Louisiana has lost their right to free choice

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Elmer McKeegan, Jun 22, 2004.

  1. Elmer McKeegan

    fullstate Guest

    Sorry everyone, I have been gone and barely been able to get on the
    newsgroups much.

    I think the helmet debate is an interesting one. I am against
    mandating riders wear a helmet, just as I am against mandating that
    people wear seat belts.

    However, I think that the argument of the taxpayers not fitting the
    bills for people injured in accidents needs to be explored a bit more.
    I saw some of the threads on this topic, but only caught a portion of
    the arguments.

    One thing I noticed was Bill's stance that it's a bogus argument
    because insurance carriers are footing the bill. I'm not sure that I
    agree with that 100%. In MOST cases, we hope that the law-abiding
    citizens have insurance. Let's just say that they do. The insurance
    doesn't last forever, nor does it cover all the expenses - especially
    in the case of debilitating injuries.

    Insurance pays a portion, or most of the initial problem, but it's not
    going to pay for long-term care of the individual. Nor is it going to
    cover long term unemployment. That comes out of our tax dollars.
    now, I'm not saying I am against that, but I do have a problem with it
    if people knowingly neglected to take certain safety precautions.

    It's a lot like people who smoke or are severely overweight and have
    severe medical problems because of it, but don't have the money to pay
    for it. Why should my money go to take care of these people who
    haven't taken care of themselves?

    I think that if you can sort that part of it out, you have a secure
    argument against mandatory helmet or seat belt laws (with the
    exception of kids).

    Me? I always wear my helmet. ;-)


    Me and Mah 'Priller!
    fullstate, Jun 24, 2004
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  2. Elmer McKeegan

    Bill Walker Guest

    Perhaps I didn't type this opinion as clearly as I could articulate it.. The
    insurance companies used the argument in their efforts to increase premium
    costs and to legislate mandated insurance coverage on vehicles.. Their
    arguments were only substantiated with the studies they produced within the
    industry.. Those studies were never proven out and were without merit..
    I'd guesstimate that "long-term" care is not the issue.. The type of care is
    rarely needed in motorcycle crash accidents.. Either the injuries are slight
    enough to warrant minimal care and treatment or they are fatal.. As to the
    out of work expense, that would be covered under the "workmen's
    compensation" or SSI benefits which each one of pays during our lifetime of
    work.. Certainly not borne by the insurance company ..
    "Your" money should not be used for that purpose.. I am a "smoker".. I don't
    recall you ever buying a pack of cigarettes for me.. I will be seventy years
    old next month.. At my age, my health could become a factor at any given
    month.. You know me.. do I appear to be a man who has abused his body for
    all these years.. I have worked, paid taxes and supported myself and my
    family as best I could for all those years.. When my health does fail..
    where will I turn for the relief to live the rest of it in dignity and some
    degree of comfort.?
    The exemption for wearing a helmet is several fold.. You must complete the
    MSF course.. You must provide a $10,000.00 surety deposit with the state..
    You must provide health and hospitalization coverage.. Of course, you must
    be of a certain age (which addresses the child issue).. And without issue is
    the motorcycle endorsement on your driver's license.. hmmm... Seems that
    pretty well covers the arguments being made ...
    Yes .. LOL.. you do.. Pussy... why ? Hell.. you don't stay around enough to
    ride that damn eyetaliano monster, anyway... What's up with that ? Engine is
    about to seize up on that "dago" machine.... Let's do a day run..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jun 24, 2004
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  3. Elmer McKeegan

    eahart Guest

    Bill Walker wrote this:
    "You know me.. do I appear to be a man who has abused his body for
    all these years.."
    Ed Hart is writing this:
    Yea ya do.But one thing about it,it appears that ya had alot of fun doin' it
    and would never look back.
    Catfish sounds good,don't it?
    Ed Hart
    Politics is supposed to be the second
    oldest profession.I have come to
    realize that it bears a very close
    resemblance to the first.
    eahart, Jun 24, 2004
  4. Elmer McKeegan

    Brian Walker Guest

    going up on the price of cigarettes is a good thing done by the
    tobacco companies. This leads to people quitting smoking and therefore
    causes me to be able to sit in a restaurant or walk down a sidewalk
    without smelling it.

    Unlike gas or insurance...even utilities, one can quit smoking and
    live better for it.

    And yes, you've been trolled. I've been trying to warn you about him.
    Brian Walker, Jun 24, 2004
  5. Elmer McKeegan

    Brian Walker Guest

    You don't know just how screwed up you truly are by saying these

    Taking first things first, the middle east countries have been paying
    a nickel a gallon for gasoline.

