
Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by AndyH, Nov 14, 2003.

  1. AndyH

    AndyH Guest

    I was just wondering what the regulations are on bike/cage side/brake
    lights. Presumably you need an approved lens, but what about the
    bulbs? Are these LED indicators, side/brake lights actually legal?
    (not that thats ever stopped anyone before)

    I mean, 21 watts worth of LED's would be a bit OTT.
    AndyH, Nov 14, 2003
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  2. AndyH

    Pip Guest

    Projector lights as fitted to Spike, The Rat?

    If the lights you are considering look like this, then I can tell you
    that the beam pattern is fine for MOT, with a flat cutoff at the top
    and a decent spread.
    Pip, Nov 15, 2003
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  3. AndyH

    K Olley Guest

    Although some cars and bikes have been approved and some led lights
    have been given *E* mark's apparently somewhere in the law it does
    state *filament* lamps, a technicality that may need to be rectified
    in time:)


    Kevin - Basildon
    CG125 GPZ305 (her's)
    K Olley, Nov 15, 2003
  4. AndyH

    Pip Guest


    Light output is reasonable, but nothing stunning. They are currently
    fitted with single filament 35W bulbs, which goes some way to explain
    that. I don't think the alternator on the Rat will tolerate any more,
    but yours will. I'd imagine they would be fine with 55W or more in
    I can't help with the first two, but the Rat fitting is simple. Two
    brackets wrapped around the fork tubes, with a lug pointing forward
    which takes the bolt to mount the "shelf" that the lights sit on. The
    brackets are made from stainless strip(1), and cunningly sized to be
    slightly smaller in diameter than the fork tube - so that when the
    bolt for the "shelf" is tightened, the brackets squeeze around the
    fork tubes.

    The shelf that the lights sit on is made of stainless and is just a
    flat piece with a downward 90 degree bend at each end which locates
    against the brackets.

    If you want more, I'll get Elly to take some pics and web 'em if that
    would be useful.

    1. Take a strip of stainless steel. With about 50mm forward of the
    fork tube, bend the strip around the fork tube and bring it back to
    where you started. Bend it in hard to the tube where it abuts the
    leading edge, so that it forms a nearly-complete circle around the
    tube. When the free ends are about 5mm apart, clamp them and cut to
    length - then drill for the pinch/shelf mounting bolt. Piece of piss,
    involving all your favourite tools - hammers, mole grips, drills ...
    Pip, Nov 15, 2003
  5. AndyH

    K Olley Guest

    Technically all these cars and bikes are illegal according to one part
    of the law but apparently they have been passed by C&U inspectors, I
    think it is more a case of the wording of the law was designed to
    exclude other non filament types of lighting such as oil or acetylene
    lamps that were used many moons ago.

    It could also depend on the laws relating to the *E* Mark, do they
    supersede our own laws or is an item supposed to comply with both
    european and british law before it can be used in this country?
    HID, you have lost me?


    Kevin - Basildon
    CG125 GPZ305 (her's)
    K Olley, Nov 15, 2003
  6. AndyH

    Pip Guest

    Pip, Nov 15, 2003
  7. AndyH

    K Olley Guest

    Thanks, It seems that I have not managed to keep up with all the newer
    technological advances:)


    Kevin - Basildon
    CG125 (sold)
    GPZ305 (her's)
    K Olley, Nov 15, 2003
  8. AndyH

    Pip Guest

    No probs, Kev. They came to my attention in the mirrors, looking
    rather blue, see. HID lights are as bright as hell, producing an
    intense blue-white light - the top Vauxhalls and Mercs were the first
    cars I noticed using them. Now all the feckin' Novaboys have
    SuperBlue halogen bulbs to try and make their pieces of shite look
    impressive at night.
    Pip, Nov 15, 2003
  9. AndyH

    K Olley Guest

    Got me thinking now, I wonder what a Virago with 200+ watts of HID
    lights will look like coming towards you:)

    80 on dipped, 210 on main, normal halogen ATM.


