KLR600 - No Spark - Help Please

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Gary Smith, Jul 21, 2005.

  1. Gary Smith

    Gary Smith Guest

    Hi, i have just picked up an 84 KLR600. Bike has no spark. I havn't bought
    it yet and not sure if i will, i want to get it running first and take it
    for a spin but i need help trying to get spark to the plug. I have a
    multimeter but no diagram. Any help is much appreciated.


    Gary Smith, Jul 21, 2005
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  2. Gary Smith

    Smee R1100s Guest

    If the engine is seized no amount of spark will get it going.
    Smee R1100s, Jul 21, 2005
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  3. In aus.motorcycles on Thu, 21 Jul 2005 23:50:00 +1000

    The usual steps I take:

    - change the plug.

    - wriggle the HT leads a lot, make sure they are solidly connected.

    - investigate the kill switch and if possible isolate it. As none of
    my bikes *have* kill switches, this isn't something I usually hve to

    - trace all the wires to and from the coil. Clean the connections if
    there is any oil.

    - swap in a different coil.

    Of course them what have these new fangled modern bikes probably have to
    worry about the electronic ignition whatsit messing up.

    - who has just fitted an experimental electronic ignition to the Old
    Girl, but the points and condensor are all still in place, it's about
    3 minutes work to go back to points...
    Zebee Johnstone, Jul 21, 2005
  4. Gary Smith

    Mark Guest

    Dont alway blame the box she might not have done it at all!!
    3 points source coil ohms test and pulse coil test and igntion cut off it
    runs off the side stand ect for testing remove all the wires off(i think
    they are red with black stripe 3 or 4 of em ) diode and earth them.
    Try testing sourse coil exciter coil at the cdi by unpluging ! duno wich
    coil it has on that one but it will be either 160 to 150 ohms or 61 to 114
    depending on which stator it has also check the pulse coil i fink it was
    about 90 to 110 or there abouts you might even get 80 ohms if it tested on
    cold morning
    Hope this helps
    Mark, Aug 29, 2005
  5. Gary Smith

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    Calling Mr Hambone.

    Theo Bekkers, Aug 30, 2005
  6. Gary Smith

    Gary Smith Guest

    Well, after a LOT of help from a couple of guys overseas and numerous
    phonecalls around the local area, i went through extensive testing and after
    hours of probing, i took off the sidecover and found in my case that the
    stator in the sidecover had been scrubbing on the flywheel, not good. FIRST,
    On the bike i have here, there are 3 switches to unplug,
    1. killswitch on right hand side of handlebars,
    2. clutch switch (yours may not have that) and
    3. sidestand switch. unplug these first then try again.
    Also, all the resistance checks came out good BUT, apparently the stator
    coil (supplies voltage to the CDI) should put out between 50-100v ac, mine
    was putting out about 15v. the pulse coil was putting out about a volt (may
    not have been that much) Also, i have read that the resistance testing is
    not a correct indication that a CDI unit is in good shape. they vary from
    make/model and even from unit to unit apparently. Replace to test. .
    Anyway, i think i still have most information here archived and the bike is
    sitting outside (i havn't taken it back yet) so mail me offgroup if you need

    Glad to help

    Gary Smith, Aug 30, 2005
  7. Gary Smith

    Mark Guest

    Not easy to test peak voltage on a exciter coil unless you have a peak
    voltage meter on hand
    If the pulse coil and exciter coil test ok in ohms.
    Then its time to get cdi tested there is a mob in vic that test and rebuild
    acuratly cdi and stators at a cost
    Mark, Aug 30, 2005
  8. Gary Smith

    ck Guest

    On top of that he would have to leave the shift key alone

    ck, Aug 30, 2005
  9. Gary Smith

    Kevin(Bluey) Guest

    mmmmm 88 KLR600 had an electric shift?
    I thought that only came in in 89.
    Kevin(Bluey), Aug 30, 2005
  10. Gary Smith

    John Littler Guest

    Amazing, let me guess, you're a cop, right ?

    (creative spelling seems to be correlated with being a member of the
    Blue gang)
    John Littler, Aug 30, 2005
  11. He took all of Scroks capitals!

    Alan Pennykid, Aug 30, 2005
  12. Gary Smith

    Gary Smith Guest

    email me -

    Gary Smith, Sep 7, 2005
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