Louisiana has lost their right to free choice

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Elmer McKeegan, Jun 22, 2004.

  1. Elmer McKeegan

    ShadowHawk Guest


    While I cannoty cite actual law references, I can tell you that it's hidden
    in the employment laws. It's in probably every company's management & HR
    guides - that spell out what can and cannot be asked during a job

    For instance, It's illegal for an employer to ask during an interview if a
    candidate is a particular religion... But you can ask if they need any
    specific days off for personal purposes... It's illegal for them to ask if
    the employment candidate owns a car (an employer CAN however, ask if they
    have "reliable transportation for work".) It's all in the phrasing... And
    is meant to help prevent discrimination based on a person's current
    financial status.

    Illegal: Have you ever been arrested?
    Legal: Have you ever been convicted of a felony?

    Our society has gotten to the point where an employer cannot ask some
    questions that ARE very relevent to the employment to that company's

    On a note regarding bikes... My '82 XJ650's estimate for the insurance
    company is coming along at a pace that is slower than molassas in February.
    The owner of RPM Cycle over on Hwy 78 in Garland has a lot of work, and not
    much help in his shop... Plus the fact that many of the parts are
    discontinued makes it hard to get a specific estimate... I asked him to
    ballpark and get me a quote ASAP - as his paperwork is the last thing I
    need to submit to the careless cager's insurance company. Wish me luck.. I
    think I'll be needing it. haha. He says he'll have the estimate completed
    by 10:00am tomorrow. I'm not holding my breath...

    Rex S.
    T-Boned '82 XJ650 Maxim
    ShadowHawk, Jun 29, 2004
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  2. Elmer McKeegan

    Bownse Guest

    IIRC they ruled that someone can't be arrested and confined indefinitely
    without being told why and provided some level of impartial hearing
    (even though that hearing can call shy of a trial).

    Remember that when they decide that using the internet and riding bikes
    is reason enough to barge into your house at 3am and haul your ass to a
    holding cell.
    Bownse, Jun 30, 2004
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  3. Elmer McKeegan

    fullstate Guest

    Racial profiling does not necessarily mean "dark people."

    Let me ask you a question.... you don't see white, anglo saxon
    Americans trying to blow up airplanes, do you? Of course not. Even
    in foreign countries they don't screen white Americans as hard as they
    do people from middle-eastern countries.

    But, did you know that the airlines can be fined if they screen more
    than three middle-eastern people on a flight? When 911 occurred, if
    racial profiling was in effect it might have been prevented. That's
    not to say it wouldn't have happened, but it certainly would have had
    less of a chance of happening.

    Does that make me a racist? No. It makes me aware of the facts. I
    happen to know some very white people that were deported to their home
    countries, and they were here legally.


    Me and Mah 'Priller!
    fullstate, Jun 30, 2004
  4. Elmer McKeegan

    fullstate Guest

    That happened back in the 80's. A lot of "hackers" got nailed by the
    FBI. Most of the hackers were kids, and their folks had no idea what
    was going on. Since there were no laws being broke, and the FBI
    didn't have a clue what was happening they took everything electronic
    in the house, locked up the kids, and didn't charge them with anything
    and wouldn't release them.


    Me and Mah 'Priller!
    fullstate, Jun 30, 2004
  5. Elmer McKeegan

    fullstate Guest

    No, we don't. And, no, it does not. That logic just doesn't fly when
    compared to the rest of the strain that illegal immigrants place on
    the economy.

    Wallmart's low prices are due to buying power (volume) and an
    excellent business model for reduction of costs. Personally, I hate
    them and won't shop there, but that is another story.


    Me and Mah 'Priller!
    fullstate, Jun 30, 2004
  6. Elmer McKeegan

    Bill Walker Guest

    Probably not.. How about your own ? Even though Soto wouldn't do the same, I
    will intercede in this little discussion.. Many of our own descendents
    illegally entered this country and yet they claimed more allegiance to the
    country than the natural born citizens who claim their birthright..

    This country has commenced a slide into the dark ages when we have people
    who would deny children, seniors or our veterans.. When our own become the
    objects of resentment because they are in need, we should re-examine our

    Corporate bailouts and government guaranteed loans to keep failing
    corporations afloat, is where the damage to our economy is impacted most..
    The amounts of money spent on widows, orphans and our veterans is a very
    small percentage of what is being squandered on the corporate and wealthiest
    of our citizens..

    Illegal aliens are not representative of the failing economy . Of course,
    our borders should be maintained and controlled.. We should all be alert to
    the dangers presented by foreign invasions of illegal immigration.. Shoring
    up the border defense is not the answers to the economic problems which are
    afflicting our country at this time.. Those issues are the "giveaway"
    projects to those amongst us who are draining our economy .. That being the
    wealthiest amongst us.. Feeding a hungry child.. educating him and making
    sure that he is provided for with suitable employment for his parents is
    much more important than whether American Airlines ever flies again..