    The two largest buyers from the middle east are also the two highest
    pricing gasoline charging places...United States and Europe.
    Since the 1920's, the United States and Europe have been deep into
    buying and securing oil in the middle east. The United States has
    never "exported" oil of any magnitude. The only real "exporting" that
    has ever been done has been just to power military equipment in war
    zones. The first Gulf War and the aftermath was to secure a base in
    Saudi Arabia. Everyone knows this. The United States was training and
    preparing for arming against Iraq several months prior to Hussein
    invading the country of Kuwait. The United States built up the
    "threat" of Iraq to the Saudi's in order to gain an invitation to
    enter the country. The United States continued after the war to keep
    insisting what a "threat" Iraq was to the Saudi's to stay in the
    country. This is where bin Laden came into play with being our
    "enemy"...he didn't like the United States being invited or staying in
    his home country. This is why there are so many militants in Saudi
    Arabia. This wasn't something from the 60s, this was something that
    started in the 20s after WW1.
    When was the last time the government did such a thing? The lottery
    was to be used for education. The helmet exemption sticker was to have
    been used for motorcycle education. And now you're all for $5/gallon
    for gasoline? Just give us your extra $3/gallon and we'll put it to
    better use than the government would.

    A good film that I'd recommend you watching is "Hidden Wars in the
    Middle East". Just the information from "Stormin' Norman" himself is
    an eye opener. Had it been from anyone else, I would've said they were
    crazy and a big "conspiricy theory".

    Speaking of films, Michael Moore has Farenheit 911 coming out
    tomorrow. According to the critics (Gary Cogill for example), they say
    it's well made and without a doubt (regardless of the political tones)
    his best movie yet.
    Brian Walker, Jun 25, 2004
  6. Elmer McKeegan

    Bownse Guest

    Liberty, by definition, includes the ability to travel unhindered by the
    government. The technology of travel changes with time but not the
    right. Just because radio was invented didn't change the right of free
    speach in spite of a new means of speaking to others becoming available.
    Anyone even suggesting that free speach only applies to those standing
    on an orange crate in city center would be laughed out of town.
    Bownse, Jun 25, 2004
  7. Elmer McKeegan

    Bill Walker Guest

    I do not care to indulge some moron on a newsgroup like this Texdays trash
    about freedoms nor privileges.. Freedom to Move About has been accepted and
    fought for long and hard, again by many whom sacrificed much in order for
    ALL of us to enjoy our way of life in America..

    Many of the participants on this newsgroup have no concept nor have ever
    contributed on damn thing to the quality of life .. There is never a second
    thought for the rights or the privileges they enjoy and how those rights and
    privileges affect others.. I don't care if everyone who mounts a motorcycle
    wears full armor and helmets that come from Star Wars.. as long as they
    don't infringe on my own right to not wear one..

    Idiots like some of these posters on this newsgroup have never experienced
    living in a country with an authoritarian government.. Most have no idea of
    the consequences of the infringement of their rights that they are so eager
    to give up to the government..

    Give up all the rights you care to, but when you commence to advocate
    infringing on the rights of your neighbors as you give up your own rights,
    you become a member of a flock of sheep .. Iraqis became that kind of
    society when they accepted the rule and infringement of their rights from
    Saddam Hussein.. The difference is that we have the choice and the
    opportunity to reject the infringement on our rights.. While we still have
    the freedom to do so, we'd best be about it..

    Bill Walker
    Irving, Tx.
    Bill Walker, Jun 25, 2004
  8. Elmer McKeegan

    Bill Walker Guest

    Damn sure does.. LOL.. I can eat my weight in Cajun Catfish and would
    welcome the opportunity to challenge you to a rematch at any given time...
    Bring Dayton and all the other help that you know you will need... Let's do

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jun 25, 2004
  9. Elmer McKeegan

    Bill Walker Guest

    This poster is not only 24 carat trash.. he is also certifiably goofy as a
    tree full of hoot owls.. Anyone who would draw parallels between "freedom to
    move about" and the juvenile ramblings that he has just posted, has to be
    the most idiotic contribution that I have ever witnessed on this newsgroup..
    To end it with "ride safe" has to be adding insult to injury.. Sheesh

    Bill Walker
    Irving, Tx.
    Bill Walker, Jun 25, 2004
  10. Elmer McKeegan

    fullstate Guest

    That makes a little more sense. I don't trust insurance companies any
    further than I can throw them.
    I disagree on this one. I think it is the issue. I'm not sure what
    the percentages work out to, but it's not the intermediate care that I
    am concerned about. It's about the guy that has brain damage or
    something that prevents him / her from working and eats up taxpayers
    money to support them.

    I guess, though....the reality, is that I'd rather support an American
    citizen that made an effort rather than an illegal alien that sucks
    our system dry.

    (insert throwing vegetables here)
    You know, I have a lot of friends that smoke and what not. That's
    really not the issue. The reality is that it's the people that are
    obese that are sucking the medicare / medicaid system dry. So sue me,
    but it's true.
    See? I don't really have a problem with that. It's basically the
    "states" way of saying "if you don't want to wear a helmet, that is
    fine with us, but be responsible about it."
    <grin> Yeah, I am taking it to NC here very soon to ride The Dragon.
    I'll send you pics. ;-)


    Me and Mah 'Priller!
    fullstate, Jun 25, 2004
  11. Elmer McKeegan

    fullstate Guest

    I'm like you, I have a lot of mixed emotions about the whole thing.
    Number one is that I don't want the govt. telling me what I can and
    cannot do.

