood, Oct 21, 2004

  11. Twocati 900?

    Postman Pat
    Pat Heslewood, Oct 21, 2004
  12. Knobdoodle

    John Guest

    Snip shitloads...
    Thought Cat was standard on the Fireblade?


    John, Oct 21, 2004
  13. Knobdoodle

    Knobdoodle Guest

    ARRRGHHHH! MY (mind's) EYES, MY EYES!!
    Knobdoodle, Oct 21, 2004
  14. The bike will make a racquet when you gut the cat in the exhaust.

    Postman Pat (The ball's in your court,Tim)
    Pat Heslewood, Oct 21, 2004
  15. Knobdoodle

    Knobdoodle Guest

    No she's EXCEPTIONAL on the Fireblade!
    Knobdoodle, Oct 21, 2004
  16. Knobdoodle

    SmeeR11S Guest

    She didn't see us, we didn't see her (I was looking at the lcd screen
    when I took that pic).
    Talk about coincidental timing.
    We were in Grantville ready to tackle the run to the brewery and while
    waiting for moike and Slej we took pictures of the cranbourne run.
    Cat is the one on the left in the yellow leathers.
    SmeeR11S, Oct 22, 2004
  17. Knobdoodle

    smack Guest

    maybe she didn't see you.
    smack, Oct 22, 2004
  18. Knobdoodle

    John Guest

    Smack... Phosphide eutectic???


    John, Oct 22, 2004
  19. Knobdoodle

    John Guest

    Almost got the "If that bastard doesn't hurry up... i am going to nail
    him!!" look


    John, Oct 22, 2004
  20. Knobdoodle

    smack Guest

    yep, been 5 days man :(
    smack, Oct 22, 2004
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