Keith Schiffner - No records found

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bart Simpson, Jan 12, 2005.

  1. Bart Simpson

    Brian Walker Guest

    Uh, before you run off thinking "I've got them, I've got them"...those
    "official documents" Markie is talking about was his so-called dues card to
    his clandestine lodge. The only thing it had on it that was readable was his
    name. It didn't even list his so-called lodge he claimed to be a member of.

    When I asked where he was a member of, he wouldn't say. When I'd say things
    only another member would know, he couldn't pick up on it. Hell, my Dad
    mentioned Waco and dumb-ass Mark Johnson didn't even know what he was
    talking about for a couple weeks until someone finally told him.

    No actual member of a Masonic lodge would accept such crap as "proof" of
    someone being a Mason.

    In many ways, it's just like you with this army crap you've been spewing
    Brian Walker, Jan 14, 2005
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  2. Bart Simpson

    Brian Walker Guest

    I remember quite a bit of Marines would be sent to Ft Leonard Wood to do
    their AIT for combat engineers. They would always sit across from us and
    when we'd try and talk to them when we'd see them, they came off as

    I used to think "why don't they man one of these guard posts out here on the
    weekends and then talk arrogance". I never gave a rat's ass what branch
    someone was in, it was all good to me....what's that deal Keifer Sotherland
    said "when we go to fight, you boys always give us a ride". :)
    Brian Walker, Jan 14, 2005
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  3. Bart Simpson

    Brian Walker Guest

    Now, here's the drugs thing. I was wondering how long it would take for that
    No, but I don't get close enough to someone on the highway to hit them or
    let them hit me. Then again, *if* I ever did hit a pedestrian, I'd simply
    say "I hit this fucking stupid bitch who dove in front of my bike while I
    was riding down the highway".

    You're just intent on trying to make her homicidal, drunk, suicidal and now
    a drug addict to make it completely not your fault. If you were being
    flagged down and someone was intent on stopping you, wouldn't it have been
    better to just stop? At least then, you wouldn't have hit the woman and your
    bike wouldn't have been all banged up. I don't have a problem with you
    hitting the woman (although I can't see a drunk suicidal drug induced woman
    being much more than a glorified sloth...but I guess those Canadians can
    take their alcohol and drugs better than the women in Texas can), it's the
    spin you put on it that makes it remarkable.

    And you're right. My daughter doesn't have anything to do with you hitting
    this woman. You would've been better to compare to the hypothermia crap than
    my daughter. There's a big difference between someone trying to ruin someone
    else by claiming they've committed murder/child abuse against their own
    daughter with no other information than she died, and someone who takes what
    another person writes and analyses it to point out errors or corrections. If
    you're too sorry to know the difference, then that's you...not me. I'm not
    involving anyone's families or their deaths in my flame wars with the people
    of I don't have to. That much makes me the better man.

    I'd say you'll be number 3, but you don't add much to the noise and you
    certainly aren't a sniveling anonymous coward.
    Brian Walker, Jan 14, 2005
  4. Bart Simpson

    Brian Walker Guest

    Yeah, I'm purtier too!!! :)

    Seriously, I'm told that I'm the one who is quick to get angry. I guess this
    bunch just hasn't pushed the right buttons yet! :)
    Brian Walker, Jan 14, 2005
  5. Bart Simpson

    Brian Walker Guest

    It would seem you two have some history here....I'll leave you two alone to
    sort it out!
    Brian Walker, Jan 14, 2005
  6. Bart Simpson

    Tony D Guest

    Thats what makes it taste so good:)

    Tony D
    1971 R75/5 boxer
    2004 R1150 Rockster
    Philly Hoodlum©#37
    SENS (less) LFS#38 PHS
    Tony D, Jan 14, 2005
  7. Bart Simpson

    Tony D Guest

    Well **** Brian, in Jersey we knock em down and get point values. For
    instance, if ya hit some drunk fucker who's wearing a hat, if he tumbles
    real good but the hat stays on, you get 10 points. The beauty part of this
    is ya can make up the rules as you go along.
    Tony D, Jan 14, 2005
  8. Bart Simpson

    Brian Walker Guest

    TONY!!! If you didn't actually write it, I wouldn't have believed it!!!