    Number two is that I don't think anyone else should have to pay for me
    being a dumb-ass (if that should happen.

    Number three is that just because I pay my taxes does NOT meant that I
    am entitled to suck the govt. out of every penny that I can.

    Yeah, now that is a tough argument. What is "acceptable risk?"


    Me and Mah 'Priller!
    fullstate, Jun 25, 2004
  12. Elmer McKeegan

    fullstate Guest

    Interesting argument.....but I'd say this:

    I am a person that believes that the govt. should stay out of our

    The second thing is that I believe the state (govt) has a vested
    interest in protecting itself.

    What does that translate to? Basically that they shouldn't tell us
    what to do, but they also have to setup mechanisms that keep them from
    footing the bill when the time comes.

    BTW - Wearing a helmet is better for you because it might just save
    your ass (head) in a wreck or lay-down.


    Me and Mah 'Priller!
    fullstate, Jun 25, 2004
  13. Elmer McKeegan

    fullstate Guest

    Good, but off the mark. Because you have the right to free travel
    does not mean you have the right to travel in the manner of your

    And...the govt. DOES regulate travel and the travel industry to
    protect the interest of the citizens and the interest of the state -
    though I think they do a crappy job at it.

    So you may have the right to walk from point-A to point-B, but you do
    NOT have the right to drive however you see fit in whatever vehicle
    you see fit, regardless of the safety of others.


    Me and Mah 'Priller!
    fullstate, Jun 25, 2004
  14. Elmer McKeegan

    ShadowHawk Guest

    Charles.. I never said that.... So, I guess, I won't be stupid.

    Rex S.
    ShadowHawk, Jun 25, 2004
  15. Elmer McKeegan

    Bill Walker Guest

    HMMM... I gave that one some thought and did a little limited research..
    Don't think I can find any evidence that anyone that I know has made that
    Bill Walker, Jun 25, 2004
  16. Elmer McKeegan

    Brian Walker Guest

    Interesting how it's a "priviledge", yet you buy the vehicle, pay
    insurance, pay license fees, pay inspection fees, pay for maintenance,
    pay for fuel...drive it on public roadways which are paid for by
    citizens. It's a "priviledge"? That very word would contract something
    being given as a reward. What's being given? Is it also a "priviledge"
    to have children? Is it a "priviledge" to eat?
    No one said anything about "no rules".
    Brian Walker, Jun 25, 2004
  17. Elmer McKeegan

    Bill Walker Guest

    Without making claims of "Constitutional" expertise, I believe there is
    something in our Bill of Rights which gives of the "right to move freely
    about".. Some are under the impression that these are "privileges".. Some
    believe that we move freely from state to state.. Texas, Arizona and
    California have entry inspection stations that must be passed before
    entering the states.. Other states also have these inspection points..for a
    good reason ..

    Each "new" law that is passed only increases the control of the flow of
    movement in this country.. Our leaders would have us believe that these new
    laws are only for our own protection.. Nothing could be furthur from the
    truth, but as long as we believe them, we'll continue to contribute to our
    own losses of liberty..

    Each one of us should make it our individual goal to confront at least one
    of our legislators and remind him that "he works for us, and not for the
    president, senators, congressmen, governors, etc... who also work for us"..
    That is the key to returning the government back to the people...

    Bill Walker
    Irving, Tx.
    Bill Walker, Jun 25, 2004
  18. agricultural inspections are a good reason. i don't want the fruit fly
    from california coming into texas, for example.

    weigh stations/state port of entry for commercial carriers are a good
    reason. they get to pay taxes that pay to repair the roads they tear up.

    border patrol checkpoints look for illegal aliens sneaking in, etc.

    no one is checking private vehicles for authorized traveling papers or a
    passport at any state border.
    another viewer, Jun 25, 2004
  19. Elmer McKeegan

    Bill Walker Guest

    Evidently you didn't read the part of the comment "for good reason"..
    John... Each one of the stations have incorporated representatives from the
    county shreiffs depts.. and INS to scrutinize each vehicle as they are
    systematically stopped .. Sometimes you will see various otherLEO vehicles
    present in the area, as well..
    Canine units at these checkpoints are not checking the color of the paint,
    John.. License plates numbers are entered into databases and patterns of the
    people traveling are maintained.. Recently at the Arizona and California
    checkpoint, one of the very nice lady officers reminded me that this was my
    second trip to California within six months..
    Bill Walker, Jun 25, 2004
  20. Elmer McKeegan

    ShadowHawk Guest

    What was her reason for even mentioning it? Just to let you know that "big
    brother" is watching our movements?

    Rex S.

    ShadowHawk, Jun 25, 2004
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