Listen up, you wimps...

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Road Glidin' Don, Oct 2, 2007.

  1. Road Glidin' Don

    Bill Walker Guest

    What cross posting skills.. and, what cross posting did I do ?
    LOL.. I've still not perfected all that cross posting stuff, and it
    is definitely a cluster **** when I attempt to do anything but just
    straight out respond and post on these newsgroups.. Better try
    to determine who it was that did the cross posting .. more than
    likely a friend of mine, but it wasn't me.. no e-mails.. no contact
    on and no telephone calls.. He's one hell of a
    bike handler, though.. when you get down to it.. And far as I know
    he's never been down.. We've been friends for quite a few years
    and all those circles you keep talking about with those riding lessons
    you have threatened to give would make him laugh.. You better not
    get in front of him on the highway, or he'll be kickin' you and your
    motorcycle out of his tailpipes, next time he stops.. That's just
    on his way back home after a long weekend ride.. LMAO
    Bill Walker, Oct 3, 2007
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  2. Road Glidin' Don

    louie Guest

    For sale:

    Honda braking system - Complete

    louie, Oct 3, 2007
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  3. Road Glidin' Don

    Bill Walker Guest

    Keep it on that race track.. Try some of those techniques on the
    highway and you'll be up to your ass in deep shit.. Or.. some old
    cranky Texas Highway patrolman will be doing a meet and greet
    with you, on the side of the road.. He'll be a lot like me.. all your
    usenet, pussy bullshit, just won't fly..
    Bill Walker, Oct 3, 2007
  4. Road Glidin' Don

    Bill Walker Guest

    Don't you be getting smart mouth with our official
    Ratings Monitor, Don.. I think I appointed him in my official capacity
    of Grand Exalted and Illustrious Moderator.. but that appointment
    was officially tried and accepted by quite a few of the participants on
    this newsgroup.. Bjay is entitled to all the rights, privileges and respect
    that goes along with that office he hold.. Thank you for your support..
    Bill Walker, Oct 3, 2007
  5. Road Glidin' Don

    Bill Walker Guest

    Yep.. that's about the only thing that I'd agree with you about.. For
    you to even comment about "usenet posturing" is one of the many
    and silly comments you could make.. ROTFLMAO.. The greatest
    difference between you, me and Don Binns.. is that I'm man enough
    to back up my posturing IRL.. You boys just don't got balls and your
    posturing is strictly limited to usenet.. Prove me wrong, fat boy..
    Bill Walker, Oct 3, 2007
  6. <snip>

    Hey, don't get me started, talking about riding experiences in snow!

    But, along the lines you mentioned, at the end of a charity ride last
    weekend a lady came up to me and thanked me for fixing her front

    About a month ago she had brought her '03 Sportster to me to get some
    work done on it. Among other things, she needed her clutch lever
    replaced. It had broken when she dumped her bike, due to grabbing too
    much front brake.

    After finishing the work I took her bike out for a spin (one of the
    side benefits of backyard wrenchin' doncha know ;) and, when I did, I
    noticed her front brakes were so spongey I could squeeze them right to
    the handlebar without too much effort. Dangerous. So I firmed them
    up before giving the bike back to her.

    She noticed the difference right away and told me, had her brakes been
    firm like that before, she might not have over-braked and dumped the
    bike. I can believe that because, when the lever has to travel that
    far before serious braking force kicks in, you might loose some of the

    Gotta make sure the brakes are adjusted proper. I've noticed some
    people let stuff like that go. The way that lady's brakes were
    adjusted when I got her bike, there's no way anyone could have
    maximum-braked the front wheel.

    One more thing along those lines: Some people like to wrap their
    first and/or middle fingers around the throttle grip, while they apply
    the brakes with just their last 2 fingers.

