Let's Call a Spade a Spade

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by another viewer, Jul 31, 2004.

  1. yep. that point was passed a long, long time ago.

    Bill and Brian think it's fun to accuse other people of all sorts of
    things whether it's true or not. Just read any of their attacks on
    multiple people in this newsgroup. Bill in particular has a nasty
    mouth that he loves to abuse others with but then expects no retribution
    and is oh, so suprised and indignant when it happens.

    Recently they have, amongst many other things, repeatedly accused me of
    being a convicted felon and having some nefarious history which they
    know to be a complete fabrication. I have rebutted that contention
    several times but they want to continue it. They think it's fun to
    spread nasty lies and innuendo about people. I, for one, won't put up
    with their vitriol. If they think the continued spreading lies and
    character assassination is fun, well then let's have lots of fun.

    Now they know what it's like to be on the receiving end.

    Not so fun, is it.
    another viewer, Jul 31, 2004
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  2. another viewer

    Bill Walker Guest

    Yep.. about the time that you commenced to post your disgusting pornographic
    links on this group..
    Several months .. I seem to recall..
    This is the same claims that you have made in the past.. You were not able
    to qualify them then, nor now..
    You have not rebutted anything, other with outlandish fabricated claims
    which have been exposed as lies .. As I recall.. that is where you and I
    crossed swords, in the beginning.. You attacked someone on this newsgroup
    because they made a computer mistake that you guided him into..

    That was when I commenced to take a close look at you and accused you of
    being a complete phony.. This exchange has been ongoing for more than a year
    now. I have always attacked your integrity.. Never your wife's, mother's .
    sister's .. daughter's.. or children.. So far .. your attacks have included
    my wife.. my son and now an innocent child who was tragically lost to us..

    They think it's fun to
    My opinion of you hasn't been "fun" by any stretch of the imagination.. Your
    kind of "trash" is offensive .. nothing more..

    I, for one, won't put up
    You are more pathetic than you can imagine.. Your expertise on a newsgroup
    is impressive until closer examination exposes just how contemptible and
    disgusting you are..

    If they think the continued spreading lies and
    Again with the "fun" thing.. Even with people who I don't know or who even
    like me, are disgusted with your contemptible comments.. When you insult
    someone's wife that's bad.. When you bring a lost child into your sleazy
    insults, you have crossed an even deeper line of sleaze..
    Again.. Your comments indulge a fantasy of yourself that is strictly self
    serving.. Again.. my assessment of you is being justified with each post
    that you contribute on this newsgroup.. Let's call a Spade a Spade.. I like
    that.. That, in essence, is what I have been calling you, since the
    beginning ..

    I have included in my opinion of you, an opinion of anyone who would justify
    or embrace anything that you represent.. You have some sort of list of
    E.O.B. that includes the select few that have aligned themselves with your
    detestible infatuation with yourself.. They've obviously bought into your
    outrageous claims of accomplishments.. The attacks against me have been an
    ongoing onslaught for more than a year.. Mostly.. it has been a group effort
    ...You've all rejected any means of withdrawal that I have offered.. There
    have been many..

    Your disgusting comments on this newsgroup have branded you for what you
    are.. This post that you have made today, is confirmation .. No matter what
    issue you address on this group, from now on.. anyone reading it will be
    influenced by what you have exposed of your own character and ethics.. John
    Moran.. you have exposed yourself much more capably than I could ever have
    Bill Walker, Jul 31, 2004
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  3. another viewer

