Lee's Blue Jean Run

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by redshad, Oct 3, 2007.

  1. redshad

    Bill Walker Guest

    If Bjay is reading all this, you can bet he's networkin' his ass off to get
    a CB radio.. After Louie tried to stir up family trouble that time, and
    his motorcycle "maintainance deprived" called Bjay a "country bastard" and
    stuff, Bjay has been real sensitive .. Yep, he's shoppin'.. count on it..
    Bill Walker, Oct 5, 2007
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  2. redshad

    Jerry Guest

    Yeah, after she got over being unhappy, then the serious mad set in. My back
    is getting worse, and the thoughts of selling the Valkyrie come every other
    day or so now. ****.
    Jerry, Oct 5, 2007
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  3. redshad

    Jerry Guest

    Bill, I am not going to mention that after our last visit, you promised to
    vote straight ticket Republican next time.
    Jerry, Oct 5, 2007
  4. redshad

    Jerry Guest

    He don't have a cup holder either.
    Jerry, Oct 5, 2007
  5. redshad

    Bill Walker Guest

    At our age, we are both getting real close, Jerry.. Sure hate to hear that
    is still kicking up for you.. If I can help in any way, all you gotta do is
    ask.. Tell
    the wife, the same thing, alright ? Just like Clara.. Cookie can give me a
    even if it's just for some moral support..
    Bill Walker, Oct 5, 2007
  6. redshad

    Bill Walker Guest

    That would sure cause Carrie to have some tremors, wouldn't it ? LMAO
    Bill Walker, Oct 5, 2007
  7. redshad

    Bill Walker Guest

    You just wait'll he makes his next trip to Jefferson.. He'll pick on up..
    Bill Walker, Oct 5, 2007
  8. redshad

    BJay Guest

    BillWalker---I bet Jerry is in the process of installing ''one''
    (autoPilot) on that VWTrike,, if the truth was known..../Bjay?

    ‘‘Don't 'frown' because it's 0ver,....smile....because it
    BJay, Oct 6, 2007
  9. redshad

    BJay Guest

    -----------Says BillWalker----------
    If Bjay is reading all this, you can bet he's networkin' his ass off to
    get him
    a CB radio.. After Louie tried to stir up family trouble that time, and
    his motorcycle "maintainance deprived" called Bjay a "country bastard"
    and stuff, Bjay has been real sensitive .. Yep, he's shoppin'.. count on

    Bjay here:-------I'm too old fashioned. I still believe one can git'
    along using hand signals, and RandMcNallys.-----plus I'm a conservative
    Independent EastTexas Pittsburg Hotlink eatin.
    BJay, Oct 6, 2007
  10. redshad

    Bill Walker Guest

    BillWalker---I bet Jerry is in the process of installing ''one''
    (autoPilot) on that VWTrike,, if the truth was known..../Bjay?

    ''Don't 'frown' because it's 0ver,....smile....because it

    nah.. He hasn't formed the an attachment for that thing, yet..
    He'll show up with one on that Valkyrie of his, though..
    Bill Walker, Oct 6, 2007
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