London Motorcycle show

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Alan Crowder, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. Alan Crowder

    Alan Crowder Guest

    I have managed to scrounge four tickets for this show at the Excel
    place, is it worth going or like the NEC one a pile of poo???

    If nothing else Honda are there.


    Alan Crowder, Jan 22, 2010
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  2. Alan Crowder

    wessie Guest

    Avoid. It's generally patronised by cunts.
    wessie, Jan 22, 2010
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  3. Alan Crowder

    Cane Guest

    I'd forgotten about that one. Surely it'll be better than the NEC,
    that was like a wake.

    I'll see if the old man is up for it.
    Cane, Jan 22, 2010
  4. Alan Crowder

    Alan Crowder Guest

    Well me and three mates are going simply because its free, and we can
    get there free as well, so not a totally wasted day.

    Alan Crowder, Jan 22, 2010
  5. Alan Crowder

    wessie Guest

    I thought getting totally wasted was the main reason why, notionally, most
    UKRMers attend.
    wessie, Jan 22, 2010
  6. Alan Crowder

    Buzby Guest

    Sir needs to have a tilt at the Wine & Spirits fair later in the year
    at Excel. It usually ends in tears.
    Buzby, Jan 22, 2010
  7. Alan Crowder

    boxerboy Guest

    is it worth going or like the NEC one a pile of poo???Went last year it was complete crap, small, nothing new on shown not
    much to buy and refreshments were of very low quality and prices that
    made the NEC seem cheap.
    I have the chance of going for free this year and I am not going to

    boxerboy, Jan 22, 2010
  8. Alan Crowder

    Dan L Guest

    The plan is to attend with WC formerly of this parish, so basically a
    cunts day out.
    Dan L, Jan 22, 2010
  9. Alan Crowder

    wessie Guest

    Hence notionally. I believe some have met with the intention of going but
    not left the pub soon enough
    You'd think somewhere like That London would have more than a couple of
    litres of gin in stock.

    <adds another black mark to entry #1 on the list of places to avoid>
    wessie, Jan 22, 2010
  10. Alan Crowder

    Salad Dodger Guest

    What day? It's only half-a-dozen stops on the DLR for me.
    Salad Dodger, Jan 31, 2010
  11. Alan Crowder

    Dan L Guest

    Saturday, afternoon
    Dan L, Jan 31, 2010
  12. Not even that for me - 1 stop; and I'm still not going as I'm working
    all that weekend.
    Steve Fitzgerald, Jan 31, 2010
  13. Alan Crowder

    Salad Dodger Guest

    Acksherly, it's eleven - six is Poplar.

    The assumption is that the DLR will be running, what with it being a
    Saturday, and everything.
    Salad Dodger, Jan 31, 2010
  14. Well actually I would just walk as it only takes half an hour.
    Steve Fitzgerald, Feb 1, 2010
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