Back in August, an interview on the PBS Bill Moyer program with university professor Andrew Bacovech, resulted in his book, Limit of Power, being a best seller. The interview program was repeated late September. It traces exactly what occurred through the line of presidents from Carter to G.W. Bush and how "loking to The Leader" for all our answers came about. How congress, through the decades, has 'pushed" power upon the executive branch of our government. And how, in the 60's, we went from an "empire of production" to an "empire of materialism," ane how the unlimited, un-ending lines of credit through the decades relate to where we find ourselves today. Bacevich's book begins with a bible quate: Set thy house in order. The interview is most profound in that it is straight from the shoulder truth; truth about ourselves, Americans, who have not and do not have the discipline required to "live within our means." And once again, just as we have for decades, look to a leader who has the answers and can solve all our woes. Yet, we remain unwilling to see ourselves, our part, from main street to wall street, the lack of our individual responsibility as the people (power / powerless) brought about by our --- Reactions / Actions / and / or Non-Action. A world united in fear is worse than a world divided by ignorance. Our own life is the instrument with which we experiment with The Truth. [ Above the door of every business this sign is hanging ] .......................... LEADER WANTED ~ who will not lose their i\individuality in a crowd, a leader who has the courage of their convictions, who is not afraid to say "NO" though all the world says "YES." ------------ ~ who is dominated by a mighty purpose, a leader who will not allow the over development of one faculty stamp out or paralyze other faculties. .............. ~ who is larger than their calling, who considers it a low estimate of their occupation to value it merely as a means of making a living. ............... ~ who sees self-development, education, culture, discipline, character and personhood in their work. ............... ~ of courage who is not a coward in any part of their nature. ............... ~ who is well balanced, who is not cursed with some little defect or weaknes which cripples their usefulness and neutralizes their power. ................ ~ who is symmetrical and not one-sided in their development, who has not spent all their energies of their being in one narrow specialty and allowed all other branches of their life to wither and die. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ~ who is broad minded and does not take a half view of things, a person who mixes common sense with their senses, who does not let a college education spoil them for practical everyday life, a leader who prefers substance to show and who regards their good name as a priceless treasure. .............. ~ who is full of life and fire, whose passions are trained to heed a strong desire, the servant of a tender consience, who has learned to love all beauty, whether of nature or of art, to hate all violence and to respect others as themselves. ................ ~ who is educated all over, whose nerves are brought to a sharper sensibility, whose brain is cultured, keen, incisive; whose hands are adept, whose eyes are alert, sensitive, microscopic; whose heart is tender, magnanimous and true. ................ jj ›
On Oct 1, 4:29 pm, (j j) wrote: Sorry to break your heart but G. Washington (second president of the US) has been dead for over 100 years. Nor would I EVER run for office. No way would I lead the whinning, pissing and moaning masses that constantly cry "fix it" who constantly say "Not in my backyard" "solve all the problems of the world but only for the people we like" Nope no thankyou, you'll have to draft my not so sorry white ass...anyway I'm likely to sell off the limo's and park my geriatric wing in front of the White house, work on mikuni carb's in the oval office and do my own BBQing on the back porch while swilling beer. All in the view of the press and the public. I'm most likely to NOT play nice, not even with congress or the press. I've also a bad habit of saying exactly what I think in small words with less than 2 sylables. I don't say nice doggy while reaching for a stick. Instead I kick the violent mongrel in the teeth while grabbing a shotgun... Then again maybe we do need an asshole like that in the oval office.
A mans religion doesn't figure into it. BUT neither one of them is worth voting for and Nader has never been an option.