    You folks in Jersey (is that really a place?) and Canada must have a
    different definition of "drunk"!!!

    You see, here in Texas, we know how to get DRUNK!!! If you hit a drunk while
    riding a motorcycle, man, that's like hitting a curb or something. We deduct
    points. A drug induced drunk....we have those folks in a coma ward....not
    out diving in front of motorcycles!!!

    Why do you think Bush wasn't considered a "drunk" until he moved to Texas?

    Besides that, in Texas we can fight in a bar room brawl and never spill our
    beer OR lose our hat! Getting hit by someone who's riding a motorcycle and
    not losing a hat, man that's nothing! We hit with our fists harder than
    that! :)
    Brian Walker, Jan 14, 2005
  9. Bart Simpson

    Tony D Guest

    I'm too good looking for fighting, I just shoot a mofo.

    Tony D
    1971 R75/5 boxer
    2004 R1150 Rockster
    Philly Hoodlum©#37
    SENS (less) LFS#38 PHS
    Tony D, Jan 14, 2005
  10. Bart Simpson

    Bill Walker Guest


    ROTFLMAO Never seen just "swerving and reloadin'..<evil grin> (sheesh ..
    that's fine> Bet there wasn't a lot of that evil grinnin' going on that
    day.. huh?

    Nah.. pussy.. You lost it.. Froze up when some broad got in the way.. that's
    all.. If she'd have been a semi you'd be dead.. But.. if she'd been a semi,
    you'd have already slowed down and not hit 'er..

    Truth is.. you were show boatin' evil grinnin' and posin' for the
    bystanders.. huh ? Been there, done that and most of us have..

    All those "witnesses" that saw it ? How did they "witness" anything if they
    just suddenly appear ? You were "showboatin" "Top of the Food
    Chain"...damned near killed a pedestrian.. Your usenet courtroom acrobatics
    on Reeky impresses some of your compadrs, but falls short.. You never
    mentioned "how much the settlement from the insurance company paid the lady,
    before the case was "dismissed", did it ?"

    Truth is..the dudes you were ridin' with that day never hit one of those
    pedestrians.. You might not have either, if you weren't swervin', dodgnin'
    and playing usenet showboat to impress the folks on the side of the road..
    LMAO...I can imagine that you were doin' a heap of reloadin' .. though.. the
    seat of your pants were probably real full of all that "reloadin" you did..

    Deer and other livestock have been known to "dart" in front of vehicles.. in
    the dark or near dark.. Bright sunny day.. Lot of witnesses.. Sunday
    afternoon...Whoops.. there she was.. hmmm.. Fishy story "Top of the Food
    Chain".. Not likely ..though.. How much was the "settlement" .. sport ?

    Some Bikers might have even laid it down, rather than risk killing someone..
    But.. those would be "real bikers" not some usenet showboatin' wannabe.. In
    20+ years of "serious" motorcyclin', I've laid 'er down four times.. Didn't
    do all the damage that you describe..But.. then.. I wasn't showboatin" for
    the people, even though we've all done that too.. I've been guilty of
    showboatin' myself, dude... what biker hasn't ? That's usually when we get
    in a tight spot and have to lay 'er down.. Clowns like you don't have the
    reactions skills to avoid wiping out.. They just freeze up and hit
    something.. ROTFL..

    Hmmmm.. How much was the cash settlement, dude.. Sheesh.. if it was all her
    fault cause you run over her, why didn't you sue the bitch, at least to pay
    for repairing that mint condition motorcycle ?

    Story don't wash in the "real world" .. speedo.. even when you are doing all
    the "evil grinnin"..