    Bill Walker Guest

    To be honest.. I read this posting in it's entirety .. digested it carefully
    and then considered the source..
    On more than three occasions, John Moran has posted disgusting pictures from
    a site he seems to be familiar with.. Of course.. you are very well aware of
    LOL.. Now shall we consider that Albert Nurick has some personal experience
    in this area.. Or perhaps, we may assume that Albert is offering a challenge
    to Bill Walker with this little comment..?? Hmm...For the "ill behaved old
    coot" comment.. That's funny..
    LMAO.. the lengths you would go, to impress yourself.. Googling brought
    Albert Nurick to the attention of anyone who went there.. The hilarious
    claims of "patent" representations was the joke of the century.. As an
    inventor, you should focus on something that is productive, instead of
    claiming credit for patents that you happened to be present.. BTW.. The
    question is, all those patents you are so proud of have never been
    marketable and are useless pieces of paper.. Your patent expertise is not
    the question.. Your claims of credibility is ..
    LMAO.. again.. Albert.. you are such a silly little fool
    There again.. your spin on this one is as ridiculous as John Morans'...
    Considering your own insipid mentality, this one is understandable.. What
    John Moran is whining about is that after months of his unqualified and
    ridiculous speculation of my mental state and capacity.. I finally commenced
    some analysis of him.. I'd suggest that my analysis of John Moran, his
    qualifications and his background is more accurate, than his assessment of
    mine.. LOL..
    LOL.. Now comes the caveat to cover your own little deceitful ass.. Clear as
    a bell, isn't it ? "Tacky".. huh.. John Moran and Albert Nurick both are
    detestable idiots without decency ..

    Just because the Walkers are
    The Walker family is in no way "lowlifes".. John Moran and Albert Nurick
    didn't need any input from the Walkers to make either one of you two nitwits
    into what you are..

    Instead of falling to
    Again... LMAO.. I have implored all you trashy bastards to killfile me.. You
    have claimed to have done that many times over.. Then you continue with the
    sniping "supposedly indirectly" from behind the cover of your so called

    I assure
    Bill Walker and Brian Walker behave as MEN .. If Brian Walker ever behaves
    otherwise, he'll answer to me.. The behavior of cowards like you and John
    Moran is detestable in the eyes of anyone who comes in contact with you..
    exceptions of course, would be the trash you associate with.. So now that
    you have vented all your frustrations and idiocy against the Walkers..
    again.. under the protective shield of your so-called "killfile".. I'd
    suspect that you and John Moran will secede from any furthur slinging your
    shit, until the air clears a bit.. At least until I am safely out of range
    during my upcoming trip..LOL... You remain a pitiful little wannabe with a
    complex big as Texas... Have a good one, Albert..
    Bill Walker, Jul 31, 2004
  4. another viewer

    Bill Walker Guest

    <chuckle> You must have heard me say that same thing, before... LOL.. Very
    appropriate.. under these circumstances.. How about that ?

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jul 31, 2004
  5. another viewer

    Brian Walker Guest

    It won't be "fun" for you any longer. You're just as much of a coward,
    idiot, liar, phoney and trash as anyone has ever said before.

    Please note the many postings of "disapproval" from the GOOD people in
    this newsgroup. Please note the only "support" for your posting has
    come from other trash who's like you. People will continue to remember
    your comment...and for those who might forget, I'll remind them.

    John Moron, your time is very limited. I know where you are and I know
    when I'm going to get you where I want you. I hope you're a God
    fearing person, because you should thank him for every day you're able
    to draw another breath without looking at me eye to eye.
    Brian Walker, Jul 31, 2004
  6. Nice pkb you've got going there, Walker. My killfilter on you expired
    just in time. :)

    See your cowardly, lying phony ass in another 30 days. Idiot.

    gburnore@databasix dot com
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    Gary L. Burnore, Jul 31, 2004
  7. another viewer

    Brian Walker Guest

    I wouldn't have even bothered to respond to Albert's lunatic drivel. I
    like how he included the "tacky" part just to keep from being a total
    idiot. I would suggest however that that little portion spoke volumes
    to anyone who has just witnessed it.

    And, "FWIW", Albert said he has a patent? He still hasn't a single
    patent. He has a "mention" in a patent which is as worthless and
    counterfeit as one Albert Nurick.

    Consider the source when reading postings from idiots of Albert Nurick
    (Nurick+Ass) and John Moran (Johnny Moron).
    Brian Walker, Aug 1, 2004
  8. <yawn>

    Why don't you tell us what the FBI investigation of you and your buddies
    another viewer, Aug 1, 2004
  9. another viewer

    Bill Walker Guest

    He will be glad to, soon as you tell us what you did your time in the pen,
    for.. Trash..

