Loud pipes have their uses.

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by SmeeR11S, Feb 9, 2005.

  1. SmeeR11S

    SmeeR11S Guest

    A few laughs tonight.
    Laugh #1
    I was following a riced up nissan skyline with milo tin exhaust watching
    the driver yacking away on his mobile with the window wound down. As he
    stopped about 5 cars away from the red light I split down the middle
    with the clutch in and in first so that the bike was just idling. As I
    passed his window I waited till my pipes were parallel with his window
    and then let him have a blast of staintune enhanced big twin exhaust
    (being undertail they are at ear level to a seated driver. His reaction
    was priceless. He dropped his phone on his lap from the fright!

    Second laugh:
    I was stopped at the lights near southbank on city road when a guy and
    his wife/girlfriend pulled up alongside me in the right lane in a white
    bmw 320i with all the windows down.
    The driver was on the mobile. So again I begin to rev the bike to 4500
    revs making it very noisy. They both looked at me startled and he
    immediatelygot off the phone.
    Third laugh:
    I was waiting to turn right behind a long line of cars.
    The lights turn red and since i hadn't crossed the lines I stopped for
    the next change.
    Guy in a white van behind me starts telling me off becuase I didn't
    SPLIT ahead of all the turning cars and held him up.
    He would have run the red light.

    What is wrong with some people?
    SmeeR11S, Feb 9, 2005
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  2. SmeeR11S

    Nev.. Guest

    Yeah. You'd reckon the fucking biker would have split the lanes.

    '03 ZX12R
    Nev.., Feb 9, 2005
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  3. SmeeR11S

    Conehead Guest

    Their pipes are too loud?
    Conehead, Feb 9, 2005
  4. SmeeR11S

    MrBonk Guest

    Speaking of laughs (and the milo tin exhaust brigade), I got a great giggle
    yesterday afternoon on my way home from work. There's this guy in a tiny
    rice rocket (looks kinda like an old Barina, but has the obligatory
    pssscht-cht-cht-cht bov, *huge* milo tin exhaust, *huge* very fucking
    stoopid looking chrome rims that don't fit under the guards properly, *huge*
    wing on the back off the roof that looks like half a bathtub and 500kgs of
    lunar lander body kit hanging off it everywhere) that normally comes past my
    place every afternoon at a billion miles/hour with his doof doof crap
    blasting out loud enough for goddam Mars to hear. I spotted him pulled off
    the side of the highway, bonnet up, standing in the passenger doorway with a
    desolate head down demeanour and a whole bunch of absolutely nothing going
    on with the car. *AND* he didn't come past this afternoon :) Looks like
    my prayer of "God I wish that fucking rice boy doof doof shit box fucking
    piece of crap would blow up!!!" every time he comes past has finally paid
    off :)

    MrBonk, Feb 9, 2005
  5. SmeeR11S

    peter Guest

    I've had one guys so desprate to run the red light they drove over the
    gutter to run it, just missing a car turning on the way through doing a
    hook turn. Was hoping I would meet up with him at the next lights for a
    little discussion but was disapointed. Was a rice man in a Rice clothing

    I've been using the exhaust for a while for cars thats cut me off or don't
    see me but I usually go up to 10,000 rpm. Why stop at 4,500 :) 94 db
    through the window of a car is like a plane landing. Only problem with it
    is 4 wheel drives are tooooo high!!!
    peter, Feb 9, 2005
  6. SmeeR11S

    smack Guest

    and I"ve just put quieter pipes on the 60cc

    and coneheads raptor sounds fucken horn with the stock? pipes
    smack, Feb 9, 2005
  7. SmeeR11S

    JustAL Guest

    Because that's the redline of a diesel engine ;)


    Why stop at 4,500 :)
    JustAL, Feb 9, 2005
  8. SmeeR11S

    Boxer Guest

    If you have to rev it over 4,500 you dont have enough cubes.

    Boxer, Feb 9, 2005
  9. You finally welded the hole up?
    Pisshead Pete, Feb 10, 2005
  10. SmeeR11S

    SmeeR11S Guest

    It's at 94 decibels at 4500 revs.
    Boxers only rev out to 8500 before the limiter cuts in.
    It was plenty loud:)
    SmeeR11S, Feb 10, 2005
  11. SmeeR11S

    Nev.. Guest

    Loud.. pfft.. you could do better with a sleeping Clem or Goaty as pillion.

    '03 ZX12R
    Nev.., Feb 10, 2005
  12. SmeeR11S

    BT Humble Guest

    So who's the big-exhaust-can wanker again? ;-)

    BT Humble, Feb 10, 2005
  13. SmeeR11S

    SmeeR11S Guest

    Hehehehe at least mine make noice and don't just look like a milo tin.
    ps the wanker bit was for the mobile phone :p
    SmeeR11S, Feb 10, 2005
  14. SmeeR11S

    smack Guest

    Nah, new improved performance exhaust. Apparently it goes faster now
    smack, Feb 10, 2005
  15. Wot, the paper mache one?

    Alan Pennykid, Feb 10, 2005
  16. SmeeR11S

    Will S Guest

    what is wrong with you ? you done ok in the 1st two instances yet you missed
    out on the opportunity to really let the pipes speak at the last idiot
    Will S, Feb 10, 2005
  17. SmeeR11S

    smack Guest

    shit, has primary school started up already?
    smack, Feb 10, 2005
  18. SmeeR11S

    jake Guest

    I usually go up the footpath, my fairing doesnt like gutters

    cheers dan
    jake, Feb 10, 2005
  19. SmeeR11S

    Moike Guest

    And the netrider server shat itself.

    Moike, Feb 10, 2005
  20. SmeeR11S

    atec Guest

    would you like a lie down ?
    atec, Feb 11, 2005
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