    Depending on the brake lever design, that can be a bad habit to get
    into because, when it comes time to apply *maximum* force to the brake
    lever, the lever might travel so far that it will be stopped by your
    finger(s) in the way - especially if the brakes are a bit spongey.
    Road Glidin' Don, Oct 3, 2007
  7. Yeah, but his ratings would be in the tank and he'd have lost his job
    if it weren't for me starting this cross-posted thread.

    BJay owes me. Big time!
    Road Glidin' Don, Oct 3, 2007
  8. Road Glidin' Don

    tomorrow Guest

    More usenet posturing from you, Bill. Don Binns and I have met and
    ridden with more usenet riders IRL, from farther afield, for more
    years, than you've even BEEN on usenet.
    tomorrow, Oct 3, 2007
  9. Road Glidin' Don

    Bill Walker Guest

    Are we about to get into a popularity competition, here ? LMAO.. I'm real
    particular about choosing my friends.. and the definition of friend is also
    one of my sensitivities.. Real friendship isn't something to be found on a
    newsgroup, fat boy.. much like real motorcycle handlers.. I came away from
    Breckenridge with a few friends, but we developed that friendship throug
    real life association.. Without furthur elaboration on the subject, which
    wouldn't understand, anyway.. I'll just say that I doubt your definition of
    friend as being very dubious, as well as all that motorcyclists skill that
    supposedly have certifications for..
    Bill Walker, Oct 3, 2007
  10. Road Glidin' Don

    Bill Walker Guest

    I hadn't realized mine were bad, until they were replaced.. Thought
    I'd bought a new motorcycle with those new clutches..
    Bill Walker, Oct 3, 2007
  11. Road Glidin' Don

    Calgary Guest

    So when are you bringing all that "usenet posturing" to Calgary Bill?
    I think I read you were checking airline schedules. Did you find a
    flight? It's not too cold here yet. You could ride. I think you can
    apply for a waiver to get you across the border. Might cost you a few
    hundred bucks, but after all it would be money well spent right?

    I'll leave the porch light on for you Bud. Somehow I think all it will
    attract are mosquitos.


    It is the VETERAN , not the preacher,
    who has given us freedom of religion.

    It is the VETERAN , not the reporter,
    who has given us freedom of the press.

    It is the VETERAN , not the poet,
    who has given us freedom of speech.

    It is the VETERAN , Not the Campus Organizer
    who has given us freedom to assemble.

    It is the VETERAN, not the lawyer,
    who has given us the right to a fair trial.

    It is the VETERAN , not the politician,
    Who has given us the right to vote.
    Calgary, Oct 3, 2007
  12. Road Glidin' Don

    redshad Guest

    redshad, Oct 3, 2007
  13. Road Glidin' Don

    Geeky Guest

    Thats right shitbird, your are indeed a cluster ****
    Geeky, Oct 3, 2007
  14. Road Glidin' Don

    Geeky Guest

    That asking way to much from the Walker shitbirds
    Geeky, Oct 3, 2007
  15. Road Glidin' Don

    Bill Walker Guest

    Bjay is kinda stingy.. bad as I hate to say it.. Being that we are family..
    If you've kept track of goins on.. Bjays' wife is my first cousin, twice
    removed .. I digress.. sorry.. Also as you may have noticed.. it is re-
    ported that Bjay is the proprietor of a/some Hot Links stands in
    Bowie county or thereabouts.. Recently, there have been indications
    that some of us on would like awfully much to go to
    Bowie county, bunk at Bjays house, and take meals at his Hot Link

    Each time we begin such arrnagements to do that little fellowship
    gathering.. our illustrious, official Ratings Monitor, ups and disappears
    for a few days.. Various and sundry sightings of him are in such isol-
    ated places .. you wouldn't be familiar with them.. that only a former
    resident of Bowie county would be aware of .. Having other close
    relatives and kin folk in Bowie county, I have been able to keep close
    tabs on him, by the reports I regularly receive from my kin folks..

