Last orders / speed cameras (Nearly off topic)

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Tim Davies, Sep 3, 2003.

  1. Tim Davies

    Tim Davies Guest

    Call me daft but I was riding home tonight and it occurred to me that speed
    cameras are just like last orders at the bar.

    I know my route to and from work pretty well and so tend to squeeze as many
    mph out of the bike as I can before slowing down for each of the 50 limit
    cameras and then cane it again.

    I do this in the pub (drink more beer - not ride fast) as time approaches
    last orders but I hear the Gov't is planning to get rid of time limits to
    drinking in the hope that folks will just drink sensibly if they know they
    are not going to get told to stop at 11.

    There must be some psychological research that suggests that if you limit
    people they will stretch the limits inside the boundaries further than if
    you allow people freedom to make their own decisions.

    So here is the question; if there were no cameras on my route would I ride
    at a steady speed to work and take less risks than I do currently or would I
    screw my bike all day every day because I could?

    Tim "D"

    Authorities please note: that the author of this message is applying a
    hypothetical question as he always maintains a speed within the posted
    limits (as do all motorcyclists at all times).... :)-)
    Tim Davies, Sep 3, 2003
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  2. Tim Davies

    Sorby Guest

    No cameras, using your pub analogy, would be like a 24 hour bar then? And a
    free one at that!
    Perhaps you would ride yourself 'under the table'.

    Personally I would ride a lot faster if I knew I'd never get nicked for it -
    but I wouldn't ride less safely than I do now.

    Related thought #1 :

    There are two sorts of speeders.
    1) people who speed habitually
    2) people who are late
    The former will speed regardless of any speed limits or speed detection
    The latter will slow dangerously abrubtly for speed cameras then speed all
    the more to compensate for having to slow for said cameras.
    Therefore speed cameras are pointless - unless they're simply
    revenue-generating - which clearly they are.

    Related thought #2 :

    If the gov't lowered speed limits ridiculously everyone would be getting
    several NIPs through their door a day and there would be a public outcry &
    If the gov't raised speed limits not enough people would be getting nicked
    so there wouldn't be enough revenue to make it worth their while.
    Sorby, Sep 3, 2003
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