My SO wants a trike. She has had a full UK car licence since 1988. I can't make head or tail of the DVLA website spiel as to whether her category B covers her for category B1. I think it does. I suppose a call on Monday will sort this out for sure. In the meantime, I've been looking at the MSVA doumentation. *Jesus*! I'm glad I never had to go trough that lot when I built my trike. She wants a "nice girlie trike". I'm thinking of an XV535 or Guzzi V50/V65/V75 at this stage with my own IRS rear axle type chassis. The alternative, if it has to be a 550kg+ vehicle, is an Alfa 3L 24v V6 lump with the Alfa 75 transaxle up the back. That would be a grin to ride. I see a busy winter in my future..... JB