Keith Schiffner - No records found

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bart Simpson, Jan 12, 2005.

  1. Road Glidin' Don, Jan 17, 2005
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  2. Bart Simpson

    Brian Walker Guest

    oooh the ominous threat!

    I don't think you'd want to come to Texas and start hitting pedestrians. If
    you don't believe me, start a new thread and ask some people here what they
    think about a motorcycle who hits pedestrians because as you say you "had
    absolutely no intention of going into all-out, emergency-stop mode".

    Try again, you jack-off Canuck!
    Brian Walker, Jan 17, 2005
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  3. Bart Simpson

    Brian Walker Guest

    He made up your website?

    Dad, when did you learn to do webpages and upload them to other people's
    servers? Man, I'll bet ole Albert will be happy to know that and will be
    more than happy to put you to work helping him with his webmastering stuff.

    You posted the website!

    Now when people go there, you say that Bill Walker made it up???

    You're a dumbshit, Canuck! You have the title "Lessons To Be Learned" and
    yet when people tell you how you fucked up, you start telling them they made
    it up and aren't considerate toward you?

    Here's the text from the website (just so you won't take it down and say
    "what website"):

    High-speed Collision With Pedestrian Near High Prairie (2002)
    -- Lessons To Be Learned --
    Coming back from Assumption (between Rainbow Lake and High Level), I had an
    accident on the May long weekend that might provide some material others can
    learn from. If not, it's a story, at least. I'm okay, but there is a
    hospitalized woman who - after being hit by my bike - is not so okay.
    Fortunately, they expect her to live. I was not charged.

    I was on the highway, between McLennen and High Prairie, when a woman ran
    completely across the highway and then, from the shoulder (feet still
    between the white line and road edge), began waving both arms at me. That
    caused me to begin slowing somewhat. Not that I intended to stop for her -
    as it initially appeared like a very insistent hitchhiker wanting to get a
    ride. Plus she was off on the side, where pedestrians belong (not in the
    vehicle lane to obstruct me).

    My initial slow-down was basically a cautionary measure - simply because I
    was observing slightly strange behaviour. But, to be truthful, I had
    absolutely no intention of going into all-out, emergency-stop mode; simply
    because some stranger decides she'd like a ride. It's my bike and my choice.
    She's not getting a ride. This should be simple, right?

    Well, if she had stood right in the middle of the lane, from the very
    beginning, things might have turned out different. Then I might have
    attempted to come to a full, emergency stop right away (while I still stood
    a small chance of being able to do so, in the distance allowed).

    It was when I approached closer (still going pretty fast) that she suddenly
    jumped right into the middle of the lane (continuing to wave her arms at
    me) - but now with the obvious intention of completely obstructing my path.
    Perhaps she thought she could force me to stop; something that was, by that
    time, entirely impossible. There's probably also an element of misjudgement
    involved; related to her use of drugs and alcohol.

    Later, while speaking to the occupants of the house she had run from (the
    only house for a mile in either direction), I was told they had phoned the
    RCMP just an hour previous. They wanted the woman - a well-known
    prescription drug junkie and alcoholic - picked up for her own protection,
    as she was threatening to commit suicide. The homeowner also stated she had
    been drinking heavily and taking drugs all day.

    The situation now really dire with her in the middle of my lane, I braked as
    hard as I could (without skidding the tires and loosing control) and briefly
    hoped against hope that she would move out of my way to save herself.

    There was no way to stop in distance given. Having taken off as much speed
    as possible in straight-line travel (a very brief time), I then released
    both brakes to veer to my left - a move that would have caused me to miss
    her, but which she partially foiled by jumping in the my direction - still
    in an attempt to stop me.

    Yes you read that right. When I tried to avoid her, she threw herself right
    into the path of my bike.

    The only thing really helped by my veering action was that I did not give
    her enough time to get all the way in front of me; which would have resulted
    in me hitting her straight on (which would have resulted in a much worse
    mess - quite possibly death - to both of us).

    Instead, my bike - a '98 Road Glide - struck her with a glancing (but very
    hard, nonetheless) type of blow. Her body contacted the right side of the
    frame-mounted fairing, the right rear-view mirror, right highway peg and
    engine guard (bending it back 3" or so). The highway peg was sheared right
    off by the impact.

    Even though she weighed something like 250 and 300 lbs and was tossed/rolled
    a total of 50 to 70 yards by the impact, the bike didn't go down. If my bike
    had a fork-mounted fairing, my attempts to keep the bike under control might
    have had a different outcome.

