
Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Linger, Dec 31, 2004.

  1. Linger

    Linger Guest

    My lights have just stopped working.
    All the lights. However the horn and cut off switch still work.(They're on
    the same switch cluster).
    Its a PITA as to circuit test anything I have to run the engine (no
    There are no fuses. Its a KTM EXC 300.
    It was submerged up to the top of the fuel tank in the last enduro, but the
    lights still worked and I rode for another 3.5 hours.
    Could it simply be a switch failure?
    Linger, Dec 31, 2004
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  2. Linger

    Timo Geusch Guest

    Linger was seen penning the following ode to ... whatever:

    That's your problem.
    Contact problem - my guess would be that water got into the wiring
    loom and now had enough time to oxidise a few contacts. Measure the
    resistance instead of the voltage and you should be able to find the
    problematic areas.
    Timo Geusch, Jan 1, 2005
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  3. Linger

    Linger Guest

    OK ta. I don't have a voltage/resistance tester as I've just had a falling
    out with my family and I was gonna borrow one of my dad.
    However, I've just taken all the contacts off and sprayed them with WD40.
    I now have; full beam
    Brake light working from the footswitch.
    Rear light working on full beam.

    Looks like a more in depth cleaning session is on for later.
    This is a real PITA as I have to take the tank off to get to the loom.
    To test the loom I have to start the bike. I can only run the bike for
    about 30 seconds before the fuel runs out.
    yada yada ya.

    Guess I'll have to make up with my family.
    Linger, Jan 1, 2005
  4. Linger

    Pip Guest

    Temporary fool supply, innit.

    <John Noakes mode = on>

    Take a Fairy liquid (there are other brands available and they do just
    as good a job) bottle. Cut the base off the bottle. Remove fuel tank
    and take hold of the fuel pipe that supplies the carb. Now the clever
    bit ...

    The nozzle that dispenses washing-up liquid, usually red in colour,
    has a flared end which tries to prevent drips of detergent. This
    flare fits tightly into standard fuel hose and won't leak appreciably.

    Take hold of the bottle-wiv-the-end-cut-off and ram the red end into
    your fuel supply pipe - the end you disconnected from the tank. Tape
    the bottle to the left handlebar, in an upright stylee. Fill the
    bottle 2/3 full (to allow a bit of freeboard to contain splashes
    caused by vibes).

    Start bike and watch amazed, as the fuel level starts to drop before
    your very eyes.
    Try to limit the time playing with the throttle and watching the fuel
    level drop faster all the time to leave at least a little fuel to use
    to do the job which was the initial porpoise.


    HTH. It certainly works for me.
    Pip, Jan 1, 2005
  5. Linger

    Eiron Guest

    Pip wrote:

    Even better if you pick a bottle made of a petrol-soluble plastic.
    Watch amazed as the engine is covered in a sticky mess and bursts
    into flames. :)
    Eiron, Jan 1, 2005
  6. Linger

    Pip Guest



    Been away from the PC a bit recently. STUFF needed doing, like.

    I'll sort it.

    Felicitations, anyway.
    Pip, Jan 1, 2005
  7. Linger

    OH- Guest

    Hmm, horn working - lights dead ? Some bikes with no battery
    have strange electric systems. Part of the system is using raw
    AC and other parts use regulated DC. And the ignition might
    be totally independent.

    Another, possibly useful, possibly dangerous, tip is to connect
    a battery or battery charger somewhere in the system to get
    away from the need to run the engine for some of the work.
    This worked for me a couple of days ago when I had trouble
    with the instrument light.
    My TTR seems to have developed a taste for light bulbs.
    OH-, Jan 1, 2005
  8. Linger

    Lady Nina Guest

    It's that time of year. The dreaded parental visit I've been avoiding
    is tomorrow :(
    Lady Nina, Jan 2, 2005
  9. Linger

    Lady Nina Guest

    Because if it was solely me I'd have **** all to do with them. Or more
    specifically my mother, my dad at least has acknowledged the various
    **** ups over the years.
    Apart from remind me I'm a back sliding heathen who is going to burn
    in hell you mean. These are Fundamentalist pentecostal nutters. In the
    3 years I was seeing my last partner I think my mother spoke 5 words
    to him, based presumably on the fact that my leaving my husband meant
    I was committing adultery. She's aware that I'm seeing Matt as I've
    mentioned him on the phone, but she just changes the subject - she has
    not asked one thing about him or shown any interest whatsoever.
    Anything that doesn't fit in with her world view gets blanked.

