Leg update - bit long

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Lady Nina, Jun 10, 2010.

  1. Lady Nina

    Lady Nina Guest

    Had what I was hoping was going to be the last xray today. The bit at
    the front still hasn't healed and without a further operation never
    will. Because it has been a year (on Saturday) the leg has basically
    forgotten it is broken and stopped producing the chemical that
    stimulates growth.

    It's only painful when running, riding, trampolining, dancing for more
    than a couple of songs or sailing and then not excessively so. So I
    felt a bit selfish about asking 'Is this the best it is going to get?'

    My consultant is brilliant, I said 'most people would be happy with
    this level of functionality'

    'You're not most people'.

    I want to be able to do whatever I want without pain or restricted
    movement. I want to be able to do unsuitable things when I'm 70.

    There are two options, one of which involves 3 thousand pounds worth
    of the lab produced chemical that the body makes, plus a plate; the
    other taking the current pin out of the centre of the bone and putting
    a larger one in.

    We've discussed risks and draw backs and he's going to ask the trust
    to fund the first option. My condition was that I'll not be back to
    crutches again. As 3 sides have healed he'll not put me onto non
    weight bearing. It will mean a month off the bike, plus all the other
    activities above. But it's 95% certain I'll then have the full
    functionality I crave. It will also mean a hospital stay, noy a day
    case. I can cope with that.

    I'm feeling a bit weird and tearful about it and (with a little help
    from a friend, thank you, you know who you are) have worked out why. I
    thought it would all be over at the one year on point and it still
    Lady Nina, Jun 10, 2010
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  2. Lady Nina

    Colin Irvine Guest

    You're also feeling somewhat positive, for which congrats.

    I suspect your stubbornness will keep you going!
    Colin Irvine, Jun 10, 2010
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  3. Wotcha.

    I'm off back to Selly Oak hospital tomorrow.
    They want to check the metalwork in my pelvis, and make sure the skin graft
    is doing OK.
    I'm also looking towards being able to ride the bike and put up a tent
    again, neither of which is possible yet.
    I'll give it twelve months, then have a serious think about life.

    Best of luck - I have a good idea how you feel.
    ^..^ Lone Wolf, Jun 10, 2010
  4. Closure, it's a human necessity.
    doetnietcomputeren, Jun 10, 2010
  5. Lady Nina

    wessie Guest

    I imagine the friend reminded you of your age and such things are to be
    Is that enough to overcome being a feeble woman?

    <walks away whistling>
    wessie, Jun 10, 2010
  6. Lady Nina

    SIRPip Guest

    Oh. By the thread title, I thought you'd had them stretched a bit.

    There's always the exoskeleton option.
    SIRPip, Jun 10, 2010
  7. Lady Nina

    Lady Nina Guest

    I was wondering if you'd pop up. I nearly put up there some people
    have had far worse injuries.
    'chicks dig scars'
    It will be - took me over 6 months to be able to ride and that was
    just sheer stubborness, 9 months to ride properly. I have minions to
    put my tents up.
    It does do that. I've drastically reaarranged my life over the past
    year and it is still an ongoing process.
    And to you, ditto.
    Lady Nina, Jun 10, 2010
  8. Lady Nina

    Pip Luscher Guest

    I always assumed that meant on other people, though.
    Pip Luscher, Jun 10, 2010
  9. Lady Nina

    zymurgy Guest

    I was given ther option of a pin (IMN) or "to see how it went" by my
    consultant. Unfortunately the 'seeing as it went' bit took 8 months of
    similar disappointments to yourself.

    Good luck with whichever decision you take.

    You have my email (& number) if you want a sympathetic(-ish ;) ear.

    zymurgy, Jun 10, 2010
  10. Lady Nina

    frag Guest

    Lady Nina took a blunt brush and painted...
    Welcome to my world.

    But, you have an option to get out of it and back to normality.

    Be happy you've got that option and take it.

    (I'm not saying you're moaning, I understand perfectly where you're coming
    from and I'm glad you've got a way out from it)
    Neither will be guaranteeded but the former sounds a lot easier than the
    latter, which has a good chance of fucking up all the good done so far and a
    chance then that the leg then won't do anything at all.
    frag, Jun 10, 2010
  11. Lady Nina

    frag Guest

    SIRPip took a blunt brush and painted...

    For fucks sake do NOT let them put an Iilzarov frame on.

    9 months sheer hell and agony, and that was whilst taking 120mg of morphine
    twice a day.
    frag, Jun 10, 2010
  12. Lady Nina

    Catman Guest


    Hope it all works out OK
    Catman, Jun 10, 2010
  13. Wotcha
    I keep meaning to get the "thing wiv a little wheel" that measures distance
    on a map and run it around the outside of my graft.
    Should make for a nice long scar ;-)
    I came out of hospital on Feb 12th - on March 27th I moved the trike seat up
    by four inches, and back by six inches. At least I can now get around,
    albeit in some degree of discomfort. All credit to the inventor of the
    automatic gearbox. Long distance and camping is out of the frame at the
    moment, but like yourself I'm a stubborn type - I didn't spend three years
    building my BSA not to ride it.

    ^..^ Lone Wolf, Jun 11, 2010
  14. Lady Nina

    CT Guest

    I looked at the thread title and thought: I've seen LN's legs, and one
    thing they're not, is long.
    CT, Jun 11, 2010
  15. Lady Nina

    Lozzo Guest

    ^..^ Lone Wolf wrote:

    Three years?

    It only took a couple of thick as pigshit unskilled Brummies about 25
    fucking minutes to make the damn thing from scratch in the first place
    - what held you up?
    Lozzo, Jun 11, 2010
  16. Wotcha.
    The fact that a couple of thick as pigshit Brummies had built it. . . .then
    a load of Asian types had run it as a taxi / runabout for years in parts
    foreign . . . not forgetting that it had been hit from behind, which
    totalled just about every part you could think of. Amazing how the thing
    had been welded back together. The only original parts left are the
    toolbox, the rear hub and one engine plate. OK - so the thing is only worth
    three or four grand at the most, but I've always wanted an alternator B33 -
    and now I have one . . . . . .and can't bloody ride it. Typical.

    ^..^ Lone Wolf, Jun 11, 2010
  17. Lady Nina

    Lozzo Guest

    Not quite the bite I was looking for but good enough. Done a nice job
    of that, but you could have bought a nice used Versys for the same
    money ;-)
    Lozzo, Jun 11, 2010
  18. Wotcha.
    Which I also couldn't ride ;-)
    ^..^ Lone Wolf, Jun 11, 2010
  19. Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, ^..^ Lone Wolf
    <circles lazily in passing thermal>

    When you decide you're past all that nonsense, you'll be wanting to let
    it go to a good home. A long standing (but obviously impecunious) BSA
    fan, for example.

    <sniffs air>

    I smell dead things!

    <tips wing casually, and heads for next thermal>
    Wicked Uncle Nigel, Jun 11, 2010
  20. Wotcha,
    As Jake Thackray said . . . . . .

    And all of a sudden with a gasp and a gulp
    He clapped his hands to his head,
    Fell flat on his back with his toes in the air.
    My bantam cock lay dead
    And the vultures circled overhead, they did.

    What a champion brute; what a noble cock;
    What a way to live and to die.
    I was digging him a grave to save his bones
    From the hungry buzzards in the sky
    When the bantam opened up a sly little eye.

    He gave me a grin and a terrible wink,
    The way that rapists do.
    He said, "You see them big daft buggers up there?
    They'll be down in a minute or two;
    They'll be down in a minute or two".

    Have fun now :)
    ^..^ Lone Wolf, Jun 12, 2010
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