left curves

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by F Murtz, Jan 9, 2011.

  1. F Murtz

    BT Humble Guest

    In that case I shall have to rely on sweet, sweet alcohol to ease my pain.

    BT Humble, Jan 16, 2011
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  2. F Murtz

    atec77 Guest

    Obviously excessive imbibing does dull the brain and other bits in your
    atec77, Jan 16, 2011
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  3. F Murtz

    BT Humble Guest

    What exactly was it that provoked this assault upon me? Did I
    inadvertently run over your grandmother or something?

    BT Humble, Jan 16, 2011
  4. Classic. But how the hell can you countersteer a bike with your hands like
    that on the lever?

    Fraser Johnston, Jan 27, 2011
  5. F Murtz

    Nigel Allen Guest

    The same way that hedgehogs fsck. Very Carefully.

    Nigel Allen, Jan 27, 2011
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