    It seems this woman was just writing the script (and probably changing her
    mind) as things went along. First there was myself reacting to her and then
    there was her reacting to my choice not to give her a ride. It was fluid;
    with difference choices being best at different times as a chain of events
    rapidly unfolded (which also makes something like this a devil to try to
    explain to someone!)

    Maybe she was first thinking I would stop and pick her up. That next turned
    into a resolve to make me stop (once it appeared to her I wasn't going to
    comply). Then, finally - not successful at that - she resorted to throwing
    herself in front of the bike.

    Why do I write this up? Mainly because this should be a warning to others
    when they see someone acting strangely along the side of the road. I suspect
    that, initially, this lady wanted me to stop and give her a ride. But the
    next actions on her part were just plain crazy (which was a good reason why
    you shouldn't stop to pick up someone acting strange).

    The thing I want to stress is that, if you encounter a person ahead who is
    acting in an odd manner, that person could quickly shift gears into doing
    something very, very irrational .in just a split-second! That's probably the
    main thing to be learned from this incident.

    I am not sure I would have done things too much differently, given a second
    try. I could have begun veering wider a little sooner but, since she wanted
    to move her body into my path, she would have still been able to get in
    front of me. There is some argument for doing it at a time when it does not
    give them a chance to foil you. Remember, this is a case of a
    thinking/planning person - not a deer.

    Still, for the sake of argument, had I veered wide sooner (before hitting
    the brakes), that would have clued her into the fact that I had no intention
    of stopping to pick her up. That then might have prompted her to step into
    the middle of the road a little sooner than she did (to force me to stop) -
    which would then have given me more time to come to a complete stop.

    On the other hand, if a person is simply dead-set on killing themselves.

    Anyway, maybe there's a second thing to take away from this incident. Use
    your motion (veering off, in this case) to make your intention clear at an
    early stage. Then, even if the person ahead is intent on harming you, you
    will at least force them to tip their hand a bit sooner.

    Consider also that this early telegraphing may be somewhat counter to a
    different, general rule. After all, a line of thinking is to keep your cards
    close to your chest when encountering certain situations. You might rather
    that the car ahead, waiting to turn from the side street into your lane, is
    uncertain about whether you see him or not. So you pretend not to see him.
    You do not look directly at him. And you certainly do not give him some head
    nod or other gesture that might be misconstrued as permission to go on his
    part. Uncertainty tends to keep him right where he is - which is where you
    want him to stay, until you're past.
    Brian Walker, Jan 17, 2005
  4. Bart Simpson

    HHH Guest

    You don't see Don posting about the Walkers? It's
    happening. You shouldn't call others "asshole" out
    of your own ignorance.
    You were pretty uptight and angry before you tried
    to get rich in Iraq. Now you're even worse.


    "I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and I really
    don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority."
    -- George W. Bush, March 13, 2002

    "Brutal and sadistic? By what girly-man standards? Compared
    to how Saddam treated his prisoners, a bit of humiliation was
    a walk in the park. AFAIK, No one died or even lost any blood."
    -Albert Nurick, a usenet kook, on the rape, torture and murder
    at bu$h's Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq.

    George W. Bush: "Intelligence gathered by this and other
    governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues
    to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever
    devised." March 17, 2003.

    "I think this is the worst government the US has ever
    had in its more than 200 years of history. It has
    engaged in extraordinarily irresponsible policies not
    only in foreign policy and economics but also in social
    and environmental policy.....This is not normal government
    policy. Now is the time for people to engage in civil
    disobedience. I think it's time to protest - as much as
    possible....What we have here is a form of looting."
    - George A. Akerlof, 2001 Nobel prize laureate economist

    "One of the things we don't want to do is destroy the
    infrastructure in Iraq because in a few days we're going
    to own that country," - Tom Brokaw

    Cost of probing Bill Clinton's sex life: $65 million.
    Cost of probing the Columbia shuttle disaster: $50 million.
    Funds assigned to independent Sept. 11 panel: $3 million.