    Bill Walker
    Irving, Tx..
    Bill Walker, Jan 14, 2005
  11. Bart Simpson

    Bill Walker Guest

    Be that as it may.. you leave Albert Nurick alone.. Just in case you have
    missed it.. me and ol' Albert have gotten to be buddies and I don't want all
    you guys pickin' on him.. Albert is my personal rehabilitation project...
    Bill Walker, Jan 14, 2005
  12. Bart Simpson

    Bill Walker Guest

    Yeah.. you are right.. Showboat.. Damned old Walker has been taking
    advantage of a whole slew of you Reeky wannabes for going on two weeks now..
    Instead of gathering up a crew, cross posting another newsgroup to start a
    flame war, though .. This Walker trailed your silly asses back home and
    commeced taking your phony asses on, in your own backyard... Damned old

    I can see that my "job" is almost finished.. When all the whining and
    excuses and crying starts, it's almost time.. Kicking people when they are
    "down" isn't my bag.. Haven't typed one insult about your wife (lovely
    woman, I'm sure) or your family.. Haven't accused you of being a "child
    molester" or "abuser".. hmmm.. Don't do that kind of shit and my son better
    not let me catch him doing it.. And, I don't associate or ride with trash..
    He better not..

    Bill Walker
    Irving, Tx.
    Bill Walker, Jan 14, 2005
  13. Don, look at who you posted to. Does this person come
    across as 'Sane' or 'Sensible'? I guarantee he
    doesn't...granted he usually doesn't froth at the mouth
    quite as bad as that LIAR of a father of his.

    Nefarious Necrologist 42nd Degree
    Some people ride, some just like to show off their butt
    jewelry once in a while.
    Dum vivimus, vivamus
    <:(3 )3~ <:(3 )3~ <:(3 )~ <:(3 )~
    Keith Schiffner, Jan 14, 2005
  14. sign I saw in the NCO club before they let the riff raff
    in...well besides us E5's.

    "If the beer is FREE it's good. No matter how nasty you
    think it is."

    Don't ask what's happened to the NCO clubs on Ft. Hood and
    Ft. Lewis the last 10 years...letting damn spc's etc in.

    Nefarious Necrologist 42nd Degree
    Some people ride, some just like to show off their butt
    jewelry once in a while.
    Dum vivimus, vivamus
    <:(3 )3~ <:(3 )3~ <:(3 )~ <:(3 )~
    Keith Schiffner, Jan 14, 2005
  15. Bart Simpson

    Bill Walker Guest

    LOL.. As an acquaintance recented properly presented by a mutual friend who
    we both know is for real and a legitimate hand on a motorcycle, I have to
    take this opportunity to suggest that your comment is unseemly ..

    After seventy plus years .. I'd suggest that I'm actually a very good
    lookin' dude that's also quite charmin'.. But since I didn't come on reeky
    to win friends and influence people.. I won't suggest anything like that..

    Bill Walker
    Irving, Tx.
    Bill Walker, Jan 14, 2005
  16. Bart Simpson

    Bill Walker Guest

    ROTFL... How does it feel to be OWNED by a Cage Monkey.. Prince Albert ?
    (not you .. Nurick)
    Bill Walker, Jan 14, 2005
  17. "Geeky Rider"

    You forgot LIAR. But that's were trying to be
    gentle. I understand and more that three factual
    things about Bill at a time or he'll pop an artery. So do
    you think he'll ever apologize for all the lies he's said
    about me? Or any of the other lies he's told about others...

    Nefarious Necrologist 42nd Degree
    Some people ride, some just like to show off their butt
    jewelry once in a while.
    Dum vivimus, vivamus
    <:(3 )3~ <:(3 )3~ <:(3 )~ <:(3 )~
    Keith Schiffner, Jan 14, 2005
  18. Bart Simpson

    Andrew Guest

    Don't worry Bill,
    I need Albert to tell me of all the great new restaurants in Houston for
    when I visit.
    Andrew, Jan 14, 2005
  19. Bart Simpson

    Bill Walker Guest

    hehehe... and when you screw up enough guts to come out.. come out... come
    out.. You'll be hollerin' .. again.. that wasn't me using an alias.. hmmm I
    don't know who that was..
    Bill Walker, Jan 14, 2005
  20. Bart Simpson

    Bill Walker Guest

    Probably not... even your little cross posting buddies on reeky are moving
    away from your silly ass.. All these hissy's of yours this past two weeks
    have gotten ridiculous, even to them... hmmm.. When's that reunion in Texas
    that you are gonna be coming to ?
    Bill Walker, Jan 14, 2005
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