    What I am explaining to you is.. Bjay isn't very reliable for resolving
    paybacks.. Even after all of us on have tolerated his
    abuse with his TV Web thingy and even included him in quite a few
    of our adventurous and sundry rides.. Bjay won't even stay home
    if there has been any hint that we'd be coming for a weekend and
    some of those excellent east Texas Links.. I certainly hope that
    your disappointment isn't overwhelming, when you read these
    news.. which can be readily confirmed by many of the actual riders
    on tx. motorcycles..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Oct 3, 2007
  16. Road Glidin' Don

    Bill Walker Guest

    LOL.. Probably.. Not much bragging rights, though.. Some of those
    so called "friends" you've claimed sure wouldn't win any prizes anomgst
    the riders with balls who will back up any claims they make.. I personally
    slapped the shit out of one of those boys in Breckenridge, while a group
    of some more of them watched and yet another of those "friends" of
    yours was staying well clear, until I cleared the area.. Still yet, another
    those "friends" got so hysterical when I slapped that big son of bitch, and
    just dropped his motorcycle, standing flat footed on both feet..

    Your lard assed buddy, Don Binns had already done his Tim Morrow
    imitation and aborted his long planned and famous run to Texas and
    carried his big butt, back to the house, before he ever left Canada.. LOL

    While you .. were riding those big old circles around me and staying
    as far away from me as you could, because you'd learned that I would
    be more than apt to slap you around too.. IRL .. Morrow.. not some
    fucking usenet fantasy of yours and Binns..

    I've got more respect for that friend of yours I slapped than I do you,
    fat boy.. At least he's had enough dignity to STFU and take a hike..

    That other "friend" of yours hasn't been heard of much, since Breck-
    enridge.. he is still on my to do list and who knows.. if he still rides a
    motorcycle in Texas.. we may do us a little meet and greet..
    Bill Walker, Oct 3, 2007
  17. Road Glidin' Don

    Bill Walker Guest

    Don't need any waiver .. I got a Passport, and I've crossed the Can-
    adian border several times.. Never been denied crossing any intern-
    ational border, which reminds me of that fucking lie you told about
    those Mexican turning you back from Tijuana.. LOL.. WTF possessed
    you to tell a fucking lie about something like that ? Obviously, you've
    never been to that border and all the reekyites who live near that
    border know full well that what you were telling was nothing more
    than a goddamed lie..
    If and when I come to Calgary, I'd much prefer it would be after
    you've been snowed in for a time.. LMAO.. WTF you gonna do
    with me when I do show up, challenge me to get in some boxing
    ring with you, again.. Horseshit, fat boy.. hmmm.. It would sure be
    worth a few bucks to get your fat ass hemmed up, but I'll do it my
    way, next time .. and all that snow is gonna be hard for you to get
    Bill Walker, Oct 3, 2007
  18. Oh. My. Goodness.
    Oh, no need to apologize, Bill. After all, you're not related by
    Maybe he hides in his motorhome.
    Maybe you can tie some bells on him. I had a dog like that once...
    Heh, heh. Oh, I remember that WebTV stage of his well. It wasn't
    nice, but I had to help escort him out of Reeky back then. The guy
    just wouldn't stop cross-posting. He'd say he wouldn't and then do it
    again 5 minutes later. Dumb as a fencepost, that boy.
    Well, for what it's worth, my hat's off to you guys for taking him in,
    keeping him occupied and giving him a job that suits his abilities.
    "Charity begins at home" and "No child left behind" and all that...
    Road Glidin' Don, Oct 3, 2007
  19. Road Glidin' Don