    Damn.. took you all weekend to come up with some more of your trashy shit,
    didn't it.. LOL.. You are a fat assed little joke.. Sick as a distempered
    Bill Walker, Aug 1, 2004
  10. another viewer

    Brian Walker Guest

    Sure thing Johnny Moron. Wasn't any of my "buddies" and turned out to
    not even involve me. It was an investigation by the FBI, Dallas County
    Sherriff's Office, and Dallas Police trying to recover stolen property
    from the InfoMart Center in Dallas. The investigation turned out to be
    a couple managers with Allegiance Telecom had burglarized some suites
    in the InfoMart and sold the equipment. The investigation had also
    turned it's focus on a couple of people who had recently been fired or
    resigned from Internet America. I don't know the outcome of the
    completed investigation, but I helped the FBI recover some of the
    property in the process.

    Now it's your turn, how about telling the group about your drug usage
    and your criminal history that has shown up on you.

    Johnny Moron (aka "another day") reached again and found he couldn't
    quite make it with those fat lazy ex-junkie (although once a junkie,
    always a junkie) arms.
    Brian Walker, Aug 2, 2004
  11. ah, you returned the stolen property you bought and plead out by turning
    the other guys in. very noble.

    my tale isn't quite so exciting. i have no record, no charges filed nor
    investigations of me.

    you know you can't get a cwp if you have those problems, especially a
    felony conviction like you claim i have.
    yet i've had the inital test/approval and subsequent 5 year
    retest/approval for my cwp. can't have a cwp with a criminal record,
    so either you are blatantly lying or whoever is feeding you this line of
    bull is wrong and you are stupid enough to believe it.

    Gee, I wonder which it could be?

    btw, you shouldn't carry an unlicensed weapon as you've said you do.
    stiff penalties for that sort of thing and i'd hate to see you get into
    another viewer, Aug 2, 2004
  12. another viewer

    Bill Walker Guest

    LOL... no need to "plead" out anything.. There was never an indictment
    against Brian.. Of course.. you should know that.. Good example of
    desperation to re-habilitate your own detestible character.. huh ? Maybe ..
    you could accuse his little girl of having some part of that LIE.. Now ..
    that is more .. YOUR SPEED..
    Oh.. your past is very exciting to your small little circle of "admirers"..
    Your record on this newsgroup is "record" enough.. The "blessings" are that
    even with all your "admirers".. Your bullshit is limited to usenet..

    Obviously.. not one nor ALL of you clown collectively have ever ventured out
    and about, in the open..You prefer to limit your outrageous and disgusting
    attacks on someone's family members.. especially little girls and women.. I
    AM IMPRESSED.. and so are a lot of others on this newsgroup..
    Let's see it.. or is that some more of your recording studio bullshit..
    substantiated by some counterfeit pictures on a fabricated website, with
    problems ? Maybe the cwp claim is more like your Clinical Reseach
    affiliation with Baylor University... where no one knows you..

    Maybe your cwp (?) claim is kinda like the representation your good buddy
    makes, when he claims he is a Mason ? He can't even grasp the basic
    identification process to be "tried" for admittance to a Masonic Lodge..
    Notice.. he is no longer even addressing those issues..

    Maybe .. your cwp (?) claim is like the claim that I "hit on" some witch on
    a newsgroup..LOL.. I bet you didn't clear that one with her, before you made
    that claim.. Notice.. she hasn't addressed that issue, since she was made a
    fool of ..

    Maybe .. your cwp (?) claim is like the other "E.O.B." friend of yours who
    claims to be some kind of inventor with impressive "patents" .. Come to find
    out, he was somewhere in the area, when some unmarketable and insignificant
    patents were issued on a bunch of junk..

