Lost Weekend

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Jan 19, 2004.

  1. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    What with all the rain, which we needed badly and the cold weather.. the
    "green one" was covered all weekend and I didn't get too far from the fire..
    Stayed real close to the pc this weekend, mostly "politikkin".. Even though
    it is damned cold this morning, the day is spectacular.. I'm doin' it.. Got
    the "thermals" on and sliding the leathers on so I am gonna brave the temps
    and enjoy the highway .. Been trying to warm that cold blooded V-twin for
    the past little while and it is running rough.. Been parked too long, I
    imagine.. (or just cold) A couple of my neighbors left a little earlier,
    couldn't imagine where the hell they are going.. Damned ol' Harley's make
    too freakin' much noise anyway.. Thought I might try and visit both VA
    hospitals in the metroplex today and see how my friends there are fairing,
    these days.. Damned ol' trailer, anyway.. My sidestand is still crooked,
    from hauling my motorcycle.. Since the prices at the dealers is so high,
    maybe I will be looking at aftermarket to replace it.. Anyone got any ideas
    on this one ?

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jan 19, 2004
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  2. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Bill Walker, Jan 19, 2004
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  3. Bill Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    Yeah, go and buy you a "surfer's foot" gas pedal from a car store (not
    the cheap one's that flake apart) and have a good welder replace your
    stem and foot with the surfer's foot and then have those chromed.
    Everytime you put your sidestand down, people will gather and discuss
    how cool your bike is. All you need to work this is the top part where
    it bolts to the bike. The welder can even put the hook for the spring
    on there.

    Before anyone says how dumb this idea is, be sure to check back in a
    year or two at the big hang-outs. You might possibly see this idea
    popping up on bikes all around. The sidestand is probably the most
    over looked and over abused area of any bike.
    Brian Walker, Jan 19, 2004
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