Looking for info re Wales

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by DangerScouse, Sep 20, 2003.

  1. DangerScouse

    Hog Guest

    "The Smiths"
    Ah, somebody got it in the end!

    Try it on him when he next comes in.
    *so given that these cameras only look at the front of vehicles how did they
    ID the other riders*
    Relax and listen to his bullshit answer!
    Invite a few friends around perhaps.
    Hog, Sep 20, 2003
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  2. DangerScouse

    DangerScouse Guest

    Yes yes, I'm very aware of that.
    The claim is that they will be able to identify the other riders using
    the video evidence, as well as the verbal evidence provided by the car
    drivers they flew past just before the accident, not by using the reg. to
    get them.

    He's a tit anyway.

    "Not bad for a Scouser"
    SBS#11[with oak-leaf cluster]
    BONY#54P BOB#18

    Un-cork me to reply
    DangerScouse, Sep 20, 2003
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  3. DangerScouse

    Loz H Guest

    YTC#1 <> spewed forth in a fit of boredom.


    I`ll nip up there every blue moon on a sunday afternoon for tea and biccies,
    but thats as far as it goes. Either I`m a miserable anti-social ****, or I
    can`t be arsed with some of the wankery that goes on there. Not that they`re
    all tossers, but I have a low fuckwit threshold for putting up with the few
    that **** it up for the rest.
    Loz H, Sep 20, 2003
  4. DangerScouse

    JP Guest

    I`ll make a few calls and find out more. Head discovered 800yards away
    - I dont think so!

    Complete cobblers. Firstly they arent cameras and do not record any
    data apart from traffic flow. Secondly they have no useable evidence
    for speed or anything else that the police could use.

    No - but from what you describe they would be
    I reckon you are right
    JP, Sep 20, 2003
  5. DangerScouse

    JP Guest

    there is no video tape - merely endless reams of data - even the
    central 4 numbers collected at the time is immediately discounted
    JP, Sep 20, 2003
  6. DangerScouse

    JP Guest

    There are some on B roads now
    JP, Sep 20, 2003
  7. DangerScouse

    JP Guest

    I would be very surprised if they had airlifted a headless
    JP, Sep 20, 2003
  8. What are the mini Traffic Master thingies painted yuck green[1] that
    have sprung up in west Nar-f*ck?
    [1] That's a light, bright green.
    Mick Whittingham, Sep 20, 2003
  9. DangerScouse

    Verdigris Guest

    On Sat, 20 Sep 2003 00:45:11 +0000, DangerScouse wrote:

    One nice, quiet day, feign outrage, slap his face and get him barred for
    making obscene suggestions.
    Verdigris, Sep 20, 2003
  10. DangerScouse

    Simian Guest

    Verdigris :

    Ooh, you're soooo evil.

    Simian, Sep 20, 2003
  11. DangerScouse

    JP Guest

    I saw that then saw the bit about the driver having also been reported
    as died later in the week - I assumed they meant the bike rider but I
    could just be getting confused?
    JP, Sep 21, 2003
  12. DangerScouse

    JP Guest

    I`d already discounted the "flying head" angle as a complete load of
    thats how I read it as well

    Wouldnt want to but I think we may be on the same track on this one

    Will do but studying hard for next stage of exams at the moment.
    JP, Sep 21, 2003
  13. DangerScouse

    Loz H Guest


    Hmmm. I dont usually pay that much attention to be honest, me being far more
    interested in the contents of those groovy teapots you have there.
    If I ask really, really nicely, do I get an extra biscuit next time? :eek:)
    Loz H, Sep 21, 2003
  14. DangerScouse

    YTC#1 Guest

    Cool, maybe I can collect a killfile entry for every computer I post from.

    Bruce Porter
    XJR1300SP, XJ900F, GSX750W, GS550, GSX250
    POTM#1(KoTL), WUSS#1 , YTC#1(bar), OSOS#2(KoTL) , DS#3 , IbW#18 ,Apostle#8
    "The internet is a huge and diverse community and not every one is friendly"
    http://www.ytc1.co.uk There *is* an alternative! http://www.openoffice.org/
    YTC#1, Sep 21, 2003
  15. DangerScouse

    gomez Guest

    That would explain the ambulance with B&2's heading the other way as
    we drove to the curry house. Nice part of the country. Nice soft
    open-view valleys et al.
    gomez, Sep 21, 2003
  16. DangerScouse

    DangerScouse Guest

    Yes. Do you have a preference for choccie or non-choccie biccies?

    "Not bad for a Scouser"
    SBS#11[with oak-leaf cluster]
    BONY#54P BOB#18

    Un-cork me to reply
    DangerScouse, Sep 21, 2003
  17. DangerScouse

    DangerScouse Guest

    The rider died on impact, the car driver (who he unfortunately met head
    on) died a couple of days later.

    "Not bad for a Scouser"
    SBS#11[with oak-leaf cluster]
    BONY#54P BOB#18

    Un-cork me to reply
    DangerScouse, Sep 21, 2003
  18. DangerScouse

    DangerScouse Guest

    Yeah yeah. Except that road was alledegly closed for 4 hours while they
    tried to find the head.

    "Not bad for a Scouser"
    SBS#11[with oak-leaf cluster]
    BONY#54P BOB#18

    Un-cork me to reply
    DangerScouse, Sep 21, 2003
  19. DangerScouse

    deadmail Guest

    They'd heard you were a bit of a light-weight?
    deadmail, Sep 21, 2003
  20. DangerScouse

    gomez Guest

    Our only problem was the the Jag in front who was in "leisure mode".
    We were in an scuby on a mission to find spice,
    gomez, Sep 22, 2003
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