    Then we can always talk about that other "impressive" friend of yours who is
    trying to install a ten gallon gas tank on a Valkyrie motorcycle... For what
    ? From the impression he makes, on here.. the man doesn't ride more than 25
    miles from home..

    There is always that friend of yours, again "E.O.B." list . Talks trash on a
    newsgroup, when challenged .. responds by wanting to meet someone in a
    "parking lot".. As it turns out, that one is some broad.. Real impressive..
    No phone.. no pool... no pets.. huh ?

    Then we come to your own claims again.. Supposed member of the Iron Butt
    Association.. Ain't that one a hoot ? Winner of awards for LD riding..
    LMAO.. 547 miles in 12 hours.. 0 points..

    Your only legitimate claim to fame is that you have placed your name on some
    kind of list.. You have "declared war" on the "Walkers".. uh.. more like
    "cyber war".. ROTFLMAO...

    John Moran.. wild horses couldn't drag a despicable little tramp like you
    into the same city block, with either of the Walkers..
    That concern is similar to the interest you have been showing in Bill
    Walker's senility and diminished mental capacity for over a year now.. You
    wouldn't believe how many people are laughing at you and your detestible
    little friends, on that one..

    Sheesh.. you are tiresome..
    Bill Walker, Aug 2, 2004
  13. another viewer

    Brian Walker Guest

    Still on that dope, huh?

    Wasn't any stolen property for me to "return" and didn't need to
    "plead out" anything. Didn't need to "turn anyone in" either.

    I would've guessed that you were still on those drugs, and with your
    desperation and other descriptions, I see I'm correct.
    Whatever. I'm not buying it and neither are many others. I for one
    know different and don't care what you say. You're a junkie and
    convict. Plain and simple. Don't like it, then you should've stayed
    away from the drugs in back alleys and such.
    You're full of crap on that one too. You can get into these fantasies
    if you want, just don't expect others to join you. I believe this one
    would be right up there with your specialty in medicine and your
    research foundation paid for by Baylor College of Medicine where you
    contributed great things to science.
    There's a third: A fat junkie convict who dives into fantasies to
    impress barmaids and Prince Albert Masons...not to forget the
    webmaster who "designs things".
    Who said either of those two? Oh yes, you like to continue a fantasy
    hoping people will forget what a piece of shit (fat junkie convict one
    at that) you truly are.

    Let's call that "spade a spade"...SPADE!
    Brian Walker, Aug 2, 2004
  14. Who said either of those two? Oh yes, you like to continue a fantasy
    hoping people will forget what a piece of shit (fat junkie convict one
    at that) you truly are.[/QUOTE]

    see below, and this is just one of several posts where you talk about
    illegally carrying. you shouldn't carry concealed weapons without a
    license and then post about it on usenet.

    you are a compulsive liar who can't keep your story straight.
    you offer nothing to back up your other lies while i provide proof time
    and time again that what you post is false.

    From: (Brian Walker)
    Newsgroups: tx.motorcycles
    Date: 15 Feb 2002 00:25:10 -0800
    Organization: http://groups.google.com/
    Lines: 54
    Message-ID: <>
    References: <>
    NNTP-Proxy-Relay: library1-aux.airnews.net
    NNTP-Posting-Time: Mon, 02 Aug 2004 14:35:14 -0500 (CDT)
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
    X-Trace: posting.google.com 1013761510 8811 (15 Feb 2002
    08:25:10 GMT)
    NNTP-Posting-Date: 15 Feb 2002 08:25:10 GMT

    Ugh! Glocks just scare the crap out of me. I can't see carrying or
    storing something that the only safety feature is the little extension
    on the trigger.
    I've checked with local dealers, and they've changed since the last
    time I bought a handgun. Most act as if they're scared to sell a
    handgun, and almost all only carry used. Alot of the dealers I've run
    across say I have to wait 5 days for the "Brady check" (ie...
    http://www.targetmasters.com/firearms.html). I went to one place in
    Garland (great gun store from what I've seen...and best of all it's
    right down the road from me) and bought a Sig P220. Got it in and they
    called and said "you can pick up your gun". They said they knew I
    could take it before I had the paperwork completely filled out. They
    also said the law changed in '98 allowing instant checks. Are the
    dealers in this state so confused on the law as to not know what the
    law allows? I know I'm not going to do business with a dealer who
    doesn't even know the laws. If they don't know the laws of what
    affects *them*, then how can I be sure they'd know the laws affecting

