London 2012 Olympic bid

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Cane, Jan 16, 2004.

  1. Cane

    Ben Guest

    I don't think professional sportsmen are allowed to compete.
    Ben, Jan 17, 2004
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  2. Cane

    Zobo Kolonie Guest

    So good that I bought the DVD :)
    Zobo Kolonie, Jan 17, 2004
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  3. Cane

    Pip Guest

    I think that things have changed ...
    Pip, Jan 17, 2004
  4. Cane

    Salad Dodger Guest

    "While professionals are allowed in the men's tournament, rules
    restrict teams to players under 23 years old with the exception of
    three over-age players."

    | ___ Salad Dodger
    |/ \
    _/_____\_ GL1500SEV/CBR1100XXX/KH500A8/TS250C
    |_\_____/_| ..62661../..14297.../..3157./.19406
    (>|_|_|<) TPPFATUICG#7 DIAABTCOD#9 YTC#4 PM#5
    |__|_|__| BOTAFOT #70 BOTAFOF #09 two#11 WG*
    \ |^| / IbW#0 & KotIbW# BotTOS#6 GP#4
    \|^|/ ANORAK#17
    Salad Dodger, Jan 17, 2004
  5. Cane

    Hog Guest

    It's a complete fucking joke fer sure but then the whole Olympic theatre is
    a joke now.
    Hog, Jan 17, 2004
  6. Hog wrote:

    Not like it was in the good old days when Nero was on the throne!
    Old Fart at Play, Jan 17, 2004
  7. Cane

    Zobo Kolonie Guest

    Syncronised Drowning.
    HTH :)
    Zobo Kolonie, Jan 18, 2004
  8. Cane

    ogden Guest

    That famous Greek emperor?
    ogden, Jan 18, 2004

  9. How would you like a map showing the extent of the
    Roman empire at different times?

    A little detail from elsewhere in the site:

    Nero, leaving Rome in charge of the freedman Helius,
    went to Greece to display his artistic abilities in
    the theatres of Greece. He won contests in the Olympic Games,
    - winning the chariot race although he fell off his chariot
    (as obviously nobody dared to defeat him).

    May I just finish by saying "na na na na na"?
    Old Fart at Play, Jan 18, 2004
  10. Cane

    Zobo Kolonie Guest

    Zobo Kolonie, Jan 18, 2004
  11. Cane

    Zobo Kolonie Guest

    Would you kindly blow a raspberry, and stick two fingers up just to
    completely the ensemble :)
    Zobo Kolonie, Jan 18, 2004
  12. Cane

    Zobo Kolonie Guest

    [Snip Olympics vs Cold War]
    I thought about that when I first read your comments. Didn't understand it.
    So thought about it some more.
    Given that between 1939 and 1946 various countries around the world,
    including Britain, America, Germany, and Russia, took their ploughshares and
    beat them into swords, handed out sticks to the peasantry then proceeded to
    beat each other soundly about the head and body in what most decidedly could
    be called a "real war" rather than a cold one, I have come to the following

    Zobo Kolonie, Jan 18, 2004
  13. Cane

    Hog Guest

    It's part of the disarming of EU citizens across the piece to ensure there
    can be no protest against the conclusion of the "Project"
    Hog, Jan 18, 2004
  14. I think I've had an idea. Why don't we combine Synchronized Swimming
    with Target Shooting? We'd be doing the human race a favour, and the
    viewing figures would be astronomical.
    Darren Robinson, Jan 18, 2004
  15. Cane

    deadmail Guest

    So why did they leave us with shotguns and rifles then?

    And anyhow, you know most people wouldn't react to a (properly) United
    Europe with weapons. Are you sure you haven't spent too much time in
    Northern Ireland?
    deadmail, Jan 18, 2004
  16. Cane

    Hog Guest

    You're determined to ignore any humour in replies, that's it!
    As you very well know the inference is the EU project is in fact the
    creation of the 4th Reich/New Soviet Paradise. I hope it's only humour.....
    Hog, Jan 18, 2004
  17. Cane

    Champ Guest

    | |
    | | @@@
    | | @@@
    @x@@x@ | | |/
    \||||/ | | \|
    \||/ | | |
    Champ, Jan 18, 2004
  18. Cane

    Hog Guest

    It's just humour FFS! it resembles bait not at all
    Hog, Jan 18, 2004
  19. Cane

    Ace Guest

    True. Didn't see the original post, only a later one where the
    'dossers' bit wasn't mentioned.
    Ace, Jan 19, 2004
  20. Champ said:
    I suspect that jousting would be rather more jolly and pull a larger
    Simon Atkinson, Jan 19, 2004
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