
Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by bikerbetty, Sep 3, 2010.

  1. bikerbetty

    bikerbetty Guest

    Does anybody else think Jorge Lorenzo looks like Tin Tin?

    bikerbetty, Sep 3, 2010
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  2. bikerbetty

    G-S Guest

    Can't see it sorry...

    G-S, Sep 3, 2010
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  3. bikerbetty

    bikerbetty Guest

    bikerbetty, Sep 3, 2010
  4. bikerbetty

    Jeff R. Guest

    Jeff R., Sep 4, 2010
  5. bikerbetty

    G-S Guest

    G-S, Sep 4, 2010
  6. bikerbetty

    Knobdoodle Guest

    Knobdoodle, Sep 4, 2010
  7. bikerbetty

    hippo Guest

    Captain Haddock and Snowy said no.
    hippo, Sep 4, 2010
  8. Andrew McKenna, Sep 6, 2010
  9. bikerbetty

    bikerbetty Guest

    I have this weird brain that often sees resemblances between cartoon
    characters and people...

    The Secretary of my former Department was a dead ringer for Barney Rubble.
    Other people could see the resemblance as soon as I mentioned it. I guess
    the resemblance between Lorenzo and Tin Tin is more tenuous (or visible only
    to me, ha ha!)

    bikerbetty, Sep 6, 2010
  10. bikerbetty

    Lars Chance Guest

    That's clever.

    Sickening, but clever.
    Lars Chance, Sep 6, 2010
  11. bikerbetty

    G-S Guest


    What he said

    (yah got me too)

    G-S, Sep 6, 2010
  12. bikerbetty

    theo Guest

    Shouldn't that be tinuous?

    theo, Sep 7, 2010
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