    "To announce that there must be no criticism of the President,
    or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is
    not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable
    to the American public."
    -- Theodore Roosevelt (1918)

    "You know, when bu$h said that he's against nation building,
    I didn't realize that he meant only the United States"
    -- Al Franken

    Don't let bu$h do to the United States what his very close
    friend and top campaign contributor, Ken Lay, did to Enron...
    HHH, Jan 17, 2005
  5. Bart Simpson

    Calgary Guest

    Never studied physics did you? ROTFLMAO

    Your Friend in Calgary
    Don Binns
    84 - Virago 1000

    You start with a bag full of luck and an empty bag of experience. The trick is to fill the bag of experience before you empty the bag of luck
    Calgary, Jan 17, 2005
  6. Bart Simpson

    Bill Walker Guest

    Nah.. Pickin' apart lying assholes that claim they are some kinda bikers, is
    my specialty.. I'm a "high profile professional" in the field .. When I
    became the self appointed High Sheriff of Reeky, I found a virtual gold mine
    of potential exposures, right here.. ol' Showboat Road Glider juat happened
    to throw himself in front of my sights.. Got himself real good didn't he ??
    trick is to fill the bag of experience before you empty the bag of luck
    Bill Walker, Jan 17, 2005
  7. Bart Simpson

    Wakko Guest

    I would think that the reason is, that he didn't brake. You can bounce off
    obstacles and the bike will right itself. Don't ask me how I know.
    Wakko, Jan 17, 2005
  8. Bart Simpson

    Tony D Guest


    At least Chicago has class, a few years back, they gave their homeless (in
    Feb) a one-way ticket to Honolulu.

    Tony D
    1971 R75/5 boxer
    2004 R1150 Rockster
    Philly Hoodlum©#37
    SENS (less) LFS#38 PHS
    Tony D, Jan 17, 2005
  9. Bart Simpson

    Brian Walker Guest

    And according to him, if he had it all to do over, he wouldn't do anything

    He ran over some woman out there because "it's his ride and his choice".
    Brian Walker, Jan 17, 2005
  10. Er, not to start a cross-border war but, that coming from an American
    is a bit over-the-top. Of course you guys don't have much to report
    on your native population. You friggin' killed almost all of them
    year ago.

    But that's okay, Beemer. You're all the experts down there, I see.
    My being married to a treaty-status native woman from that region
    (northern Alberta) for the past 29 years doesn't mean I have any sense
    about the true situation you all know so much about. After all, as
    Bill reports in his "One for the record" post, he once had a beer with
    3 fat, pointy-toothed native women (who he has often referred to as
    bitches) in Seattle, back when he was young. You go ask him.

    Instead of swerving, I should have been reloading
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    98 FLTRI
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    Road Glidin' Don, Jan 17, 2005
  11. Bart Simpson

    Calgary Guest

    Huh, I must have missed that one. Real class act old Bill is. His
    friends must be so proud.

    Your Friend in Calgary
    Don Binns
    84 - Virago 1000

    You start with a bag full of luck and an empty bag of experience. The trick is to fill the bag of experience before you empty the bag of luck
    Calgary, Jan 17, 2005
  12. Might be true, unfortunately. Prod them just a little and racism
    comes from certain folks down there as easy as sweat does.

    It's interesting to read the stuff from Bill's "One for the record"
    post; making detailed, derogatory comments about native women - all
    the while saying how those things have nothing to do with the subject
    at hand (why say them then?). Any perceptive reader can tell they
    probably *do* have something to do with something: A deep-seated
    disgust for non-white women.

    Instead of swerving, I should have been reloading
    (remove _NO_SPAM_ to reply)

    98 FLTRI
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    Road Glidin' Don, Jan 17, 2005
  13. Well first of all, Wakko, you really should read the account first
    before jumping to conclusions; your remarks show you didn't because my
    own account already says I was not braking at the time of the
    collision, but you'll have to read to understand why.

    Second, even if a bike is maximum-braking, the wheels should not be
    spinning any slower than the forward speed of the bike - as any rider
    should know (skidding your tires is not conducive to good handling in
    the midst of an emergency).

    With that said, you will still have the gyroscopic effect of those
    wheels under you in either case to keep the bike upright. The faster
    your speed, the harder it is to knock the bike over.

    As a side-note, I'll add that was the only collision I've ever had and
    have never downed a bike (dirt bikes excluded).

    Instead of swerving, I should have been reloading
    (remove _NO_SPAM_ to reply)

    98 FLTRI
    83 Nighthawk

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    Road Glidin' Don, Jan 17, 2005
  14. Bart Simpson

    Brian Walker Guest

    We know why. As you said in your write-up "it's my ride and my choice".

