
Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by redshad, Jul 9, 2007.

  1. redshad

    Brian Walker Guest


    Can you send the plane to pick me up real quick?!?!?
    Brian Walker, Jul 11, 2007
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  2. redshad

    Ed Hart Guest

    Send exact location.We can drop a hook.Can you tollerate "G's"?
    Ed Hart, Jul 11, 2007
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  3. redshad

    Gary Walker Guest

    Based on the replies I've read thus far, sounds like it's
    only me and you!
    Gary Walker, Jul 11, 2007
  4. redshad

    louie Guest

    How about 1 pm, 2 late?

    louie, Jul 11, 2007
  5. redshad

    louie Guest

    How about 1 pm, 2 late?

    louie, Jul 11, 2007
  6. redshad

    louie Guest

    How about 1 pm, 2 late?

    louie, Jul 11, 2007
  7. redshad

    louie Guest


    louie, Jul 11, 2007
  8. redshad

    Ed Hart Guest

    Never noticed till now Louie stutters.
    Ed Hart, Jul 11, 2007
  9. redshad

    redshad Guest

    1 pm sounds good to me.

    redshad, Jul 11, 2007
  10. redshad

    Gary Walker Guest

    I'll be there at 13:00
    Gary Walker, Jul 11, 2007
  11. redshad

    BJayKana Guest

    Gary, last summer, about two weeks after getting the Valk, we rode down
    to Layfayette,La. That was the third weekend in JULY, and that was one
    hot ass ride. It's about ''300'' from here. It was 100* plus all down
    in southern Lousiana.

    We rode with daughter/husband, them on their Harley.

    I was new to the Valkyrie. I didnt know how hot that big F6 engine could
    truly get.

    I complained a coupla times to My SonLaw, when we stopped, here and
    there. and he LOL'd.
    He said ''shit, you think that thang gets hot, you ought'a straddle a
    Harley in slow traffic'' (them being AirCooled and all)

    Later that day I did....and Gary I never complined again, bub. I just
    thought the big V, was h.o.t !

    B. Jay Kana--
    02 Valkyrie Cruiser--
    ( happy trails to you all)
    BJayKana, Jul 11, 2007
  12. redshad

    Gary Walker Guest

    I've never ridden a Harley long enough for it to get hot,
    or at least, not that hot. Additionally, I've never really
    had any complaints on my Valkyrie roasting me.

    I wouldn't think, that at highway speeds, you'd get heated
    uncomfortably. But, I can attest that, around town, with a
    windshield/faring, all the hot air is sucked up to the rider.

    Maybe that's what's heating you up?
    Gary Walker, Jul 12, 2007
  13. redshad

    Jerry Guest

    That big 6 cylinder will roast you at a stop when the radiator fan kicks on.
    Unless you have the radiator pods which divert the heat away.
    Jerry, Jul 12, 2007
  14. redshad

    BJayKana Guest

    GaryWalker says: BJAY---I've never ridden a Harley long enough for it
    to get hot, or at least, not that hot. Additionally, I've never really
    had any complaints on my Valkyrie roasting me.
    -----I wouldn't think, that at highway speeds, you'd get heated
    uncomfortably. But, I can attest that, around town, with a
    windshield/faring, all the hot air is sucked up to the rider.----
    Maybe that's what's heating you up?

    Gary, mine is a Cruiser like yours, I do have a regular WindShield,
    you dont.
    Nah, even riding at Highway speed, on a hot day, I feel the heat,
    petty good bit of heat.

    Gary,If ya ever get out there, Riding hour after hour, I bet you'd
    know what I'm saying.

    Of course it can roast you, riding thru traffic.

    That reminds me, when I was still riding my 750 Shadow, and bought
    the Magna from our Son, & was riding it one day, and ''damn...I'm
    feeling a lotta heat.''
    (The 750 shadow was cool in comparison)

    I called him and mentioned it, and he said, '' PoppaJay, remember
    you are strattled a 4 cylinder, high rpm engine.'' compared to your VT

    He said, thats part of riding a bike with a bigger engine.I feel
    the same riding the Mighty Valk.

    Gary, ours are not ''dressed out'' with Farings and them heat Pod
    thangs', and stuff.<g> I'm use to mine.

    Our SonLaw, when he first got his Big Ole harley, right away told me
    the manual warns about ''parade riding'', because of the chance of over
    heating. (He and I LOL'd) Since, the Harley has been airCooled for 80
    years. And how many Harleys do you see in ''City Parades'' and most of
    the ''Patriot Guard'' likely ride 'em.

    Riding a Harley, the rider sits directly over the ''oil cooler
    tank'' and thats pretty dern hot, but part of riding a HD.

    I am content with riding my VC, I dont worry ‘bout no' heat
    anymore, because I'm stratting a big ass engine, a BossHoss Junior,
    (chuckling into a LOL)

    B. Jay Kana--
    02 Valkyrie Cruiser--
    ( happy trails to you all)
    BJayKana, Jul 12, 2007
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