Louie and Albert's "opinions" (Was: Changes)

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Brian Walker, Sep 24, 2004.

  1. Brian Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    I'm just wondering what ever happened to their ideas (oh wait, I'm the
    only one with "opinions") that these restrictions were good and well
    thought out safety issues. I'm still waiting for their proof of a
    study with that. I'm sure (positive is more like it) that it's nothing
    more than an image and perception about "outlaw bikers" with their
    tall handlebars and loud pipes. Anyone care to disagree?

    I'll bet "louie" would believe that Iraq is free and raining democracy
    all over the gay and charming people over there who have been
    showering our troops with flowers...when they have their "free
    elections". Even though our troops are really being blown up over
    there for an administration who is telling us and our house/senate
    members that they don't care if the people in Iraq vote or not..."it's
    not a perfect world and elections aren't perfect".

    BTW, I saw another clip of Rumsfeld saying the same thing just a
    little while ago. The difference was that this time he wasn't in front
    of a press briefing...he was in front of an intelligence hearing.

    And what's up with Marc Racicot? I recall when he was thrown out of
    Montana. Ashcroft lost to a dead man. Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz were
    barely confirmed in light of many objections. Is Bush's people made up
    of nothing more than a bunch of losers? I saw Racicot on The Daily
    Show telling Jon Stewart that the Bush campaign was trying to keep the
    campaign focused, positive and to the issues. I almost choked on my
    dinner. Jon Stewart hollared "YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS". It was a sad
    joke. I believe Racicot brought a couple people with him to sit in the
    audience. When he'd say something stupid like that, you could hear one
    or two people clapping...then everyone else would over-tone that with
    laughter. I agree with Stewart when he said the other nite after
    Rumsfeld getting bin Laden and Hussein mixed up in his briefing that
    Rumsfeld is "like the guy wearing tin foil on the street screaming
    about how he's still banging Elenor Roosevelt". Rumsfeld and Racicot
    are nuts! Poor Powell, I almost feel sorry for his sorry ass. If I
    liked him better than I do (which is none) I'd write him a letter and
    offer a group hug.
    Brian Walker, Sep 24, 2004
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