KZ650 6 speed Conversion

Discussion in 'Motorbike Technical Discussion' started by Firefly, Sep 29, 2003.

  1. Firefly

    Firefly Guest

    I'm trying to track down information on fitting a KZ550 or GPz550 6-speed
    gear cluster into a KZ650 engine. Seems, a few people on the Net have heard
    of it being done but no definite information.

    I read somewhere that Cycle World did any article on the conversion some
    (many ??) years ago but cant find any info on it either.

    Anyone got some first hand info to share ??
    Firefly, Sep 29, 2003
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  2. Firefly

    Mark Olson Guest

    "Subject: KZ550 6 speed in a KZ750 update "[email protected]

    Chances are pretty good the KZ650 cases are the same dimensions as the
    KZ550 and KZ750, but YMMV and good luck.

    Having owned both a '82 GPz550 and a '77 KZ650, I'd say there's little point
    in doing this conversion, unless you have a KZ650 with a broken gearbox and
    you already have a KZ550 transmission to replace it with.
    Mark Olson, Sep 29, 2003
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  3. Firefly

    ES Guest

    I am in the process of doing this with a KZ750. It seems as if it will
    work, I have the 500 6 speed all assembled in the cases, the only
    difference is that the shaft the clutch is mounted on is shorter than the
    750 shaft by about 1/4". I have several options, bolt it all up and hope
    for the best, machine the inside of the clutch basket so that the clutch
    nut is grabbing the same number of threads as on the 750 shaft, or reduce
    the width of the clutch nut. I will probably have the inner clutch

    You will need a complete 550 transmission, both shafts, all the gears and
    the shifter drum and forks, and you will have to mount the 550 engine
    sprocket which uses 530 chain. You keep the engine idler shaft and the
    original clutch in the case of the 750 YMMV. I got the complete 550
    transmission on ebay for 35 bux including the shifter mechanism, which
    appears to be identical to the 750 and the engine idler shaft which uses a
    much smaller hyvo chain from crank to idler shaft, and presumably a smaller
    clutch as well, the only part I did not get.

    Should work for the 650 as well, as it is basically the same motor as the
    550 and the 750 from what I understand.
    ES, Oct 15, 2003
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