
Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Jim S, Aug 14, 2006.

  1. Jim S

    Jim S Guest

    Just thought I would share this website. I get very annoyed as
    cigarettes go bouncing off my windshield or get tossed on the ground
    next to me at a traffic light. Texas is a participating state with
    Litterbutt.Com. If you spot a litterer just note the license plate and
    submit it on the website with the incident specifics. The offender is
    reported to Texas DOT and they send a no-litter reminder letter with
    the incident specifics and a car trash bag. I don't know if it will
    help, but maybe some of these folks will take a hint.

    Jim S, Aug 14, 2006
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  2. Everyone I know that smokes is quite courteous about such things. In fact
    one friend will field strip a cigarette and then put the remains in his
    pocket to toss away later if no trash can is around. I think a month of
    picking up those damn things along the highway would be a better form of
    punishment. Something that would really help discourage that type of
    However a sending the person a plastic sack to throw a hot cigarette butt
    into doesn't seem quite sound. We may possibly see more grass fires started
    with the Don't mess with Texas plastic trash bags along our roads.
    Although cigarette butts are an issue, I would rather see a service for
    littering in general. It takes a lot of cigarette butts to make up for the
    McDonalds contents along the side of the road.
    Elmer McKeegan, Aug 14, 2006
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  3. Jim S

    RL Guest

    Our club just adopted a 2 mile stretch of road, on highway 183 South.
    Weekend before last, we all met and picked up trash. The mowers had already
    done their work, so it made more work for us. Try picking up shredded paper
    feed sacks (hunters are the main culprits).
    There were very few cigarette butts, but the main trash was beer and soda
    bottles, along with aluminum cans and a few styrofoam cups.

    I did find a pair of "like new" work gloves and a drawstring bag, with the
    Harley Davidson logo on it.

    Sunny Williams
    sunny will at tx vets period org
    IRPK, ISRA #7123, Deerslayers
    Director/Webmaster for
    Texas Veterans Assoc., Chapter 3
    "... if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place
    shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor

    ~Teddy Roosevelt
    RL, Aug 14, 2006
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