    Bob Myers Guest

    Nope, doesn't seem that way.
    That IS something else I wish people would keep in mind more
    often - that basically, this is a medium which, quite frankly, sucks
    in a whole lot of respects. It's like trying to have a conversation
    via the local newspaper's Letters to the Editor page. Everything
    you say, whether meant for an old friend, a total stranger, or the
    world at large is right out here for everyone to see and comment
    on, and many people just can't resist comments on whatever they
    see or at least think they see. You also don't get all those nice
    little cues of face-to-face conversation over a cold one; you can
    never see if the other guy is saying something with a grin, or if
    he really DOES wanna try to take your head off. Still, it's the
    only game we've got, at least here....
    Can't argue with that, either.
    I agree up to a point, and again that point would be when the
    intent is to get the bike stopped RIGHT NOW. For those
    situations, it would be better that the rider be trained and
    practiced in giving their all on the brakes alone, and know how
    to avoid locking them up and to maintain directional control at
    the same time. But I also agree that ALL of these techniques
    require practice, to the point where, when you DO need them,
    you're NOT stopping to think about what you're doing. Call
    it "instinct," call it "muscle memory," whatever - you know you
    got it right when the real thing happens, and you don't realize
    you did it until afterwards when you look back (after carefully
    smoothing the pucker marks from the upholstery of the seat)
    and realize that you successfully saved your own posterior.
    Yes, again we're very close to on the same page. I wouldn't
    want the absolute newbie to be trying this stuff just yet.
    On the other hand, VERY soon after that brand-new phase
    I think they DO need to know what it feels like to grab too
    much brake, and how to get ALMOST to that point. Because
    it's a dead certainty (and man, is THAT a poor choice of
    words in too many cases) that it won't be too long after they
    start riding when they'll come to a situation where, rightly or
    wrongly, they are going to think something really bad is
    going to happen RIGHT NOW - and the instinctive reaction,
    in the absence of such training and practice, will generally
    be to grab and stomp just as much brakes as humanly
    possible. Which is, of course, almost always exactly the
    wrong thing.

    That much has been apparent, for sure. However, I would
    also want to respectfully suggest that a long history of
    ANYTHING doesn't necessarily require that that thing

    Bob M.
    Bob Myers, Oct 3, 2007
  20. Road Glidin' Don

    Calgary Guest

    That was then this is now Bill. The customs guys are plugged into the
    US data base now, which they hadn't been in years past. Sept. 11th and
    all that has changed the security procedures. Passport or no, they
    will see your record and deny you access unless, you shell out the
    bucks for a waiver. What's a few hundred bucks for a high roller like
    you? It wouldn't alter your standard of living would it Bill?
    So did you book the flight Bill? You did say your were checking out
    the schedules.

    I should let you know I will be busy on Sunday. It's Thanksgiving.
    Turkey dinner and all, but any other time I would be happy to see you.

    I am here, waiting, waiting.

    After all of your "usenet posturing" I am beginning to wonder why you
    haven't booked the flight.

    Do you need my address again? I mean I once sent you a map. Did you
    lose it? I could send another I suppose.

    Is it a kitchen pass problem?

    Are you uncomfortable traveling outside of your zip code?

    I mean you are pretending to be damn near drooling wanting this face
    to face meeting with me and when I extend an invitation to you, you
    start backpedaling.

    I got to tell ya Bill, this is a bit strange. I am getting the feeling
    you really don't want this face to face. I am almost feeling left out.

    Let's cut to the chase Bill, you have been singing this same song for
    years now without any kind of actual action from you. Inquiring minds
    want to know if you are serious or if this is just more "usenet

    Come on Bill, the porch light is on and as expected all that are
    gathering are mosquitos.


    It is the VETERAN , not the preacher,
    who has given us freedom of religion.

    It is the VETERAN , not the reporter,
    who has given us freedom of the press.

    It is the VETERAN , not the poet,
    who has given us freedom of speech.

    It is the VETERAN , Not the Campus Organizer
    who has given us freedom to assemble.

    It is the VETERAN, not the lawyer,
    who has given us the right to a fair trial.

    It is the VETERAN , not the politician,
    Who has given us the right to vote.
    Calgary, Oct 3, 2007
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