    Anyway, up until the point in time when I get my CHL in (having to
    start from scratch), I'll try different setups to see what would work
    best while riding. I'm thinking about using a jacket to conceal the
    holster. I got a paddle holster when I bought this pistol, and I have
    a shoulder holster and a through the belt holster from years back that
    could work.

    another viewer, Aug 2, 2004
  15. I know it, but it's good for others who may not realize that to see for
    themselves what a liar and fool he is. Nothing better than using his
    own posts to reprove what he denies saying.

    the published research is pretty good too. i picked some of the easier
    ones to read, but i dont expect either of the bozos to understand any
    word of over four letters. have you been following the
    baylor/methodist/st. lukes/tmc stuff in the news at all?
    another viewer, Aug 2, 2004
  16. another viewer, Aug 2, 2004
  17. another viewer

    Bill Walker Guest

    ROTFLMAO... I love it.. Two of the wormiest creeps on usenet, trying
    betweent the two of them to smear someone.. Funny thing about both of them
    are that the one they are trying so desperately to smear has already made
    monkey's out of them both, months and months ago.. You guys get a room...

    Bill Walker
    Irving, Tx.
    Bill Walker, Aug 2, 2004
  18. another viewer

    Brian Walker Guest

    see below, and this is just one of several posts where you talk about
    illegally carrying. you shouldn't carry concealed weapons without a
    license and then post about it on usenet.

    you are a compulsive liar who can't keep your story straight.
    you offer nothing to back up your other lies while i provide proof time
    and time again that what you post is false.[/QUOTE]

    Okay, and what part did you not get "Anyway, up until the point in
    time when I get my CHL in"? Are you saying I can't own a firearm
    without a CHL? Because that's what the posting was about, buying a
    firearm and seeing what would work to carry it with. Are you saying I
    can't look into buying holsters without a CHL? Are you saying I can't
    put a firearm into a holster and carry it and see what would work best
    for me without a CHL?

    I know it's difficult for a junkie convict of your stature (fat that
    is) to grasp that is this country and state we don't need a CHL to
    discuss firearms and carry a firearm in situations where it would be
    accordingly. That's still a right of all who enjoy being free of
    convicted crimes like me...unlike you who doesn't even realize he's
    using the wrong terminology to describe his permit.


    If you notice, there's nothing about "cwp" anywhere on that site.
    Besides, in order to be taken seriously about something like that,
    it's up to you to prove it...and thus far you've done just the
    opposite. You're a phoney little junkie convict who's got a weight
    problem trying to deal with getting off the drugs.
    Brian Walker, Aug 3, 2004
  19. another viewer

    Brian Walker Guest

    He wants everyone to "ooh and ahh" over this Moran Foundation. PBS has
    been advertising The Walker Foundation as a major contributor for many
    years, doesn't mean that I'm part of that.

    My guess is that during his time trying to get off those drugs, he
    walked into the hospital and saw the sign hanging there and thought it
    would be good for his continued fantasy.

    He still hasn't shown anything that he's John Moran (aka Johnny Moron)
    who is also known as Moran Foundation. I don't think he'll be able to
    make that one fly too well. I'm just waiting to see where he goes with
    it though.
    Brian Walker, Aug 3, 2004
  20. another viewer

    Brian Walker Guest

    BTW, I'm surprised Mark (no mason) Johnson hasn't pointed you straight
    on this comment. You don't need a "license" for a weapon in this state
    or country. You can own a firearm without a "license". Even a buffoon
    like you can figure that one out...even if you ARE a fat junkie
    convict trying to rehabilitate yourself.
    Brian Walker, Aug 3, 2004
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