Kinda slow in Here

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by BJayKana, Mar 11, 2005.

  1. BJayKana

    BJayKana Guest is down to 224 post.
    Where's everybody ?
    I've been enjoying reeky, pretty much.
    I am still trying to be loyal to texas bikers, who frequent this group.

    Has this group deminished like this before? When I came in here, back in
    august, it averaged around 700, or so, active postings.

    I will say, that reeky, is not too friendly with me. There are a few
    who, respond to some of my comments.
    It don't bother me, I enjoy reading and learning stuff from others about
    motorcycles, and Rides, that are reported by some. There are about 1500
    posts in reeky as of today.

    Those folks over in reeky are just as arrogent as folks here, in txmoto.
    To me, that's just ''part of It.'' I will call that
    informative critism!

    I just troll along, and respond to some, not all. I respond to what
    interests me. They'll get use to me.
    BJayKana, Mar 11, 2005
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  2. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest kinda ebbs and flows.. There is quite a lot of activity going
    on in the state, right now.. Plus.. I think everyone is doing their preps
    for a lot of riding this spring, summer and fall..
    LOL.. sometimes.. it just seems to work that way.. huh Bjay ?
    "Ebb and Flow" Bjay.. Most newsgroups do that....
    Reeky is unique.. that is.. it consists of Bikers from all over the world..
    Where some are penned by winter weather, others are busy riding with
    interesting ride reports in different climes..
    It takes all kinds to make an interesting newsgroup.. LOL
    Yup.. hang in there .. Bjay.. You are definitely one of the good guys..
    BTW.. enjoyed the visit with you..

    Your Friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Mar 12, 2005
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  3. BJayKana

    BJayKana Guest

    ----bjay in part----wrote
    Those folks over in reeky are just as arrogent as folks here, in txmoto.
    To me, that's just ''part of It.'' I will call that informative critism!------bill walker says---
    It takes all kinds to make an interesting newsgroup.. LOL----bjay again---
    I just troll along, and respond to some, not all. I respond to what
    interests me. They'll get use to me.------bill walker below---
    Yup.. hang in there .. Bjay.. You are definitely one of the good guys..
    BTW.. enjoyed the visit with you..
    Your Friend in Irving
    Bill Walker-------bjay here---
    ---thanks Bill, I was glad to actually meet you. Like I told you that
    evening, it's interesting how we perceive folks, that we only ''type''
    with, in these NG's. One gets an image in ones' mind, of what a poster
    might look like, and rarely meet them to ''actually'' know what they
    ''DO'' look like. (very interesting)I recall reading where folks meet someone online, and travel across the
    country, many miles, to meet em' I've heard of cases where they fall for
    one another,and it turns out to be great. Then, there are the cases of
    real disappointment, and even ''tragedy''.I'm sure that all in here, are not quite like they perceive themselves
    to be, by thier manner of expression. There again, that's ''part of the
    online personalities'' that make up this public forum. When one reads my
    ''typed'' thoughts, it's me, no
    extra stuff thrown in to try to impress anyone, what you read is what
    you get with me. If that's boring to some, so BE IT.Oh yes, I will hang tight, you can count on that (!) I enjoy it very
    much. ---bjay----
    BJayKana, Mar 13, 2005
  4. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    For my own part.. not good circumstances for anyone to get much of an
    impression of me.. Wasn't really one of my better days..
    LOL.. now you can trust me on this one, Bjay.. it's doubtful that either of
    us "fell for each other" .. hmmm.. Now .. actually.. even though I enjoyed
    There hasn't been any doubt about you being the "real article" . Bjay..
    Knowing the area where you are and being related to many of those good
    folks, you turned out to be much, what I'd expect.. With all due respect..
    many who post on usenet, assume a personality and identity that is
    completely opposite of their real personna.. That is a pity..

    Anyway, it was very considerate of you to pay your respects in the manner
    you presented yourself .. It will be remembered and always appreciated..
    Thanks again..

    Your Friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Mar 13, 2005
  5. BJayKana

    Wakko Guest

    I've been in Daytona. Although I took the laptop, I was way too busy to
    post. Sorry.

    Report to follow.
    Wakko, Mar 16, 2005
  6. BJayKana

    BJayKana Guest

    ----- Wed, Mar 16, 2005, 6:50am From: --waco18@comNO!#%^spam!
    ---(Wakko)----wrote) is down to 224 post.
    Where's everybody ?
    I've been in Daytona. Although I took the laptop, I was way too busy to
    post. Sorry.
    Report to follow.
    BJayKana, Mar 16, 2005
  7. BJayKana

    BJayKana Guest

    ‘‘Bjay said earlier’’ is down to 224 post.
    Where's everybody ?I've been in Daytona. Although I took the laptop, I was way too busy to
    post. Sorry.
    Report to follow.
    "Wakko" Waco Glenn   NTXNS TOMKAT‘‘bjay here’’
    --someone came in here and hit ''send'' a while ago, when I went to the
    (just kidding) I pressed send just then and it was a blank, Soooooo,
    here's what I wanted to TYPE.
    TO Wakko, gosh dern it, buddy, say something soon.
    Right B4 ya go to bed in some fancy Daytona Hotel room, look at some
    of the 200 or less post in here, and Post some of your good stuff.....we
    need it......<G>

    PS, glad you are gonna soon give us a report, looking
    BJayKana, Mar 16, 2005
  8. BJayKana

    BJayKana Guest

    Bill, are ya okay?
    Hope yer not under the weather.
    Now ain't that an ''odd'' saying''?
    under the weather.....shoot.
    Guess it's just an old Bowie county saying eh?
    No shit, tho, havent seen much of your contributional typing skills in
    And, also, Brian,JC,Iceman.Atleast ya'll havent posted on some of my
    Just wanna say howdy.......bjay
    BJayKana, Mar 22, 2005
  9. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    Nah... just been meeting myself coming around corners, Bjay.. I've been in
    Austin for the past few days and haven't had much chance to do the newsgroup
    ... thing.. Many thanks for the concern ..
    A big'un.. right back atcha... Regards to you and miz Honey..

    Your Friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Mar 23, 2005
  10. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    Whew.. that's entirely too much work for anyone.. Glad to see you out and
    about, again.. Regards..

    Your Friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Mar 23, 2005
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