Kilroy Quits BBC

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Mike, Jan 16, 2004.

  1. Mike

    Mike Guest

    Mike, Jan 16, 2004
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  2. Mike

    wessie Guest

    Yes he is. But a commercially savvy twat.

    It was the only option. The BBC did not want to sack him because of
    contractual obligations to Kilroy's company which produces a fair chunk of
    the TV shows that the BBC must commission from independents. They have
    reached a compromise where BBC gets the shows it needs and Kilroy makes
    loads of cash.,7493,1124633,00.html
    wessie, Jan 16, 2004
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  3. Mike

    Mike Guest

    I understand all that, but what message does this send out in
    terms of the "free speech" issue? Not a good one imo. :(
    Mike, Jan 16, 2004
  4. Mike

    wessie Guest

    Freedom of speech is what Kilroy had. He made his speech, now he has to
    live with the consequences. Free speech does not mean you have the right
    to speak your mind and expect everyone to nod in agreement.
    wessie, Jan 16, 2004
  5. Mike

    Mike Guest

    So not all that free then, in fact.
    Who said anything about agreeing?
    Mike, Jan 17, 2004
  6. Mike

    gomez Guest

    Moot point. Does he have a case for constructive dismissal against
    the BBC then? Depends on how you define "free". Anytime, anyone says
    contraversial there may be consequences.
    gomez, Jan 17, 2004
  7. Mike

    sweller Guest

    No. The employer does not appear to have acted unreasonably.

    The BBC were following standard employment procedures by suspending him
    following a serious allegation of a breach of their employment code. The
    machinery of investigation and discipline had not been exhausted and no
    punitive action served or detriment had been caused at that time.

    Constructive dismissal cases are usually the hardest to win, from an
    employee's perspective.
    sweller, Jan 17, 2004
  8. Mike

    sweller Guest

    Given that his type trailer trash lynch mob I married my brother show are
    reaching their nadir it was the right time to go. And on a 'popular
    high' allowing him to re-invent himself and make shed loads more dosh.

    I have Kilroy-Silk related request, see other post
    sweller, Jan 17, 2004
  9. Mike

    deadmail Guest

    Which is probably strange because it seems to happen so often.
    deadmail, Jan 17, 2004
  10. Mike

    Robin Clark Guest

    He probably planned it. Just bad enough to
    be embarassing, but not prosecutable.

    The BBC could not break the contract, so they have
    to pay him off.

    Bit like the sex pistols and EMI ! EMI had to break the contact
    and the Pistols got a massive payout ! Made them the "Investors Chronicle"
    " young busines men of the year" in 1977 !
    Robin Clark, Jan 17, 2004
  11. Mike

    wessie Guest

    Cynical me had similar thoughts. I half expect him to announce that he is
    going to try to become an MP again. Just needed to get out of his personal
    obligations to the BBC without affecting those of his company.
    wessie, Jan 17, 2004
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