loony toons or a cunning scam?

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Moike, Jan 21, 2004.

  1. Moike

    Moike Guest

    Letter to 2Wheels raved about the upmart site http://www.upmart.org

    All sorts of claims about getting exemption from tolls, perpetual
    registration, immunity from parking fines.

    Sounds like a loony, but this person is collecting $25 ($20 concession)
    from a whole lot of gullible folk.

    Some exerpts:
    "Tolls offend biblical laws which are at the foundation of our
    constitution namely Proverbs 22:27, 11:14, Mark 12,42,43,44. Further,
    proof or in the least strong evidence, exists that the E-Tag is the
    forerunner to the Body Tag which is the
    Mark of the Beast as foretold in Revelations."

    "It is illegal for us to pay road tolls pursuant to s5 of the Crimes Act
    1914, which defines crimes pursuant to “aiding and abetting offences
    against laws of the Commonwealth” AND also to other sections therein,
    namely s4C (offences under 2 or more laws), s24,(2) (Treason)
    s24AA,(Treachery) s24A & s24C (Seditious Intention)."

    "A special flyer for Christians. It is a flyer for circulation amongst
    their congregations. When
    Christians receive this pack they praise God for being made aware of the
    hidden agenda of the Electronic-tags. George P. is a Christian. When he
    received this pack he organised many of his Christian friends to burn
    their e-tags. They have been free from tolls ever since. Now the Word
    and the connection of e-tags to Revelations Ch. 13 vs16, 17 18 has
    spread through their congregation like wildfire. The Word is out. Heed
    the Word or wear the mark."

    "Because of the heavy influence of Freemasonry within the courts and the
    parliament we understand that our exemptions will not be speedily
    acknowledged by either the courts or the parliament, but instead we
    understand that we must fight for this acknowledgment. We expect that
    all manner of trickery and deception shall be used to uphold tollways
    for as long as possible and to delay the acknowledgment of our legal

    Moike, Jan 21, 2004
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  2. Moike

    Rusty Guest

    It's a loony toon scam. Playing on the perceived susceptibilities of a
    target market. Nothing new.

    In any case, the user pays principle is not against the Biblical teaching.
    The verses quoted say nothing about tolls or taxes.

    Having said that, I don't particularly enjoy paying toll ...
    Rusty, Jan 21, 2004
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  3. Moike

    Manning Guest

    In fact, "tithing" is one of the sacraments and was laid down in the
    Apostolic Constitutions, based on (among other references) I Corinthians
    16:1-2. Biblical justification for gouging cash from people is pretty

    Manning, Jan 22, 2004
  4. Moike

    Gary Woodman Guest

    Criticism is pretty strong too. Who was that guy who turned the
    moneylenders out of the temple?

    Gary Woodman, Jan 23, 2004
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