'kn BBC

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Nidge, Jan 12, 2004.

  1. Nidge

    Nidge Guest

    First its Radio 4 just before 6pm telling us the government is ".........
    going to add an extra £5 to speeders and other *criminals* ......" Oh I do
    so enjoy unhysterical, accurate impartial reporting ........... Yet for
    some reason I still listen to those cnuts.

    Now the BBC search engine seems to have gone tits up. Best value part of
    the licence fee spend that was too.

    ZX6R J2 Stunning in zit yellow. Bits of CB500S in Norwegian Parrot blue.

    'Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand'.
    (Homer Simpson).
    Nidge, Jan 12, 2004
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  2. Nidge

    Dr Zoidberg Guest

    Radio 1 had some government type insisting that speeding is not a victimless
    crime as people get injured by speeding drivers all the time.

    Well people get hurt by cars doing 30 and below as well so its clear that
    its the driving that makes you a criminal and not the speed.

    YZF 600
    SRX 400

    "I laugh in the face of danger"

    "Then I hide until it goes away"

    Dr Zoidberg, Jan 13, 2004
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  3. Nidge

    Phil Wattis Guest

    My legs real ache after working on my car crouching down the weekend,
    and I skinned my knuckles when the socket wrench slipped off the bolt
    and I punched the tarmac. My car injured me when it wasn't moving.

    Therefore it is the car that is the criminal, not the driving of the


    Phil Wattis, Jan 13, 2004
  4. Nidge

    mups Guest

    Speeding *is* a victimless crime. Crashing into things because you are
    going to fast is something else altogether.
    mups, Jan 13, 2004
  5. Nidge

    ogden Guest

    Sir should have been watching Newsnight later on, where Paxo tore some
    poor bint to shreds when she started talking to him in the most
    patronising tone I've ever heard.

    So that'll be her tv career down the pan.
    ogden, Jan 13, 2004
  6. Nidge

    athomik Guest

    Since people get thumped all the time by agressive types threatening them,
    does that mean we'll now be done for assault when verbally threatening to
    smack someone in the gob?
    athomik, Jan 13, 2004
  7. Nidge

    flashgorman Guest

    Its not all wasted :
    flashgorman, Jan 13, 2004
  8. Nidge

    Ace Guest

    Surely you're much more likely to crash _after_ the food-free period?
    Ace, Jan 13, 2004
  9. Nidge

    Nigel Eaton Guest

    Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, athomik
    No, it'll just be the good old-fashioned "Threatening Behaviour" charge.
    Nigel Eaton, Jan 13, 2004
  10. Nidge

    simonk Guest

    Baroness Scotland? She's a right mong, and no mistake
    simonk, Jan 13, 2004
  11. Nidge

    HooDooWitch Guest

    .... into pedestrians called Dan, in November.
    HooDooWitch, Jan 13, 2004
  12. ITYM patronising, condescending, bitch - if she is typical of the
    "other-worldy" people setting and publicising Government policy, then I
    really do want to emigrate.
    Andy Ashworth, Jan 13, 2004
  13. Nidge

    Steve Parry Guest


    its not a crime its an offence
    Steve Parry, Jan 13, 2004
  14. Nidge

    Steve Parry Guest


    all those wishing to emigrate please form an orderly queue :eek:)
    Steve Parry, Jan 13, 2004
  15. Nidge

    serf Guest

    A criminal[1] offence, not a civil offence.

    [1] I use the word in the technical sense and not in a pejoritave fashion.
    serf, Jan 13, 2004
  16. Nidge

    ogden Guest

    I've emailed Paxo asking him to make sure she's on again some time.
    ogden, Jan 13, 2004
  17. Nidge

    ogden Guest

    Wasted is relative. :)
    ogden, Jan 13, 2004
  18. Nidge

    Steve Parry Guest

    its a "traffic offence" is'nt it?
    Steve Parry, Jan 13, 2004
  19. Nidge

    Jeremy Guest

    On the news on the radio last night, the goverment spokesperson was
    definitely referring to speeding as a 'criminal offence' which surprised
    Jeremy, Jan 13, 2004
  20. And on Newsnight - the clueless wonder wheeled out by the Government was
    definitely stating that people who commit crimes, (including speeding but
    not parking), should compensate the victims of crime. I've got no problem
    with this linkage, however, what is the purpose of a fine? Doesn't the
    convicted criminal already pay his/her penalty to the state?

    I also object to the additional fine levied on convicted speeders by the
    insurance industry - I've already paid my dues for getting caught to the
    courts; the fact that I've got 3 points on my licence doesn't affect my
    claims record, yet my insurer penalises me the offence - In over 20 years of
    driving a cage, I've never made a claim on my insurance, yet because of my
    blemished driving record I'm charged more than someone with a clean licence
    and protected no claims - is this fair??????
    Andy Ashworth, Jan 13, 2004
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