    When I ran away to Derby they got the church to track me down and find
    me. She's no longer with that church and she has mellowed a tiny bit
    with age (she'll now drink alcohol for example, though my grandmother
    won't) but she is still 100% convinced she is right. You can't have a
    debate with the woman.
    Ah now you see I don't think she's quite worked that one out yet.
    See above for about half a per cent of all the unreasonableness.
    I'd love to have a mum.
    And if it wasn't for kids wanting to see them I wouldn't.
    if only it was that easy.

    Anyway I was going to bed. I shall post and be damned.
    Lady Nina, Jan 2, 2005
  10. Linger

    Timo Geusch Guest

    Linger was seen penning the following ode to ... whatever:
    You anywhere near London? If so, drop in and borrow mine...
    Timo Geusch, Jan 2, 2005
  11. Linger

    Timo Geusch Guest

    Bear was seen penning the following ode to ... whatever:
    Works for me as well - relationship with my mum's actually been
    getting better over time because of this.
    Amen to that. I'm a lot less stressed out since I don't talk to my
    stepdad anymore.
    Timo Geusch, Jan 2, 2005
  12. Linger

    Lozzo Guest

    Timo Geusch says...
    I'm at my happiest because I no longer have any contact, if I can help
    it, with any of my family, except my kids.
    Lozzo, Jan 2, 2005
  13. Linger

    sweller Guest

    I have a small fuel tank from an old stationary engine which I clip to
    (a) the bike; the ceiling or some nearby shelving and uses a length of
    old fuel line ripped from a Vauxhall.

    Not saying this is the only way just what I do to rig up a temporary fuel

    Sometimes a temporary longer fuel line between bike tank and carbs/FI
    with the tank blocked up is enough to get to whatever you need to work on.
    sweller, Jan 2, 2005
  14. Linger

    sweller Guest

    IME this indicates a poor earth (usually corrosion) for the lamp in
    question or they're being affected by vibration.
    sweller, Jan 2, 2005
  15. Linger

    Lozzo Guest

    sweller says...
    Fuel tank from a lawn-mower is what most bike shops use.
    Lozzo, Jan 2, 2005
  16. Linger

    sweller Guest

    Which is more or less what it is. One of those old Atco type things.
    sweller, Jan 2, 2005
  17. Linger

    OH- Guest

    Not at all impossible, I'm slowly but surely working my way around
    a bike that has seen precious little maintenance.
    Vibration !!? On a 600cc thumper without cush drive, you must be
    OH-, Jan 2, 2005
  18. Linger

    Linger Guest

    Oooh best of luck. Its not my parents really. I get on really well with both
    of them. My sister is a fucking self righteous chav, who is bored since she
    gave up work and like the nasty Iago that she is, has to make everyone's
    life a misery.
    My folks phoned today and we had dinner and agreed not to mention it, seeing
    as it was non of their business.
    Linger, Jan 2, 2005
  19. Linger

    Nigel Eaton Guest

    Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, Lady Nina
    You have better than that, child.

    You have an Uncle Nigel.

    Feel better now?

    Nigel - Manufacturer of the "Champion-105" range of rearsets

    ZZR1100, Enfield 500 Curry House Racer "The Basmati Rice Burner",
    Honda GL1000K2 (On its hols) Kawasaki ZN1300 Voyager "Oh, Oh, It's so big"
    Nigel Eaton, Jan 3, 2005
  20. Linger

    Lady Nina Guest

    <sniffs><wipes nose on sleeve><realises that bath towels don't have
    sleeves><gets tissue>

    Yes, ta. As long as there is no knee sitting or puppies involved.
    Lady Nina, Jan 3, 2005
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