Leaking carb.

Discussion in 'Motorbike Technical Discussion' started by Andras Nolsøe, Dec 10, 2005.

  1. Hey there.
    I have a problem with my carb. it is as follows.
    When i open the throttle then its leaking from the float i think its from
    the drain tube.
    recently i removed the bottom drain screw to only replace it with a wooden
    is it crucial that you have the exact draining screw?
    Andras Nolsøe, Dec 10, 2005
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  2. Andras Nolsøe

    Ron Seiden Guest

    If the leak was truly coming from the float bowl drain port, then the
    biggest problem with your wooden plug for it would be the potential for it
    to drop out without warning. (Also, the wood is likely to be porous to the
    gasoline!) Try to see why the original screw was leaking. If all else fails,
    try using simple plumber's sealant on the screw threads (either the thread
    glop or the teflon tape, although the screw is probably too small to use the
    tape) &/or a small o-ring under its head.
    Ron Seiden, Dec 10, 2005
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  3. Andras Nolsøe

    fweddybear Guest

    It sounds like you have a problem with the float since it is coming out
    of the drain tube. you will need to take the bowl off, examine the needle
    that actually shuts off the gas (it is attached to the float by a pin and
    clip). Make sure the needle isn't pitted or has anything on it as this will
    allow gas to flow thru... then once this is done, make sure your float is
    adjusted properly and that is is in fact airtight. In other words make sure
    it has no holes in it. Reassemble and the leaking should stop once you stop
    the flow of gas or overflow in thsi case... oh.. and you can use the
    original screw.....not the wooden one...

    good Luck..

    fweddybear, Dec 10, 2005
  4. Andras Nolsøe

    CK Guest

    If the drain screw goes into the float bowl horizontally, it probably
    has a tapered tip. It's more than just a screw if it's horizontal. It's
    a float bowl drain valve that keeps gasoline from running out the drain
    tube. If there is a float bowl *vent* tube, it will be on the
    carburetor body instead of being attached to the bottom of the float
    bowl, like a float bowl *drain* tube would be.

    Replacing a screw in the float bowl with a wooden pin is not such a
    good idea, but if you're a long way from a Yamaha dealer or any sort of
    hardware store and it's an emergency I can understand why you might use
    a wooden pin temporarily.

    I recommend that you order a new float bowl drain screw as soon as
    possible before you have a gasoline fire and burn up your motorbike.
    CK, Dec 10, 2005
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