Lowest Cost GPS Tracking System on the Market

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Johann Blake, Nov 19, 2003.

  1. Johann Blake

    Johann Blake Guest

    Polaris - Lowest Cost GPS Tracking System on the Market

    CloserWorlds introduces Polaris, a low cost product / service for
    tracking an object's physical location in real-time over the Internet
    and displaying its position on a geographical map. Polaris can be used
    to track vehicles on the road, ships, planes, trains, humans and even
    animals. It is a generic system that consists of an XML web service
    and software running on a client's computer.

    Hardware located on the tracked object transmits the location
    periodically to the web service which forwards it to the customer's
    machine. CloserWorlds offers a complete vehicle tracking system built
    on Polaris providing the lowest cost tracking on the market for
    companies who want an entry-level product without investing much money

    Polaris is built using Microsoft .NET technology and can be customized
    by any programmer to meet special business requirements. The client
    software ships with support for Microsoft MapPoint and OziExplorer but
    can be programmed to interface with any mapping software or business
    application. Multiple vehicles (or any object) can be displayed on
    multiple maps simultaneously. Polaris is also designed to work with
    any hardware device since it contains no proprietary interfaces to any
    specific hardware. Dates/times are stored in UTC format (Universal
    Time Coordinate) and textual data can be stored in multiple languages.

    The Polaris web service costs a minimum of $15 a month which
    guarantees tracking a single vehicle every 15 minutes, 8 hours a day,
    6 days a week.

    For more information on Polaris, see www.closerworlds.com, or call +49
    711 838 5038 (Germany).

    CloserWorlds is also looking for distributors worldwide. Contact
    CloserWorlds if you are interested in selling and providing product
    support in your country.
    Johann Blake, Nov 19, 2003
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  2. Johann Blake

    Pip Guest

    On 19 Nov 2003 08:08:11 -0800, (Johann Blake)

    <snip spam>

    Abuse report sent to
    Pip, Nov 19, 2003
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