    Halliburton has been awarded contracts in the billions, with no competitive
    bid.. They have also defrauded the taxpayers with billings of millions that
    were not accountable.. All due to their political connections.. just one

    Veterans of our conflicts around the world have been denied benefits that
    were promised to them.. in efforts to privatize the hospitals built with
    taxpayer dollars..

    Senior citizens daily make decisions of whether to buy food or medicines
    because they do not have health insurance..

    Then we have those amongst us who complain about a mexican who sneaks across
    our border to work and gets sick.. one example.. We complain about the
    mexican who drives a vehicle in this very mobile society without insurance..
    or a license.. How about directing those complaints toward the "real" causes
    of our economic and budget failures.. It is easy to direct all that energy
    and criticism against the most helpless amongst us.. But that isn't where
    the answers are ..

    We have forgotten what the founders warned us about when they passed on the
    Constitution and the Bill of Rights to us.. To a man .. the founders warned
    us about corporate control of our government.. There is where you will find
    the answers to most of these complaints that we are hearing..

    Bill Walker
    Irving, Tx.
    Bill Walker, Jun 30, 2004
  7. Elmer McKeegan

    Brian Walker Guest

    Actually, it started out by their reduction of profits to make a
    larger scheme of profits overall. Now, it's turned into gouging the
    employees in their benefits and using their "name" to negotiate
    contracts which gouge into companies/corporations providing their

    Using Charles' logic, you'd expect Target to be insanely high, due
    solely because they don't hire illegal immigrants to clean their
    stores. Walmart and Target has been very competitive and sets their
    prices accordingly to the area and what the other is willing to sell
    for. Both "comp shop" each other on a daily basis and both have
    cleaning crews contracted to clean their stores.

    As it was, the "illegal immigrant" thing was just another diversion
    from Walmart breaking employer laws on another scale. People have now
    forgotten (surprisingly...they tend to have very little span for
    remembering details) that Walmart is the leading contributor to under
    paying their employees, hiring only "part time" yet working the
    employees on full time hours to keep from having to pay out benefits
    as well as working employees "off the clock". When those little
    details broke, all of a sudden there was a store in Whocares Maine
    that had 4 undocumented workers contracted to clean the store...and
    everyone forgot the rest.

    I wish everyone would stop worrying about a corporations little
    problems like "they aren't making enough money" and start worrying
    about the rest of us not making enough money.

    And might I say to all you folks who voted for (or didn't vote at all)
    "deregulations" of the utility companies...thank you very much! I hope
    all of you are affected shortly by that vote. When it does affect you,
    there's no one to turn to for help.
    Brian Walker, Jun 30, 2004
  8. Elmer McKeegan

    Brian Walker Guest

    That would be Kevin!
    Brian Walker, Jun 30, 2004
  9. Elmer McKeegan

    Brian Walker Guest

    That would be Kevin!
    Brian Walker, Jun 30, 2004
  10. Elmer McKeegan

    fullstate Guest

    Bill -

    You make some very good points. I'm not sure that I ever
    implied that illegal aliens were the sole reason of economic problems
    in this country. If it came across that way then I didn't do a very
    good job of explaining myself. They certainly are not the sole
    problem, but they are part of the problem.

    And anyone that drives a vehicle without a license and insurance is
    also part of the problem regardless of whether not they are a citizen.

    There are many parts of the problem, we could focus on any one topic
    or issue.


    Me and Mah 'Priller!
    fullstate, Jun 30, 2004
  11. Elmer McKeegan

    Brian Walker Guest

    Charles, that's simply about as stupid as the argument for sending
    tech jobs to India and manufacturing jobs to Mexico. All the arguments
    have been for "lowering prices"...but I'm still seeing my electricity
    bill going up, food going up...and even my gasoline prices increasing.
    I'm seeing new home prices still going up, my internet bill going up,
    my phone bill going up...and few routers for sale under $100. Where
    are all these low prices? Go to Walmart and tell me where the prices
    have dropped. They run all these commercials, but the only time I see
    a price drop is when there's a sale. Go price a CD. Go price a DVD. Go
    price a shirt. What about light bulbs?

    I'd have to agree with the other person, either pay a living wage or
    go out of business. Period. When I quote a price to fix a network,
    business owners don't like to pay me...even though my price is just my
    wage. When I walk into a business like a dentist office and see them
    charging people $80 to make an appointment and they have a computer
    sitting on bricks in a corner of their office....then they don't want
    to pay me for my services, there's something wrong there.

    How about you go and get a job out here in the market place and then
    talk about what we need and what would help. Otherwise, "STFU" about
    what the workplace is like.
    Brian Walker, Jun 30, 2004
  12. Elmer McKeegan

    Bill Walker Guest

    Don't worry about it, pard.. My rant wasn't directed toward you...
    Bill Walker, Jun 30, 2004
  13. Elmer McKeegan

    Bownse Guest

    You are Chris Rock and I claim my 5 "View Askew" DVDs.
    Bownse, Jul 1, 2004
  14. Elmer McKeegan

    fullstate Guest

    Uh, right....so you can find 2? We are talking statistically, here -
    hence: profiling. Or did you forget?

