Lazy Uvex q

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by catman, Jan 3, 2004.

  1. catman

    deadmail Guest

    Well, that's what I thought. Thanks for the clarity.
    I think IR35 (was that the number?) levelled the field considerably.
    deadmail, Jan 4, 2004
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  2. catman

    deadmail Guest

    I have a fair idea of this for budgeting purposes.

    I don't use smileys but sometimes I wonder whether I should.
    deadmail, Jan 4, 2004
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  3. catman

    deadmail Guest

    I don't think I would. But I'd work the other 6 months anyway whether I
    'needed' the money or not.
    Umm.. why do you think I choose to be a permie?
    deadmail, Jan 4, 2004
  4. catman

    Catman Guest

    I can llive with that.

    Catman MIB#14 SKoGA#6 TEAR#4 BOTAFOF#38 Apostle#21
    Tyger, Tyger Burning Bright (Remove rust to reply)
    Alfa 116 Giulietta 3.0l. Really, Sprint 1.7
    Triumph Speed Triple: Black with extra black bits
    Catman, Jan 4, 2004
  5. catman

    Catman Guest

    True AIUI
    see above
    Not sure about that, but I agree that on the whole, as they apply to
    me, the rules seem fair.

    Catman MIB#14 SKoGA#6 TEAR#4 BOTAFOF#38 Apostle#21
    Tyger, Tyger Burning Bright (Remove rust to reply)
    Alfa 116 Giulietta 3.0l. Really, Sprint 1.7
    Triumph Speed Triple: Black with extra black bits
    Catman, Jan 4, 2004
  6. catman

    Catman Guest

    Of this I was unaware until later in the thread....

    Catman MIB#14 SKoGA#6 TEAR#4 BOTAFOF#38 Apostle#21
    Tyger, Tyger Burning Bright (Remove rust to reply)
    Alfa 116 Giulietta 3.0l. Really, Sprint 1.7
    Triumph Speed Triple: Black with extra black bits
    Catman, Jan 4, 2004
  7. catman

    YTC#1 Guest

    You are a coward ?
    (Smiley added as it may be neccesary to show no insult intended)
    YTC#1, Jan 4, 2004
  8. catman

    deadmail Guest

    Oh, I wouldn't have taken it as an insult.

    I think that it's quite accurate though. If I look back over my career
    I often kick myself for avoiding risk at the expense of return. Had I
    been a little more willing to stick my neck out I'm sure I could have
    done a lot better.

    Of course, I might actually have fucked up in a horrible fashion too.

    On reflection I'd say "craves security" rather than "is a coward" though
    since I don't like to see how spineless I really am...
    deadmail, Jan 4, 2004
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