    Did her attorney see any part of that write-up when they took action against
    your silly ass?
    Yeah, that's all the stuff I'm thinking of when I have a 300lbs woman in
    front of me trying to get me to stop.
    All this physics crap to simply say "I hit the bitch with malice and fore's my ride and my choice and I had no intentions of making an
    emergency stop for a hitch-hiker".
    With the way you think? I'm thinking you've left a trail of pedestrians in
    your wake up there in Canada. How do I know? Because in Texas we prosecute
    for deliberately hitting pedestrians....whether they're hitch-hikers or not.
    Brian Walker, Jan 17, 2005
  15. Bart Simpson

    Brian Walker Guest

    Damn, when did that happen? I must've been asleep on my day off or
    something! That was really a year ago?

    Because, let's see...I thought it happened like over 100 years ago....back
    before we had things like flight, going to the moon and dot/com going for us
    to take our minds off it. If you folks up there would start contributing to
    something other than being manual labor or beer makers of really shitty
    beer, maybe you too can be distracted from things like running over
    pedestrians and treating your native indians like shit.
    Why is your wife involved (why bring her into it?) and why are you referring
    to her as "treaty-status"? I ask only because I call my wife "my wife"....I
    don't have a treaty to be married to her.
    Gee, I wasn't aware the woman you hit was a native indian/first nation....or
    whatever you folks call them up there. We down here just call them
    "Americans" or "people". I have to know though, did you really know the
    woman was on drugs, drinking, suicidal when you were coming up on her?
    There's a whole lot of analytical crap in your description and I never think
    that much when a woman steps out in front of my bike....I just know to stop
    and tell her to get out of the way.

    I could see you riding through the hill country at night down here'd have to put bumpers on that ragged Harley from all the deer,
    cattle and other livestock you'd be hitting...because it's your ride and
    your choice.

    You really have a "treaty-status" with your wife?

    That's really have to have a treaty to be married to someone and
    yet it's okay to hit pedestrians....what a backwards place you live in.
    Brian Walker, Jan 17, 2005
  16. Bart Simpson

    Brian Walker Guest

    Really? I dunno, I've never needed a treaty to be married.

    But this is classic, change the subject from hitting a pedestrian and
    claiming she's trying to commit suicide to trying to make someone out to be
    a racist.

    Why did you even bring your wife into this? Did she take that treaty and
    whoop your ass until you wanted to take vengence on some poor pedestrian?
    I don't think anyone who knows him will agree with you. I'll let your stupid
    ass figure out what I'm talking about.
    Brian Walker, Jan 17, 2005
  17. Bart Simpson

    Beemer Biker Guest

    Thats pretty good, but I got you beat by a couple of years (32 i think),
    been married since Dec 23, 1973 to the same woman. Been a long time and
    every day seemed like the last one. I dont see how those mormons and
    moslems handle multiple wifes. Got enough problems with just one.

    Just for the record Don, have you been in canada all your life or did you
    glide up there in late 69 or early 70?. Just wondering, not that I got
    anything against our emmigrants that like cold weather and being indoors.
    I think both Bill and I married hispanics and I descended from the Basques
    in spain. Althought I don't speak any spanish, Bill does. I used to put
    down "white" but when they started offering minorities free rides I had my
    kids put down hispanic.
    Beemer Biker, Jan 17, 2005
  18. Bart Simpson

    Beemer Biker Guest

    Think you are off by 400 years. The indians did a really good job of
    getting rid of each other long before the spanish or english colonists
    showed up. On that New Mexico ride last years we stopped in Acuna and were
    treated to an indian history by a clearly partisian indian.
    After blaming the spanish and english for all their problems, he had to
    admit that the indians moved to the top of the mesa to get away from other
    indians long before the spanish showed up.
    Beemer Biker, Jan 17, 2005
  19. Bart Simpson

    Bill Walker Guest

    Well damn. Beemer.. you tell all my "secrets", don't you ? The fact that
    I've been married to my mexican all these years was a confidence that I
    shared with you.. I didn't expect that you'd broadcast it on usenet.. Let
    that be a lesson to me.. Can't even trust your good friends with intimate

    BTW.. I'm counting on you and those two sons of yours to be in Austin next
    week.. We sure need the show of strength to confront all those lobbyists and
    politicians ..Wear your motorcycle gear so that you are recognized as part
    of the group.. Not the little limey lookin' cap, of course.. You wear that
    and someone might mistake you for just another Canadian tourist.. (just a
    joke)... See you there, Beemer..We got a lot of work to do..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jan 17, 2005
  20. by observation, I noticed that ''Road
    Gliding Don'' gullup'ed the bait from the
    Walker Talkers, Now they know how tall he is, and how old he is. Won't
    be long they'll intice him to tell us all, his home addy and tele #.
    pretty good, not bad (!)

    ßjay jøhñ§øñ, Jan 17, 2005
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