Lights on/ lights off.

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Moike, Sep 1, 2003.

  1. Moike

    Moike Guest

    No, not wanting to reignite that particular debate.

    Just installed a light switch on the R100RS. I got sick of having the
    dinky little blue LED that illuminates the cycle speedo lit up in daytime,
    and the only solution was to install a switch. Rather than just switch the
    LED, I put in a headlight switch and hooked the LED up to it. Push/pull
    switch mounted under the dash, with a home-made clamp attaching it to the
    steel frame of the fairing. A similar arrangement holds the Cycle speedo
    and its light. I wasn't keen on cutting holes in the fairing or dashboard.

    So now I can collect my own anectdotal evidence about the effectiveness of
    daytime lights. (although I have set it up so that the parking light is
    always on, so it may not be a very reliable 'experiment'.

    Moike, Sep 1, 2003
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  2. Moike

    Marty H Guest

    it could be better with just the parker on, I was told this at my
    learners course so it must be true :)
    Volvo made one series of car with the head lights on instead of the
    parkers. This series was involved in more accidents than the other
    models with their parkers on, after an investigation they found that
    the human can not judge distance well with a bight light shining into
    they eyes and seeing that the parker is a dull light but noticeable
    actually worked better

    /me was thinking of installing one of the flashing yellow bicycle LED
    lights to the front of the bike for daytime riding, they alway catch
    my eye when I'm on the road, wire them so they only work when the
    lights are off. A little daggy yes, but not as daggy as Tboning some
    dickhead that "didn't see you"

    or a headlight modulator
    but this could open a can of worm with the local fuzz
    Marty H, Sep 1, 2003
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  3. Moike

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    "Marty H" wrote
    ROTFL. Even Volvo know that headlights on is more dangerous than off.
    I found that out in 1991. Now we just need to convince the RAC, the
    Gov't, and Honda. (And a few people here).
    Wouldn't Volvo drivers be dull enough by themselves?

    Theo Bekkers, Sep 2, 2003
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