(S'mee) On Oct 1, 4:29 pm, (j j) wrote: ---Sorry to break your heart but G. Washington (second president of the US) has been dead for over 100 years. Nor would I EVER run for office. No way would I lead the whinning, pissing and moaning masses that constantly cry "fix it" who constantly say "Not in my backyard" "solve all the problems of the world but only for the people we like" Nope no thankyou, you'll have to draft my not so sorry white ass...anyway I'm likely to sell off the limo's and park my geriatric wing in front of the White house, work on mikuni carb's in the oval office and do my own BBQing on the back porch while swilling beer. All in the view of the press and the public. I'm most likely to NOT play nice, not even with congress or the press. I've also a bad habit of saying exactly what I think in small words with less than 2 syllables. I don't say nice doggy while reaching for a stick. Instead I kick the violent mongrel in the teeth while grabbing a shotgun... Then again maybe we do need an asshole like that in the oval office. -- Keith) ====Keith, I reckon I either missed ''jj''s post topic content,''about things to consider when selecting the right leader/president, ''or you did. <chuckle> It doesnt seem to me, you were responding to the new guy's views....about the article/ book he referenced...and so 4th. I guess the jest of what he posted surely must have flown over my head zone. Maybe I should not have read all of it hastily...!regards, MrJayT=
Yep I had to read it multiple times and came to the conclusion that he was implying NONE of our current and many of the recent presidents have any of the listed qualities. But to be overly fair I don't think we've had a president that came close. Washington was the closest and I'm not even close imo... But in private I'm more critical of me than anybody that ever posted to USENET. I'm demanding of myself, overly so according to SWMBO'd and others that know me. Oh and keep your head down and your arse just might fit the bill on the qualities mentioned by the OP. Though I wouldn't wish the presidency on my worst or best enemies. It's a more thankless job than being a LEO, Dog catcher or soldier.
-(S'Mee)- responds to MrJay: Yep I had to read it multiple times and came to the conclusion that he was implying NONE of our current and many of the recent presidents have any of the listed qualities. But to be overly fair I don't think we've had a president that came close. Washington was the closest and I'm not even close imo... But in private I'm more critical of me than anybody that ever posted to USENET. I'm demanding of myself, overly so according to SWMBO'd and others that know me. Oh and keep your head down and your arse just might fit the bill on the qualities mentioned by the OP. Though I wouldn't wish the presidency on my worst or best enemies. It's a more thankless job than being a LEO, Dog catcher or soldier. Keith) ====Oh, okay...that makes me feel better. I see now. I think Lincoln was a pretty good one, and I like what I have read, and seen in documentaries about Teddy Roosevelt. One very important characteristic a President must have is the ability to persuade people to listen, and follow. Bush didnt have it, and I am not sure McCain has it. He is a little bit slow. Baroma pretty much has a way of getting folks to pay attention. Like tonight, the Vice Presidential debate. There will be common'taters, who will think Gov.Palin out did Sen.Biden, and there'll be other common'taters, who think she lost. Personally, I believe she'll not do to well, after seeing her in the two recent interviews.....where she looked to be ... ''dazed'' somewhat......hehe MrJayT=
He was a facist! Violated the 1st amendment at the drop of a hat...the list is long. But he was the ruthless bastard we needed at the time. You know, a lawyer. Hey IF I were having that kind of interview with Katy I'd be pretty dazed and confused my self...shame we are both married. ;^) OBTW I'm voting for NEITHER candidate. Not sure who I'll write in...Maybe the host off of Pinks/Pinks all out.He get's people to listen, laws down the law but isn't afraid to adapt when needed AND he's pretty damn honorable when doing his job.
By voluntering you put yourself out of the running as only a vain idiot would WANT to be president... My smoker grill. I'll talk to the packing plant to put in an order for some nice 2-3" steak. I like to cut a pocket in them, fill with oysters, butter and garlic then sew it shut and NOT set it over the fire. Med heat and slooow.
-----Keith said:''Hey IF I were having that kind of interview with Katy I'd be pretty dazed and confused my self...shame we are both married. ;^) OBTW I'm voting for NEITHER candidate. Not sure who I'll write in...Maybe the host off of Pinks/Pinks all out.He get's people to listen, laws down the law but isn't afraid to adapt when needed AND he's pretty damn honorable when doing his job. -- Keith =======This morning post Vice Presidential deebate. and buddy, the livley little gal, the Gov from Alaska, held her own. She stood toe to toe with the veteran Sen Biden. She didnt hesitate. She wont cause me to vote republican, but by golly, she did excllent. She put a smile on Bidens face, and I betcha, he admired her performance. I will vote democratic......and I aint nuthing, just an american, who votes. I usually vote one party or the ohter every four years, dont matter who i on either ticket. Thats my strategy. Have a good weekend, Keith. MrJayT=