    Charles - if you wish to discuss this intelligently, fine by me. But,
    if you can't, I'll ignore you and the rest of us will continue the


    Me and Mah 'Priller!
    fullstate, Jul 1, 2004
  15. Elmer McKeegan

    Ransacker Guest

    Charles, I didn't realize you were such a racist..I'm disappointed in you.
    Ransacker, Jul 1, 2004
  16. Elmer McKeegan

    Ransacker Guest

    Typically when you take a risk, you look at the Risk/reward ratio. If
    there's high risk there should be a high reward to offset it.
    Conversly, if you take little risk, the reward should be small. I was
    just wondering why if not wearing a helmet has such a high risk, why
    would anybody NOT want to wear one? Where's the reward? Where's the
    payoff? Bugs in your face, tears in your eyes? Face rearranged
    during an accident? Extremly high risk of death in a serious accident.
    Just what is the reward?
    Ransacker, Jul 1, 2004
  17. Elmer McKeegan

    Bill Walker Guest

    Risk is experienced each time you mount a motorcycle or enter a car or
    pickup.. Assuming that you will be involved in an accident, why would anyone
    take this risk.?. Even with protective body armor or a helmet.. "Risk" that
    is easily assumed could very well mean that all of us would remain in a
    protected environment and not venture out of it.. There is no way to justify
    assuming dangerous "risks"..

    Survival during an accident doesn't depend on whether you wear a helmet,
    necessarily.. Under certain conditions, wearing a helmet is prudent and
    wise.. Under other conditions, wearing of a helmet only adds to discomfort
    and is not necessarily an asset.. Most importantly is the wisdom to know the
    difference in those conditions and to be prepared..

    Without that wisdom to understand those differences, it is doubtful that a
    rider will survive in any event.. When we become conditioned to the state
    legislation for our own survival, we have given up an important right to
    determine our own destiny..

    Sadly enough.. the danger posed by legislation that deprives us of the right
    to make decisions is greater than the "risk" factor presented by the helmet

    If you feel more comfortable wearing a helmet when you ride a motorcycle, by
    all means, do so.. No one has ever sanctioned any legislation to ban or
    forbid anyone from wearing protective clothing or a helmet.. Why are there
    so many who sanction legislation that requires "everyone" to wear helmets ?

    Economic issues must be considered, but.. if the rider has met the
    requirements by the state to exempt him from wearing a helmet, there is no
    longer an economic issue.. The helmet legislation that was negotiated with
    the attorney general of Texas, minimized the state's financial

    As for the rider's personal "risk"..that is his choice .. All things
    considered, that rider is assumed to be of sound mind and possess a degree
    of logic that he considers when he makes that decision.. Ride with a helmet
    or don't ride with one.. I will fight for the rights for you to have the
    freedom to make that choice..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jul 1, 2004
  18. Elmer McKeegan

    Brian Walker Guest

    Actually, the people boarding those flights were within all guidelines
    at the time. They only had box cutters and normal type knives. Had
    they been searched, which I have no doubt the airlines were aware of
    the weapons they used since video was seen of the people going through
    metal detectors and the knives being shown, they still would've found
    the same things.

    So, before you start talking about "had this happened", think about
    what really did happen.
    Actually, I wouldn't figure that *did* make you a racist. Saying you
    "know some very white people" would make you a racist. :)

    I was in Target the other day looking for video DVDs. While I was
    standing there looking over the selection, I noticed that the sections
    were segregated into white people movies and black people movies. I
    asked about this and the employee looked quite ashamed that yes, the
    movies were indeed sectioned out as I saw it. So, moral of the story,
    when shopping in Target it's now part of it to know the color of the
    star in the movie to find where the movie is located. I thought we
    were beyond all that...I guess not!
    Brian Walker, Jul 1, 2004
  19. Elmer McKeegan

    fullstate Guest

    It always amazes me how guys can ride without a helmet, and goggles or
    glasses and no windscreen. My eyes tear up so bad at about 30mph I
    can't see a damned thing.


    Me and Mah 'Priller!
    fullstate, Jul 1, 2004
  20. Elmer McKeegan

    fullstate Guest

    I guess what I don't understand is how can you know when the right
    time to wear one is? I mean, you might say that if it's raining it's
    more of a risk that you might go down. But even when it's dry out you
    never know about a grease spot, or little bunny foo-foo coming across
    the road. I mean anything could happen that could cause you to go
    down. That's the chance I don't like to take.....and I don't
    consider it a discomfort to wear my helmet.

    It all comes down to an acceptable risk. If you don't see it as a
    risk to not wear one and you go down, you know that you took that
    chance. It's the same decision we make when we get on the bike in the
    first place.

    I'm just not sure that I agree with wisdom being part of it, because
    it would seem prudent to me to wear a helmet at all times - which I
    do. But, I certainly respect your right not to wear one, even if i
    don't agree with why you don't wear one.


    Me and Mah 'Priller!
    fullstate, Jul 1, 2004
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