    Kevin - Basildon
    CG125 (sold)
    GPZ305 (her's)
    K Olley, Nov 15, 2003
  10. AndyH

    Timo Geusch Guest

    K Olley was seen penning the following ode to ... whatever:
    "Sorry hofficer, I honestly didn't see him"
    Timo Geusch, Nov 15, 2003
  11. AndyH

    Nigel Eaton Guest

    Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, Pip
    There's a little scrote tooling around near here in a Max-Powered up
    cage with red and green "navigation" lights instead of sidelights. Sad
    little fucker.
    Nigel Eaton, Nov 15, 2003
  12. AndyH

    Pip Guest

    ITYM "blinded by the light".
    Pip, Nov 15, 2003
  13. AndyH

    Timo Geusch Guest

    Pip was seen penning the following ode to ... whatever:
    Thanks a bunch mate, now I'm sitting here singing along[1] to Manfred
    Mann playing it in Budapest. In my mind...

    [1] The cats in the neighbourhood are currently gathering shoes to
    throw at me.
    Timo Geusch, Nov 15, 2003
  14. AndyH

    K Olley Guest

    Not quite, it was *it was not my fault because I did not see him*[1]
    tm fiesta driver, I was only riding with 80w dipped and was only
    visible for a min of 4 seconds:-(

    [1] told to police at accident scene.

    Kevin - Basildon
    CG125 (sold)
    GPZ305 (her's)
    K Olley, Nov 15, 2003
  15. AndyH

    K Olley Guest

    They are, if I have got enough time to flick the switch:)


    Kevin - Basildon
    CG125 (sold)
    GPZ305 (her's)
    K Olley, Nov 15, 2003
  16. AndyH

    Pip Guest

    Attached to The Rat.


    I would imagine your local car parts emporium could supply similar.
    Pip, Nov 15, 2003
  17. AndyH

    Pip Guest

    On Sat, 15 Nov 2003 14:01:02 -0000, Simian

    I always make a paper or cardboard template first. Full scale, make
    sure it fits before cutting anything. It's a **** sight easier making
    mistakes in paper, when reattachment with Sellotape is an option ;-)

    Smooth edges? Learn how to draw file - clamp your finished peice up
    in a vice or Workmate, then sit on the bench besdie the vice and take
    hold of a medium file - one hand on the handle, the other on the end.
    Holding the file flat but at about 45degrees (in plan) to the work,
    DRAW the FILE towards you smoothly, not applying too much pressure -
    and varying the position of the teeth of the file on the work,
    otherwise you get grooves and lines appearing.

    With minimal practice you'll get a much nicer edge to steel or alu.
    Pip, Nov 15, 2003
  18. AndyH

    Hog Guest

    This is all pretty inspiring stuff y'know!
    Hog, Nov 15, 2003
  19. AndyH

    Nigel Eaton Guest

    Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, Hog
    Ho yuss. For the avoidance of doubt, you draw the file *along* the job,
    not *across* it. If you do that bad things happen.

    Very satisfying, it is.
    Nigel Eaton, Nov 15, 2003
  20. AndyH

    K Olley Guest

    Don't know if the *filament* is side, indicator and brake light only.

    My brother has also mentioned that some of the latest buses are also
    kitted out with a lot of fancy electronics, everything is signal
    controlled over 2 wires and they also use LED lights for side,
    indicator and brakes.

    Been thinking on this, as far as I remember you are required now by
    law to have in a car or van *E* marked headlight bulbs, a bike is only
    required to have a light that complies with the dipped beam
    requirements, it does not need to be *E* marked.

    It looks like I need to ask the right questions to someone that I know
    that has access to the answers:)


    Kevin - Basildon
    CG125 (sold)
    GPZ305 (her's)
    K Olley, Nov 15, 2003
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