km/h speedometer

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by david.cawkwell, Mar 18, 2005.

  1. david.cawkwell

    Ace Guest

    It's a very socialist approach, though,m so you ought to agree with
    it, I'd have thought. The assumptions is surely that it's in
    everybody's best long-term interests to encourage an open, free,
    This, in a nutshell, is why Britain is so scared of Europe. They (you)
    refuse to accept that rules which don't suit them can just be ignored
    with impunity. It's practically a rule in itself.
    *best*, is the word you're looking for. Best at using the system to
    further their own ends, that is. Britain should be looking at them,
    not with anger, but with a view to emulating their approach to
    manipulating the rest of the EU to further their own national
    Ace, Mar 22, 2005
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  2. david.cawkwell

    mups Guest

    Ace says...
    Oh agreed I'm all for united Europe. Just not the one we've got at the
    Heh, maybe they should make it a rule and then Brussels can disappear in
    a puff of twisted logic.
    But we're British. We[1] like rules.

    [1] We as a nation not UKRM.
    mups, Mar 22, 2005
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  3. david.cawkwell

    Salad Dodger Guest

    So why doesn't the EU get rid of the fucking expensive useless
    bollocking wanky pointless rule making apparatus first?
    Salad Dodger, Mar 22, 2005
  4. david.cawkwell

    Eiron Guest

    Because the fucking expensive useless bollocking wanky pointless
    rule making apparatus *is* the EU.
    Eiron, Mar 22, 2005
  5. david.cawkwell

    sweller Guest

    No. The EU is in place to open markets and deregulate; "liberalise" in
    the new economics speak.

    The social chapter was a fleeting redemption and forget the Euro Federal
    Super State: it's going to become a Euro Supermarket.
    sweller, Mar 22, 2005
  6. david.cawkwell

    Eiron Guest

    Not quite the adjectives I would have chosen but you get the gist of it.
    A common market was a good idea. A fascist superstate is not.
    Eiron, Mar 22, 2005
  7. david.cawkwell

    sweller Guest

    Aside the fact I suspect you wouldn't know a fascistic state if it poked
    you in the eye, you are allowing yourself to be distracted by the
    parochial concept of the individual nation state.

    The world has changed beyond recognition, in economic terms, during the
    last 10 years. The movement of money does not recognise national
    borders; capitalism needs cheap resources and markets; it doesn't need

    I'd say within the next 10 years we will witness the collapse of both
    resources and, simultaneously, markets. Unless some balance to the
    hegemony of the Western financial markets - previously provided by the
    Stalinist Soviet bloc - is restored. China?

    The outlook is bleak IMO.
    sweller, Mar 22, 2005

  8. That makes more sense to me than your doom-and-gloom prognosis.

    Especially if it has yellow-tag special offers.
    The Older Gentleman, Mar 22, 2005

  9. I really, really doubt this. If only because:

    Every time the doomsayers predict something, it never seems to happen.
    The world adapts. As you said, China?

    Also - the Commies were predicting the downfall of capitalism for nearly
    a century. It didn't happen.
    The Older Gentleman, Mar 22, 2005
  10. david.cawkwell

    sweller Guest

    It would be a bit extreme to depict collapse as total; to the extent
    society becomes "a whirlwind of looting, a firestorm of fear, where men
    feed on men" but definitely the certainties and standards [1] we know now
    may be markedly changed.

    At the moment the balance has tipped and placed so much power and
    influence in the hands of those whose interests are only immediate.

    As to the Commies predicting the downfall of capitalism; this in itself
    true; it never happened as Marxist economics are supposed applied to be
    more productive and create greater wealth which quite obviously they
    didn't. That's not to say they were flawed as a mechanism but that's a
    different argument...

    The point is, Capital's downfall would be against Communism's success but
    for Capital to 'continue' succeed or at least for the worst of its
    rapacious appetite to be limited - allowing it time to recover and
    provide itself sustainable markets - it needs to be regulated and
    checked. Checks that were formerly provided by the SU.

    What concerns me is the pace of technological, social and economic change
    [2] has gone from many life times [3] to a few decades.

    China may well provide the checks and balances but it won't be before a
    polar shift, collapse?, in our lives in the West; simply as the economics
    can't sustain themselves as is.

    I can't quite put my finger on the best way of describing how I perceive
    the future other than "Not Good".

    [1] Living and then moral.
    [2] Historically driven by trade and war (which is simply an extension
    of 'trade').
    [3] Millenia for the Roman Empire; two and half centuries rise and
    fall of the British Empire etc.
    sweller, Mar 23, 2005
  11. david.cawkwell

    mups Guest

    sweller says...
    Why do I have this vision of Sweller standing atop of a hill overlooking
    the smoking remains of western civilisation shouting "I fucking told you
    so" before wheel spinning away Max Max stylee on a old GPZ turbo.
    mups, Mar 23, 2005
  12. I'n an optimist: I believe that, one way or another, we'll muddle
    The Older Gentleman, Mar 23, 2005
  13. david.cawkwell

    Owen Guest


    I'd say that in 10 yrs time at least one of you will still be posting
    on ukrm... It would be ungentlemanly to say who might not... :)
    1 Black, shortly to undergo extensive surgery.
    1 Red, undergoing lightweight surgery. -----
    1 Blue, for Power-Ranger baiting. | o |
    Numbers ... | o |
    Stuff ... | ooo |
    Life ... -----
    Owen, Mar 24, 2005
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