Lookout for(H101 BRN)

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by sir.tony, Jan 10, 2004.

  1. sir.tony

    sir.tony Guest

    It will save me the bother of getting you, my self.

    The only good dangerous driver, is a dead one!
    sir.tony, Jan 11, 2004
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  2. sir.tony

    antonye Guest

    Jeesus. I'm starting to wish it had been me driving
    that car 'cos then I really would have run you over.
    antonye, Jan 11, 2004
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  3. sir.tony

    sir.tony Guest

    You one of them cowards that sit in your metal box and just bully people on
    two wheels. You lot a such a coward. When anyone on 2 wheels stop to have a
    talk about your driving, you lot are too scared to get out of your mettle
    box and usually drive off.

    Don't threaten me you shit head. If you cause me any harm, you better make
    sure your house is fire proof, because I can guarantee some one will do it.

    Bog-off you metal box coward!

    You have a nerve coming on a motorcycle news-group threatening to knock
    people off their bikes, for that I will keep publishing your resignation
    sir.tony, Jan 11, 2004
  4. sir.tony

    antonye Guest

    Sigh. You're obviously thicker than you look, so:


    antonye, Jan 11, 2004
  5. sir.tony

    deadmail Guest

    And he's a troll who's been doing this for ages. I also suspect he's
    someone's frog but I've nothing to base this on.

    I must admit the "resignation number" bit has had me laughing a little.
    Funniest thing the dull **** has ever written.
    deadmail, Jan 11, 2004
  6. sir.tony

    antonye Guest

    Awww. Don't spoil it. I was enjoying that!
    antonye, Jan 11, 2004
  7. sir.tony

    sir.tony Guest

    You are alwase saying that. If im a troll, why dont you just kill file me
    and shut-up.
    Why do you seep reading my posts? You have also been bothering my on the
    alt.music.michael-jackson news-group.

    U all ride safely, now ;-)
    sir.tony, Jan 11, 2004
  8. sir.tony

    deadmail Guest

    Oh, but I like watching how inventive you are in your trolling
    techniques. I don't use a kill file because I choose not to.

    You started off with the repetitive posting of the same (imaginary)
    content and when that didn't get the results you wanted your spelling
    got worse. As time went past you started top posting hoping to get

    I don't post to that NG, as well you know.

    I hope you don't. And I really hope one of the cars gets you soon.
    Tomorrow can't be soon enough really.
    deadmail, Jan 11, 2004
  9. sir.tony

    sir.tony Guest

    I cant be bothered to reply to that rubbish. I didn't even read all of that
    ..... , don't know why you bothered. You evil man, wishing accidents on

    What goes around, comes around.
    sir.tony, Jan 11, 2004
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